Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/44

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A815134 — A815175
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Secret Paris of the 30's. By Brassai, translated from the French by eichard Miller. 1 p. Appl. au: Editions Gailimard- Prev, pub. in France as Le Paris secret des annees 30. © on text; Editions Gailimard; 27Sep76: A81S1314.


The Secret Paris of the 30 's. By Brassai, translated from the French by fiichacd Miller- 1 v. Prev. pub. in France as Le Paris secret des annees 30. a on photos.; Brassai; 27Sep76; A815135.


The Secret Paris of the 30 "s. By Brassai, translated from the French by Bichard Miller. 1 v. Appl. au: Aaodom House, Inc. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd. Prev. pub- in France as Le Paris secret des annees 30. C on English translation; Random House, Inc. S Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 27Sep76; A815136.


Aches and pains: hou the older person can find relief usinq heat, massage, and exercise- By fiobert Bristow, photos, by Guy Powers, drawings by Juan Barberis. 103 p- Appl- au: Random House, Inc. Prev. pub. in Great Britain as Self-help physiotherapy, 1974 s reg. AF-39032- © on illus- G American introd. ; Eandom House, Inc.; 110ct76: A815137.


The Bremen town musicians. The little red hen. The Princess on the pea. 1 v. (Three favorite ta,es)) Add. ti: Ualt Disney Productions presents Three favorite tales. Appl. au: Random House, Inc. 6 Ualt Disney Productions; 23May75; A815138.


Bait Disney Productions presents Goofy minds the house. 1 ff- Appl- au; Random House, Inc. 6 Bait Disney Productions; 26Apr75; A815139.


No« you see it, now you don't! Lessons in sleight of hand. By William Tarr, illustrated by Barry Boss- 224 p- 8 Uilliam Tarr £ Barry goss; 180ct76; A815140-


Walt Disney characters needlepoint book. Embroideries fi needlework instruction by LisbetJi Perrone, photography by Neal Slavin. 95 p- Appl- au: Saadom House, Inc., employer for hire. G Halt Disney Productions; 223ep76; A815141.


Eailroad; trains and train people in American culture. Edited by James Alan acPherson S Miller Billiams. 185 p. Portions prev. pub- in A Field manual for railroad engineers & others. Q on new text, prev. unpub. photos-, compilation & editing; James Alan McPherson S Miller Billiams; 110ct76: A815142.


America's forgotten arciiitecture. By National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, Tony P. Hrenn £ Elizabeth D. Mulloy. 311 p. NB: new text, photos- , editing £ compilation- Si The National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States; 110ct76: A815143.


Bichard Scarry's Busiest people ever- ts p- Richard Scarry; 110ct76; AeiS144-


Optics and information theory. By Francis I- S. Yu. 203 p. 6 John Biley and Sons, Inc. ; 17Nov76; A815ia5.


Architecture, problems, an<i purposes; architectural design as a basic problem- solving process. By John Milliam Bade. 350 p. 8 John Uiley and Sons, Inc.; 4Jan77; A815146-


Judah. By Allan Appel. 285 p. Appl. au: Nordon Publications, Inc. C Nordon Publications, Inc.; 15Dec76; Aei5147.


The Life of wild Bill Hickok. By J. W. Buel. 176 p. Add. ti: The Life and adventures of Bild Bill Hickok. Appl. au: Nordon Publications, Inc. Nordon publications. Inc.; 15Dec76; A815148.


Kyrik and the Lost Queen- By Gardner F- Fox. 175 p. Appl. au; Nordon Publi- cations, Inc. Nordon Publications, Inc.; 15Dec76; A815149.


Body rub. By Hark Andrews. 237 p. Appl. au: Nordon Publications, Inc. e Nordon Publications, Inc.; 15Dec76: A815150.


Nomadic adventures. By Dean S. Bellman. 150 p. e Dean 3. Bollman; 20Dec76; A815151.


