Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/47

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A815263 — A815302
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A815262 (con.)

Appl.- au; Barbara Barth. Q Barbara Bartb; 25Dec76: A815252.


Higher education contract clause finder: four and two-year colleges and univer- sities. 5th issue. Sheets. MB: compilation* indexing £ coding. Industrial Belations Center, University of Hawaii; UJan77; A815263.


Jacob Schmidt and Son, Inc. lanufacturer of sheet metal and stainless steel equipment for the food and meat industry. 32 p. Appl. au: Jacob Schmidt, Sr. 6 Jacob Schmidt, Jr. NM: updating S revisions. Jacob Schmidt and Son, Inc. ; 15Dec76; A815264.


The Pervasiveness of politics: political definitions of population issues, December, 1976. By Nazli choucri, prepared for the proiecb- on cultural Values and Population Policy of the Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences. Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences; 29Dec76; A815265.


AIES syntax description, December 1976. Technical report TB-U. By llarqaret H. Hamilton & Saydean Zeldin, with appendices 3 £ <t: s. Cushing, appendix 5: U. Heath. 1 v. e Higher Order Software, Inc.; 31Dec76; A815266.


Our world travels and adventures: the experiences of a young black couple. By General U. King. Jr. 141 p. 6 General «. King, Jr.; 4Jan77; sal526/.


Basic math: an individualized text. By Joyce cooper Maxey. 1 v. e Joyce Maxey; 30Dec76; A81 5268.


Benefit Systems, Inc. employee stock ownership plan recordkeeping and consulting. Folder. Appl. au: Bobert W. Smiley. Jr. C Benefit Systems, Inc.; 3Jan77; A815269.

AS 152 70.

Administrative manual. 1 v. Appl. au: Bobert a. Smiley, Jr. O Benefit Systems, Inc.; 3Jan77; A815270.


Counter Top wrestling. Kit. C counter Top Games, Inc.; 2'INov;5; A815271.


PIB magazine advertising analysis, October 1976. Vol. 29. no. 10. Compiled by Leading National Advertisers, Inc. Sheets. Add. ti: Analysis of October 1976 magazine advertising. Appl. au: Publishers Information Bureau, Inc. e Publishers Information Bureau, Inc. ; 15Dec76: A815272.


Cyclic nucleotides and the regulation of cell growth. Edited by aorad A. Abou-Sabe. 295 p. e Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; JlDcc76; A815273.


Quaternary stratigraphy of North America. Edited by u. c. Sahaney. 512 p. O Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss. Inc.; 17Dec76: A81527II.


Coal. Pt. 2: scientific and technical aspects. Edited by aones E. Uauley. 420 p. (Benchmark papers on energy, vol. 4) HM: additions. <$ Dowden. Hutchinson and Boss. Inc.; 17Dec75; A815275.


Hechanics of thrust faults and decollement. Edited by Barry Voight. 471 p. (Benchmark papers in geology, vol. 32) NH: additions. C Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 17Dec76; A815276.


Active ac filters: theory and app- lication. Edited by Lawrence P. Huelsman. 317 p. (Benchmark papers in electrical engineering and computer science, vol. 15) N(l: additions. 6 Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc. : 17Dec76; A315277.


Stereoselective reductions. Edited by aichael P. Doyle £ Charles I. West. 4 19 p. (Benchmark papers in organic chemistry, vol. 6) NH: additions. @ Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 24Dec76; A815278.


The Second law of thermodynamics. Edited by Joseph Kestin. 329 p. (Benchmark papers on energy, vol. 5) Na: additions. O Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 2 4Dec76; A 81 5279.


Yearbook Of Special Education. 1976-77. 2nd ed. 6 18 p. e aarguis uho's Uho, Inc.; 20Aug76; A815280.


Standard Education Almanac. 1974-1975. 7th ed. 640 p. C aarguis Hho's Mho. Inc.; 26Dec74 (in notice: 1975); A81S281.


Uho'E Who In America, 1976-1977. Vol. 1-2. 39th ed. 6 Marquis Hho's Who, Inc.; 25Jun76; A8 15282.

