Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/49

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A815340 — A815379
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Life and letters of Paul. Unit 6. By 4. wetherell Johnson. 1 ». (Bible Study FeiloBship, series 5, lessons 21-211) NB: revisions £ additions. e 4. Hetherell Johnson; 3011ar73; 4815340.


nattheu. Unit 3. By 4. Betherell Johnson. 1 ?. (Bible Study felloBship. series 1, lessons 9-12) BMi revisions fi additions, e 4. uetherell Johnson: 30No»73; 4815341.


MattbeB. Unit 2. By 4. Wetherell Johnson. 1 ». (Bible Study Fellowship, series 1, lessons S-3) NH; re»isions £ additions. e 4. Uetherell Johnson; 260ct73; 4815342.


Mattheu. Unit 1. By 4. Betherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible Study Fellonship, series 1, lessons 1-4) 'JM; revisions 6 additions. 6 4. Bethert-l Johnson; 28Sep73; 4815343.


Israel and the minor prophets. Unit 8. By 4. Wetherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible study Fellowship, series 4, lessons 29-32) NM: revisions C additions. C 4. Uetherell Johnson: 26Bay72: 4815344.


Israel and the uinor prophets. Unit 5. Bv A. Betherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible study Fellowship, series 4, lessons 17-20) SB: revisions £ additions. O 4. uetherell Johnson: 25Feb72: 4815345.


Israel and the minor prophets. Unit 6. By 4. Uetherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible Study Fellowship, series 4, lessons 21-24) NM: revisions £ additions. 6 4. Betherell Johnson; 31(1ar72; 4815346.


natthew. Unit 4. By 4. Uetherell Johnson. 1 ». (Bible study Fellowship, series 1, lessons 13-16) NH; revisions 6 additions. 6 4. Betherell Johnson; 28Dec73 (in notice: 1964. 1969, 1974); 4815347.

48153 48.

aatthew. Unit 6. By 4. Uetherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible Study Fellowship, series 1, lessons 21-24) BM: revisions £ additions. 6 4. Uetherell Johnson; 22Feb74: 4815348.


aatthew. Unit 5. By 4. Wetherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible Study Fellowship, series 1, lessons 17-20) NB: revisions £ additions. © 4. Uetherell Johnson: 25Jan74: 4815349.

48153 50.

Batthew. Unit 7. By 4. Betherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible Study Fellowship, series 1, lessons 25-28) NB: revisions £ additions, e A. Uetherell Johnson; 29Bar74; A815350.


Batthew. Unit 8. By 4. Betherell Johnson. 1 v. (Bible Study Fellowship, series 1, lessons 29-32) NB: revisions £ additions, e 4. Betherell Johnson; 26Apr74: 4815351.


Scrollworlc chair pair. Kit. (Bernat Sii-Point, no. TO8001) 6 Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 30Dec76: 4815352.

48153 53.

Beverwyck Manor. Historical collections of Florence T. Toapson, Hazel B. Bhish £ Josephine a. Fraser, compiled by J. K. Fraser E Josephine B. Fraser. 28 p. (And yanHee Doodle series) NH: compilation. J. a. Fraser; 15Dec76; 4815353.


Border crossings. 4 collection of twenty poems by Barlene Nesary. 1 v. e Barlene Nesary; 204ug76: 4815354.


fiising tides of splendor. By Bary Jane Barnes. 50 p. Bary Jane Barnes; 130ct76: 4815355.


Look cast of the mountain. By Bary Jane Barnes. 48 p. © Bary Jane Barnes; 10Jun76; A815356.


Economics and the private interest; an introduction to microeconomics. By Hichard T. Gill. 2nd ed. 234 p. Goodyear Publishing company. Inc.; 7Jun76 : 4815357.

48 15358.

Economics and the public interest. By Eichard T. Gill. 3rd ed. 272 p. & Goodyear Publishing Company, Inc.; 6Bay76: 4815358.


Biracles. By George B. Nelson, Sr. 31 p. © George B. Nelson, Sr.; 8Dec76; 4815359.


Virginia Lee's Eat-rite calculator. 4ppl. au: James A. Peters d.b.a. Peter Printer Products. 6 James D. Peters d.b.a. Peter Printer products; 10Dec75; 4815360.


