Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/45

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A815176 — A815218
JAN.-JUN. 1977


conference record of 1976 Biennial Display Conference. 132 p. Papers presented in SeB York, Oct. 12-11, 1976. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 120ct76; A815176.


Eascon *76 record; IEEE Electronics and Aerospace systems Convention. 1 v. Convention held in Bashinqton, DC, Sept. 26-29, 1976. 6 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc.; 26Sep7b; A815177.


aeoory and LSI; 1976 Seniconductor Test SvBposium* digest of papers^ 105 p. 7th annual svuposium held at chorry Hill, NJ, Oct. 19-21, 1976. e The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc.; lmo»76; A815178.


Frontiers in Education conference. 1975; proceedings. Edited by Lawrence P. Srayson £ Joseph H. Biedenbach. 396 p. 6th annual conference held in Tucson, 4Z, Oct. 25-27. 1976; title on cover: Fifth 4nnual Frontiers in Education Conference. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc. 6 American Society for Enqineerinq Education. 6 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc. 6 Aaerican Society for Enqineerinq Education; 250ct76; A815179.


2nd International conference on Software Enqineerinq; proceedinqs, 13-15 Oct. 1976, San Francisco, CA. 639 p. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc.; 130ct76; 4815180.


Trends and applications 1976: computer netyorks; Saithersburq. HD, Nov. 17, 1976. 186 p. e The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc.; 17iIqv76; A815181.


Ultrasonics Synposiun. 1976; procee- dinqs. Editors: J. DeKlerk I, B. McAvoy. 719 p. Held Sept. 29-Oct. 1. 1976 in Annapolis. BD. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc. 6 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers, Inc.; 11Nov76; 4815182.


Served with love: from the Hassachusetts Leinbachs. 63 p. Appl. au: Nancy Y. Leinbach. e Nancy Y. Leinbach; 25Dec76; 4815183.


The Uorldwide art catalogue bulletin: 4D)erican library edition annual index. Vol. 12. 1975-1975. 129 p. Appl. au: fiichard K. Carlton, employer for hire, e Worlduide Books, Inc.; itjan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A81518H.


Little brown bat. By Jernette Landers. illus. by Terry Hampton Hayek. 15 p. vernette Landers; 30No»76; 4815185.


Lucky rolling pin. 5 p. Appl. au: Hilliam B. Allen. O Uilliam E. Allen; 8Dec76; 4815186.

A8151 87.

Computer project kit. Appl. au: Joseph George Gindele £ John Frank Gindele. e ED0-P4C (Publishing) (in notice: EDU-PAC Publishing Company); 3Jan77; A815187.


The Engineered Inspection System, Inc. property report. 1 v. Appl. au: Norman B. Goldstein. The Engineered Inspection System. Inc. £ Norman a. Goldstein; lDec76; A815188.


A Teachers' round table on sex education. By aary Susan Miller, with maior contributions by Patricia Schiller. 132 p. 6 National Association of Independent Schools; 3Jan77; A815I89.


A Teacher's notebook: English 5-9. Vol. 2, Jan. 1977. 75 p. <5 National Association of Independent Schools; 3Jan77; 4815190.


How to use "the story of Hister Pennywise." 6 p. © Practical Sales Training, Inc.; 180ct76; A815191.


The Seal estate story. 8 p. e Practical Sales Training, Inc.; 20Dec76; A815192.


Build an inner kingdom. By David Pierce Beyer. 90 p. © David Pierce Beyer; 23Dec76; A815193.


Job analysis. 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard

O'Brien. Dick O'Brien and Associates,

Inc.; 23Dec7b; 4815191.


Insta Center alphabet. By Lois A. Driggers fi Leilani Barlow. 1 v. 6 Lois A. Driggers £ Lani Barlow; 16Aug76; 4815195.


Insta Center consonants. By Lois A. Driggers 6 Leilani Barlow. 1 v. 6 Lois A. Driggers £ Lani Barlow; itOct76; A815196.