A8 15283.

Big certificate with stepfold brochure mailing package, spring 1977. E1197T £. Kit. G Publishers Clearing House; 4Jan77; 4815283.


Guaranteed and bonded big certificate mailing package, spring 1977. N-B. no. 1, E1196T E. Kit. O Publishers Clearing House; 4Jan77; A815284.


Personalized checkbook on big cer- tificate mailing package, spring 1977. E1204T B. Kit. e Publishers Clearing House; 4Jan77. A815285.


"New look: notification of eligibility" mailing package, spring 1977. E1201I B. Kit. e Publishers Clearing House; 4Jan77; A815286.


How to win more than you thought possible at bingo. By John 0. Uyrick. 3Z p. NM: p. 5-31-32. S John D. Uyrick; 31Dec76; A815287.


Bilingual ABC plus a fundamental reading system for the Spanish language. By JoFifa P. aills, author £ illustrator. Sheets. 6 Josefa P. Mills; 4Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A815288.

A8 15289.

By Lloyd J. Belser. 3 p. 6 Lloyd J. Belser; 3Jan77; A8 15289.

1 estate guide. By aalcolm C. Sherman 47th ed., rev. Nov. 1976. 1 v. Add. ti: Guide letter number 43 with substitute and additional pages for your copy of The aortgage and real estate investment guide- Appl. au: Alan Clarke Sherman, also registered under Alan C. Sherman. C Alan Clarke Sherman; 29»ov76; A815290.


Mortgage and real estate investment guide. 3y Balcolm C. Sherman. 46th ed., rev. June 1976. 1 v. Add. ti: Guide letter number 42 with substitute and additional pages for your copy of The aortgage and real estate investment guide. Appl. au: Alan Clarke Sherman, also registered under Alan C. Sherman. C Alan Clarke Sherman; 21Jun76; A815291.


SEC reguires quarterly reporting by life insurance companies. Accounting series release no. 197. 18 p. (Financial reporting developments, December 1976) e Ernst and Ernst; 29Dec76 ; A8 15292.


Banking, 1976. 1 v. (Ernst and Ernst financial reporting trends) O Ernst and Ernst; 29Dec76; A815293.


Who IS this man and what does he want? Folder. © Spiritual Counterfeits Project. Inc.; 30Dec76; A815294.


Vibrant tranquility. By Joseph B. Pierce. 107 p. (The Harmony of health lecture series) 6 Joseph B. Pierce; 3Jan77; A815295.


The Compendium of multifamily housing. Nov. 1976 suppl.: summary of contents and instructions for filing. Editor: Daniel H. Street. Sheets. Appl. au; National Association of Home Builders. Appl. states no copyright reguested on Government materials. d national Association of Home Builders; 29Dec76; A815296.


Babes brutal battle. Written by Norn D. Guerre, pseud, of Drew Hammon, illustrated by Edward Williams. 128 p. Add. ti: The Standard of Xceilence presents Babes brutal battle. 6 Brand JC Publishing, Ltd.; 10ct76; A815297.


Magnus Craft Baterials, Inc. catalog. No. 97 52 p. Appl. au: Adrian I. Benjamin. NH: additions. Magnus Craft Materials, Inc.; 6Jan77; A8 15298.


Your new kidney: the master chemist. By Thomas Marchioro, Marvin A. Chamberlain, Susan J. DeHoog, Jane Drake, Gwen Kanemori, Louis Provo £ Barbara Tabor. 23 p. Appl. au: University Hospital, employer for hire. O Ouiversity Hospital; 9Dec76; AS 15299.


Computor chiropractic contact reflex analysis and applied tropbology. A chiropractic art researched, developed and taught by a. A. Versendaal. 4th ed., 1976. 63 p. e D. A. Versendaal; 13NOV76; A815300.


Poems. By Harriet Lynn Nowlin. 1 v. O Harriet Lynn Nowlin; 17Dec76; Aai5301.


Daniel Chester French: an American sculptor. By Michael Bichman, postscript

by Paul w. Ivory. 208 p. Appl. au:


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.