Griao's Basic golf theory: piddle piddle piddle down the middle pitch and putt. 48 p. 4dd. ti: Grimm's Fairway tales- 4ppl. au; John E. Grimm, Jr. ie John E. Grimm. Jr.; 17NOV76; 4815361.

481536 2.

The Free Bethodist Church of North America: the booji of discipline, 1974. 352 p. Add. ti: Book of discipline: Free Bethodist Church, 1974; Free Bethodist discipline, 1974. C The Free Bethodist Publishing House a.k.a. Light and Life Press; 21NOV75; 4815362.


41bania challenges Khrushchev revi- sionism. By Enver Hoiha. 295 p. 4dd. ti: Enver Hozha: 41bania challenges Khrushchev revisionism. 4ppl. au: Jack Shulman. Prev. pub. in Enver Hozha's Uorfcs. v. 19. NB: translation £ compilation. O Gamma Publishing Company solely owned by Jack Shulman; 50ct76 ; 4815363.


Dynamic selling technigues. By John J. Pembroke. 1 v. e ABES, Inc.; 250ct76; 4815364.

481536 5.

The Hero. By Gian-Carlo Benotti. 20 p. 4ppl. au: Philadelphia Opera '76. NB: art, writing, photos. £ reproduction of score. © Philadelphia Opera '76; 21Hay76; 4815365.


Love by the way of the Cross. By Bary Elaine Kyzar aartinez. 32 p. 6 Bary Elaine aartinez; 10Dec76: 4815366.


Nursing home guality assurance program, Jean Carroll 4ssociates, patient/resident care monitoring report. 5 p. 4ppl. au:


Six stories for acting from 4merican and English literature. 4dapted by George p. acCallum. 94 p. NB: introd. , illus. 6 eiercise material. © George P. acCailum; 10NOV76; 4815368.


Not fit for human consumption. By ox, pseud, of U. 4. Pennington. 1 v. C H. A. Pennington (pen name Ox); 20Dec76; 4815369.


Happiness is breathing better. By aarilyn LaEocque, illustrated by Borrie Turner. 44 p. Appl. au; Lung 4ssociation of contra costa/Solano. O on text; Barilyn LaBocgue; 10ct76; A815370.


Happiness is breathing better. By aarilyn LaBocque, illustrated by Borrie Turner. 44 p. Appl. au: Lung Association of Contra Costa/Solano. 8 on illus.; Borrie Turner; 10ct76; 4815371.


Seasons' greetings. 7 p. Appl. au: Debra Linda Turner 6 Phillip Turner. © Debra Linda Turner: 26Nov76; 4815372.


Song of Peteena, a love story told in modern 4merican poetry. By Donald Collin Stokes. 79 p. 4dd. ti: Song of Petenna and her beloved, a love story. © Donald C. Stokes; 10ct76; 4815373.


Sweet's catalog file: products for industrial construction and renovation, 1977. 1 V. 4dd. ti: Sweet's Products for industrial contruction and renovation extension, 1977. O Sweet's Division, acGraw-Hiil Information Systems Company; 21Dec76 (in notice: 1977); 4815374.


Sweet's Catalog file: products for light residential construction, 1977. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Sweet's Products for light residential construction, 1977. Sweet's Division, acGraw-Hill Information Systems Company; 210ec76 (in notice: 1977); 481 j375.


Scientific laboratory instruments, anparatus, supplies, chemicals. Catalog 1.9. 1440 p. liB: updating, revisions £ additions. O E. H. Sargent and company; 14pr61; 4815376.


E. H. Sargent and Company scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus. No. 115. 1136 p. Add. ti: Sargent scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, supplies. NB: updating, revisions fi additions. © E. H. Sargent and Company; 1feb67; 48 15377.


E. H. Sargent and Company scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, chemicals. No. 113. 1312 p. NB: updating, revisions 6 additions. © E. H. Sargent and company; 1Nov64; 4815378.


Economic integration in new communities: an evaluation of factors affecting policies and implementation. fly Helene V. Smookler. 236 p. © The University of North Carolina at chapel Hill (in notice: The University of North Carolina);

190ct76; 4815379.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.