Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/50

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A815380 — A815424
JAN.-JUN. 1977


criminal victimization in eiqht American cities: a descriptive analysis of common theft and assault. By Michael J. Hindelanq. 4 99 p. e Ballinqer Publishing company: 29Sep76; A815380.


Social research in conflict with lau and ethics. Editor: Paul A. Me-jelski. 197 p. e Ballinqer Publishing Company; 190ct76; A8153B1.


Empirical studies of alcoholism. Edited by Gerald Goldstein £ Charles Neurlnqer. 270 p. Ballinqer Publishing Company; 190ct76; A815382.


Child abuse and neglect: the family and the community. Edited by Eay E. Heifer 6 C- Henry Kempe, pref. by Halter F- Uondale. 438 p. 6 Ballinqer Publishinq Company; 190ct76; 4815383.


Community hospitals and primary care. By John H. Bryant, 411en S. Ginsberg, Seth B. Goldsmith, Margaret C. Olendzki £ Nora Piore. 399 p. 6 Ballinger Publishing Company; 190ct76: A815384.


Evaluation of treatment outcomes for 1972-1973 D4EP admission cohort. Edited by Saul B. Sells 6 Dennis Duayna Simpson. 522 p. (Studies of the effectiveness of treatments for drug abuse, vol. 5) Add. ti; The Effectiveness of drug abuse treatment. 6 Ballinqer Publishing company; 190ct76: A815385.


Tai shelter sale- leaseback financing: the economic realities. By Stephen E. Eoulac. 158 p. e Stephen E. Eoulac; 190ct76; A815386.


Urban policymaking and metropolitan dynamics! a comparative geographical analysis. Editor: John S. Adams. 576 p. e Ballinger Publishing Company; 29Sep76; A8153 87.


The Organization and development of a medical group practice. By Center for fiesearch in Ambulatory Health Care 4dininistration. 742 p. e Ballinger Publishinq Company; 190ct76; 4815388.

4 8153 89.

aodel 34554 diqital voltmeter operating and service manual. 1 v. Add. ti; Diqital voltmeter 3455A operating and service manual. Appl. au: Daniel Tice. i9 Hewlett-Packard Company; 17Dec76; A815389.


Historical- pictorial colorinq book and brief history: Corninq-Painted Post area. Text by Thomas P. Dimitroff 6 Lois S. Janes, illus. by Fritz P. Uasser. 16 p. C fritz F. Hasser, Thomas p. Dimitroff 6 Lois S. Janes; 6Dec76; A815390.


Commentary and instructor's manual for telephone techniques for the secretary. By Harry E. Boon. 22 p., transparencies 6 27 slides. © Hilady Publishinq Cor- poration; 16Dec71 (in notice; 1972) ; A8 15391.


Processing incominq and outqoinq mail; manual. By Harry B. Soon. 27 p. 6 34 Elides. e Hilady Publishinq Corporation; 21JU175; A815392.


Commentary and instructor's manual for the employment interview. By Harry E. Boon. 12 p. S 36 slides. 9 ailady Publishing Corporation; 180ct72; 4815393.


Filing procedures; manual. By Harry E. Boon. 20 p. £ 29 slides. 6 ailady Publishing Corporation; 29Sep75; A815394.


The Cosmic reader of the Southwest for young people; a history of the Hispanic Southwest tor young readers. By fiuben Dario Salaz, illus. by Loretta Aragon. 132 p. NH; photos. £ illus. C fiuben Dario salaz; 1Nov76; 4815J95.


If you love me. By Clementine Lenta- 251 p. e Clementine Lenta; 29Nov76; 4815396.

48 15397.

Friendly reminders. Folder. © Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; A815397.


Have you a plan or a problem? Taxes may jeopardize your family's financial future. Folder (7 p.) SB: revisions, e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; A815398.

A81539 9.

Tax Trends; digests of important Federal tax decisions relating to trusts and estates, December 1976. 7 p. 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29No»76; A815399.


Pension and Profit Sharing Planning, December 1976. Folder (5 p. ) 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; A8 15400.


The Estate Analyst, December 1976. Folder. Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 29BOV76; A81540 1.


New Directions in financial planning, December 1976. Folder. 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; A8 15402.


Down To Business. Vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1976. Folder. O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29HOV76; A815403.


The Sew tax law: a lift to most taxpayers, an added weight for others. Here's how it affects you. Folder (4 p.) (Tax Talks) Q Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29NOV76; A815404.


Peoples Bank tax estimator; a guide to estate and inheritance taxes. Folder. NM; revisions. © Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29NOV76; A815405.


Federal and New Jersey tax estimator. Folder. 9 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29NOV76: 4815406.


Honey flatters, December 1976. Folder. © Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; A815407.


Approaching or in retirement? create a financial plan that makes the going easy. 7 p. (Estate and Tax Topics, Dec. 1976) © Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 2911ov76; 4815408.


Becent Decisions affecting wills, trusts and taxation (with estate planning comment), December 1976. 7 p. 9 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Nov76; A815409.


One by one — six by six: an indivi- dualized approach to sight reading. By penny Pursell. Kit. 9 Penny Pursell; 23Aug76; A81b410.


yaC4 Storer camps outdoor education center curriculum guide. Editor £ writer: Gregory T. BcKee, Jr., writer £ illus.: Mary Bennel. 135 p. 4ppl. au: YBC4 Storer Camps. 9 YBC4 Storer Camps; 10ct76: 4815411.


Petrochemicals from coal, October 1976. NO. 418. 153 p. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc. ; 10ct76; A815412.


Coastal Supply Company, Inc. catalog of ref rigeratipn, heating, air conditioning- 177 p. NB: additions E revisions. 9 4shcraft, Inc.; 7Dec76; 4815413.


ACE, 77. 148 p. e Ashcraft, Inc.; 22NOV76; A815414.


Winter stable of gifts. 32 p. e Libertyville Saddle Shop, Inc.; 4Nov76; 4815415.


Betric converter. Folder. Appl. au: John S. Bagner, William 4. schepers £ Charles H. Lund. 9 J- W. 4ssociates, Inc.; 1Dec76; 4815416.


Miles per gallon calculator and log. Folder. Appl. au: John S. Wagner. Prev. reg. A721462. NB: revisions £ additions. © J.W. Associates, Inc.; 9Aug76; A81S417.


Eecipe plus or minus. Folder. Appl. au: John S. Waqner. Prev. reg. 4733015. NB: additions £ revisions. J.W. 4ssociates, Inc.; 9Aug76; 4815418.


Tributes — hall of frame. By Catherine Gardner. 8 p.' © Catherine Gardner; 20Dec76; A815419.


Bond-a-pocket; slot or short cut welt. 2 p. Appl. au: Bola D. Weyrick £ Thora F. Weyrick. O Nola D. Heyrick fi Ihora F. Weyrick; 24Dec76; 4815420.


Bond-a-pocket; flap or wide welt. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Sola D. Weyrick £ Thora F. Weyrick. S Nola D. Weyrick £ Thora F. Weyrick; 22Dec76; 4815421.


Insta-Date; sales letter. 2 p. Appl. au: Wallace L. Cook. 9 Wallace L. Cook; 1Sep76; 4815422.


Mississippi State Bar new Western Mediterranean 4ir-Sea Cruise. Folder. a Intrav a. a.d.o. International Travel Advisors. Inc.; 19Mar76; A3 15423.


The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations western European air-sea cruise. Folder. 9 Intrav a. a.d.o. International Travel

Advisors, Inc.; 19Mar76; 4815424.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.