Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/46

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A815219 — A815262
JAN.-JUN. 1977


But I'm ready to qo. By Louise 4ibert. 230 p. a Louise Albert; 20Sep76; 4815219.


The Dream o£ justice. By Ucnriette Kermisch. 93 p. C Henriette Kermisch; 3Jan77: 4815220.


4fter the weddinq. By Philip Yancey. 160 p. a Kord, Inc.; 22Dec76; 4815221.


4 Quiet revolution. By John Perkins. 226 p. e aord. Inc. ; 22Dec76: 4815222.


Humorous skits for younq people; a collection of royalty-free short plays and easy- to- perform comedy sketches. By Bobert Fontaine. 184 p. NB: editorial revisions £ additions. e Stelle R. Fontaine; 29Dec76; 4815223.


Music, medicine and memories: a family history of Edith Lester Harbin and William Pickens Harbin. Compiled by Mary Harbin Gilbert, edited by aary E. Lane. 127 p. 4dQ. ti; A Family history; Edith Lester Harbin, 1876-1960, Hilliam Pickens Harbin. a.D., 1872-19U2; The William Pickens Harbin Family- S Hrs. Barren Gilbert (Mary Harbin Gilbert) ; 15Dec76; 4815224.


yucaipa yalley, California: "a saqa of ordinary people with extra-ordinary dreams." Editor; Horse G. Archer. 440 p. e Horse G. Archer; 23Dec76; 4815225.


Beef cattle science. By H. E. Ensminqer. 5th ed., 1976. 1556 p. 6 The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 28Dec76; A815226.


Essential aspects of career planninq and development. By J. C. 4therton £ 4nthony Humphrey. 2nd ed. 369 p. S The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. ; 3Jan77; 4815227.


Spice for speakers, sports, and squares; effective use of humor, quotes, and anecdotes in speaking, uritinq, and conversation. By Kenneth Hood. 213 p. Q The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 8Dec76: 4815228.


4 Guide for understanding school law. By Thomas J. Pepe. 121 p. © The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. ; 210ec76; 4815229.


Your marriaqe: analysis and reneual- By James B. Hine. 2nd ed. 91 p. IS James B. nine; 21Dec76; A815230.


Dairy science handbook. Vol. 10. Edited by M. E. Ensminqer. 403 p. Papers delivered at The International Stockmen's School, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 10-13, 1977. e Aqriservices Foundation, Inc. ; 1Jan77; 4815231.


Beef cattle science handbook. Vol. 14. Edited by M. E. Ensminqer. 6 13 p. Papers delivered at The International Stockmen's School, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 10-13, 1977. ^ 4qriservices Foundation, Inc. ; 1Jan77; 48 15232.

Edited by H. E. Ensminqer. 262 p. Papers delivered at The International Stockmen's School, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 10-13, 1977. a Aqriservices Foundation, Inc.; Ijan77; 4815233.

48 15234.

Tattercoats; an old English tale. Told by flora Annie Steel, pictures by Diane Capuozzo Goode. 1 v. e on illus. ; Diane Capuozzo Goode; 15NOV76; A815234.


Kentucky evidence law handbook. By aobert G. Lawson. 185 p. 4ppl. au: 4dministrative office of the Courts. S Administrative Office of the courts; 28Dec76: A815235.

A81523 6.

Trig; precision instrument for perfect tee off. Folder. Appl. au; Leiqhton E. Griffiths 6 Charles 4. Griffiths. a Sports Tech Corporation; 31Dec76; 4815236.


Freelandia Institute college cataloq. 63 p. 4dd. ti: Careers for Christ unlimited; tuition free. 4ppl. au: Clark a. Moore. & Freelandia Institute; 2SNOV76; 4815237.


A Little part of me. By poetry students at Landmark School, fall 1976. 27 p. e Landmark School; 21Dec76; 4815238.


El Diablo en Texas; literatura chicana. By Aristeo Brito. 99 p. © Aristeo Brito; 150ct76; A815239.


Poetry and potpourri: varied forms of poetry plus a potpourri of aphorisms. By Alma Cody Deubert. 50 p. S 41ma Cody Deubert; 4Jan77; 4815240.