Notes from Laura Ingalls Hilder Memorial Society. Inc. Jol. 1, no. 1. Dec. 1976. Folder. Laura Ingalls wilder Memorial Society, Inc.; 29Dec76; 4815197.


How to use your editing system. Prepared by Dale Allen, Andrew Khinoy. Tom Livingston, John Neighbors £ Olaf E. sauqen, drawings by George Labontey. 21 p. 4dd. ti: How to use your TEXT 2 editing system: Philadelphia inquirer, Philadelphia daily news. Appl. au: Philadelphia Newspapers. Inc. 6 Phi- ladelphia Newspapers, Inc.; 15Nov76; 4815198.


Twilight. By T. Lobsanq Bampa. 203 p. O T. Lobsang Bampa; 214pr75; 4815199.


4 Thought is the bride of what thinking. By Carolyn H. Hejinian. 1 v. (Tuumba, 1) O Lyn Heiinian; 14ug76; 4815200.


Personnel manual for McGraw Industrial Clinic, p. C. and Fulton Industrial Clinic, P.c. 18 p. Add. ti: HcGraw Industrial Clinic, P.C. and Fulton Industrial Clinic, P.C. personnel manual Appl. au: Walker C. McGraw. a Walker C. McGraw; 28Dec76; 48 1520 1.


The sinqinq desert. By Virginia Stead. 101 p. e Virginia Stead; 20Dec76: A8 15202.


Legal argumentation. By Glen E. mils £ Thomas Haney. 269 p. 6 Glen E. Bills; 5Jan77; A81b203.


N to the 1th Power density reference. 71 p. Add. ti: Product density reference. 4ppl. au: Paul Manktelow, James utz £ Bobect Shafer. e N to the 1th Power Ltd., Inc.; 20Dec76; 4815201.


NACDS-Lilly digest, 1976; a survey of chain pharmacy operations for 1975. Editor: Eonald W. Dollens, art editor; Helen W. Bennett. 10 p. Appl. au: Eli Lilly and Company. (5 Eli Lilly and Company; 22Dec76; 4815205.


Uetumka, Weleetka, OK, telephone

directory, January 1977. S Southwestern

Bell Telephone Company; 3Jan77; 4815206.


Alamito, Big Bend National Park, Big Canyon. TX, and others telephone directory, December 1975. Add. ti: Big Bend, TX, December 1976. 6 Big Bend Telephone Company, Inc.; 13Dec76; 4815207.


Cornersville including listings for Lewisburg, TN, December 1976. Tennessee Telephone Company; 15Dec76; 48 15208.


Ferris, 4valon. Bardwell, TX. and others, December 1976. O Continental Telephone company of Texas; 11Dec76: 4815209.


High Desert. C4, and portions of the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, December 1976. 6 Continental Telephone of California; lDec75; A815210.


Eddie. Folder. 4ppl. au : Ernest Hazel Jr., Inc. Hazel; 3Jan77; 4815211.


Encore. Folder (1 p.) Appl. au: Ernest Hazel, Jr., Inc. © Hazel; 3Jan77; Aal5212.


Statement on psychiatric and mental health nursing practice. 30 p. 6 American Nurses' Association; 20Dec76; A815213.


Computers and the mark of the beast- By James Louis Shepard. 36 p. & James Louis Shepard; 26Dec76; A815211.


Embers glowing. By Helen Tate Young, illustrated by Judith A. Mout. 11 p. O Helen Young; 21Dec76; A815215.


Three generations of healing secrets. By Balph H. failor. 291 p. S E. M. Pallor; 31Dec76; 4815216.


Investors Besearch book of charts. 10th ed. 68 p. Appl. au: Edgar T. Wells. Jr. 6 Jean H. Caioudes. e Investors Besearch Company; 3Jan77; 4815217.


How to make the right decision, any decision, every time! By Thomas B. K. Binqe, Jr. 139 p. 6 Thomas B. K. Binge.

Jr.; 21Dec76: A815218.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.