Mew life family pak; duplicating masters for parents and children. Grade 3. By Gerard A. Pottebaum, Joanne Lopez-Kepes & Clemence J, Schwartz, illus. by Paul Mauk. 1 V. e Billiam H. sadlier. Inc. ; 23NOV76; A8151S2.


New life family pak; duplicating masters for parents and children- Grade 2- By Gerard A. Pottebaum, Joanne Lopez-Kepes £ Clemence J. Schwartz, illus. by Paul Hauk- 1 V. e Billiam H. Sadlier, Inc. ; 23NOV76; A815153.


The Bisdom of Ben Franklin. Compiled 6 edited by Nelson De Mille. 36 p. Q The Continental Insurance Companies; 23Sep76; A815154.


Joy's games and puzzles for children using metrics. Created for the Procter and Gamble Company by Keyway Books, Inc. . 32 p. Procter and Gamble Company; llAug76; A81515S.


New life family pak; duplicating masters for parents and children. Grade 1- By Gerard A. Pottebaum, Joanne Lopez-Kepes & Clemence J. Schwartz, illus. by Paul Hauk. 1 V. © Billiam H. Sadlier, Inc.; 22NOV76; A815156.


How to be the best camp promotion chairman ever! By Robert M. Ulrich. 7 p. NM: compilation £ new material, e Robert M. Ulrich; 16Jan76; A815157.


American Indian yoga explained. Sheets (4 p.) Appl. au: Stephen Paslow. 9 Stephen Paslow; 1Jan7 7; ASISISB.


Mental Chinese kung-fu training. Sheets (5 p.) Appl. au: Stephen Paslow. a Stephen Paslow; lJan77; A815159.


Study of off-campus education; a report. By Alan E. Blackmer £ Paul Irwin. 99 p- C National Association of Independent Schools; 3Jan77; A815160.


Revised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, January 5, 1977. 1 v. 8 Stationers Price Service Company; 5Jan77; A8 15161.


If the walls could talk. By Lenore Ottens. 1 p- © Lenore Ottens; 3Jan77; A815162.


Unions and the working women's movement. By Karen Nussbaum. 4 p. Appl. au: Midwest Academy. @ Karen Nussbaum £ Midwest Academy; 10Dec76; A815163.


Affirmative action and working women's organizations. By Day creamer. 4 p. Appl. au: Midwest ' Academy . © Day Creamer £ Midwest Academy; 8Dec76; A815164.


Test result form- Form XY500-a. Card- 9 PHI, Inc- ; 23Dec76; A815165.


His love is true- 1 p- Appl- au: Cynthia Golemme. © Cynthia Golemme; 31Dec76; A815166.


Bordemons. Kit. Appl. au: Carolyn Aakjer. 6 Carolyn Aakjer; 22Jul76; A815167.


Chec-Iac. 1 p. Appl. au: Johnnie E. LuJan. e Johnnie E. LuJan; 14Jun75 (in notice: 1976); A815168.


The Construction machinery industry: an economic marketing and financial study. Prepared by Morton Research Corporation, D. Macchio £ Frank Braconi. 123 p. 9 Morton Research Corporation; 29Dec76; A815169.


lom-Hat spring 1977 order card. 9 Tom-Bat; 3Jan77; A815170.


Free bonus gift! Card. © Tom-Wat; 3Jan77; A815171.


Satong (an oriental outdoor game) Folder (4 p.) 6 Mapecon Chicago, Inc.; 3Jan77; A815172.


Morld legal holiday calendar, 1977. Appl. au: OKT/colson. © Emery Air Freight Corporation; 1 Dec76 ; A8 15173.


Proceedings of the 1976 International Conference on Parallel Processing. Editor: Philip H- Enslow, Jr- 328 p- Papers presented on Aug. 24-27, 1976 in Detroit. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc- & The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 30Nov76; A815174.


IEEE conference record of 1976 Industrial and commercial Power Systems Technical Conference. May 10-13, 1976. 160 p. Proceedings held in Los Angeles, California. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; llBay76;



These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.