You are because they were. written £ compiled by Hary Frances Abel for the Paul Severe chapter, Dauqhters of the American Eevolution historical tour, 1976, drawings; Gooden and Associates. 56 p. e Paul Revere Chapter, National Society of Daughters of 4merican Revolution (in notice; Paul Revere Cnapter, Daughters of the American Revolution); 19Sep76; A815241.


Exer-dance. By Dariene L. Blosser= 31 p. Dariene L. Blosser; aNov76; AB15242.


Phi Beta Phi sampler cookbook. 104 p. e Saint Louis Phi Beta Phi Jr. Alumnae; 11Dec76; 4815243.


Current medical diagnosis and treatment, 1977. By Harcus 4. Krupp fi Hilton J. Chattou. 1066 p. 6 Lanqe Medical Publications; 4Jan77; 4815244.

A81524 5.

Book of heritage: an official project of the Norwood Bicentennial Committee, July 4, 1976. Editor: Norma Chimento, assistant editors; Buth Barnes fi Carol Vosslet. 95 p. Add. ti: Book of heritage: Norwood '76. Appl. au; Norwood Bicentennial Committee, © Borough of Norwood, NJ; 4Jui76; 4815245.


Very important events in the lives of Germans from Russia. 7 p. Appl. au: Alex Loos £ John Loos, Jr. © Alex Loos £ John Loos, Jr,; 27Dec76; A815246,

A815247. .

Our island. By Robert D. Richardson. 61 p. NH: editing. © Bobert D. Richardson; 15Dec76; 4815247.


True liberty; all you need to know about it and its alternative, 1 v. 4ppl. au: Robert D- Bichardson. NH; editing. O Bobert D. Richardson; 3Dec76; 4815248.


Drugs and the coach. Editor: Kenneth S. Clarke. Bev, 1977 ed. 70 p. 6 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Eecreation; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1972, 1977) ; A815249.


Golden age radio on cassettesi 1 v. Appl. au; Bex E. Bills. S Rex E. Bills, sole owner 6 d.b.a. Golden Age Radio; 3Jan77: AS 15250.


Bruce Lee's Fighting method; self- defense techniques. By Bruce Lee fi M. Uyehara. 125 p. Linda Lee; 14Dec76; A815251.

A8 15252.

Busch Gardens, The Dark Continent, Tampa. Folder. Appl. au: Gardner Advertising Company. © 4nheuser- Busch, Inc.; 3Jan77; A815252.


Life is movement. By K. H. Nikaido. 14 p. NH; additions. 6 K. M. Nikaido; 3Dec76; A815253.


The People's Philadelpnia cookbook. Produced by Ann Doley 6 others, line drawings; Eliza Drake, 107 p. Appl. au; People's Fund, Inc. © People's Fund, Inc.; 10Dec76; A815254.


Emergency first aid. Card. Appl. au; Randolph S. Porubcan & James P. Ortman. NM: concise abridgment of the latest 6 most relevant methods in first aid. Sport Tech Corporation; 22Dec76; 4815255.


Arents's The Brass nightingale. By George 4rents. 162 p. © Xanadu Communique; 18Dec76; 4815256.


Institute on organized crime; undercover operations. Prepared by Bobert S. Earhart, 19 p. 6 Robert S. Earhart; 150ct76; A815257.


Famous brand tools and hardware, spring 1977; 6,000 top quality items at low direct-to-you prices! Cataloq no. 177. 212 p. Add. ti: Tools and supplies, 9 U, S, General Supply Corporation: 4Jan77; 4815258.


Church Service and Supply Company 1977 cataloq. 1 v, 6 Church Service and Supply Company fi Zulch and Zulch, Inc.; 1NOV76; i815259.


The Use of magnetic force in a skill game. 1 p. Appl, au; Harion Balph Hatch- e Marion Ralph Hatch; 3Jan77; A815260.


Paperback books 1977 cataloq. 96 p. a The Perfection Form Company; 27Dec76 (in notice; 1977); A815261,


Love, and other mixed emotions, 27 p.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.