Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/74

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A816389 — A816430
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Tilted Gonponent optical systeiss. By Richard Alfred Buchrooder. Hiccofilm. O Kichacd Hitced Buchroeder; 15Dcc76: tS16369.


Strain and the choice of conflict solutions of interc]L'oup situations. By fiichard £arl Bradfield. Hiccofilm. Kichacd Earl Bcadfield; lSUec7b; AS16390.


The Coaic craft of Ticso Dc Holina. By Linda Elizabeth Hauqhton. ilicrofilii. <3 Linda Elizabeth Haughtou; 15Dec76i Ae)6391.


The Prodromal phase of alcoholism: evidenco on proposed criteria in one hundred alconolics. By Itarcia Traer Faircbild. Nicrofilo. flarcia Traer Fairchild; ISOecTS; 48 16392.

A 81 63 93.

Bishop Berkeley and the problem of perception. By flacvin Curtis Steriinq- Microfilm. Marvin Curtis Sterling; lSDec76; A816393.


Work in the irregular economy; a study of swapping. By Gary Dean stohlec. Siccofilm. O Gary Dean Stohler; 15Dec76; A8163911.


Un Poeta cercano: Juan De Yepes. By Maria Soledad Nido De Naso. Microfilm. O Maria Soledad Nido De Naso; 1 5Dec76 (in notice; 1975) ; A8I6395.


The Metaphysics, epistemology, and poetry of Thomas Broun (1773-1820) By Alma Clara Bands. Microfilm. O Alma Clara Sands; 15Dec76 (in notice: 197U) ; 4816396.


Education and the patterns of con- sumption: their impact on the demand for highly educated labor. By Constantiuos Chacalambos sifniotis. Microfilm. (3 Constantinos Charalanbos Sifniotis; 15Dec76: 4816397.


An Investigation of oainstreaminq competencies of regular elementary teachers. By Martha Boss Redden. Microfilm. Martha Koss Redden; 15Dec76: 4816398.


The Effects of decisioa-aaking qcoup and individual career counseling on the career maturity of college freshmen. By Susan Elizabeth Sullivan. Microfilm. O Susan Elizabeth Sullivan; 1SDec76; A816399.


Preparation of extension home economists as clothing consultants to physically disabled individuals. By Jacquelyn Orlando yep. Microfilm. o Jacquelyn Orlando Yep; 150ec76; 4816400.


The Synthesis of nev coordination compounds of the Ho2+4 ion. By Edward Hochberq. Microfilm. O Edward Hochberq; 15Dec76; 4816001.

AS 161102.

The Effect of size on cost on credit unions in Kentucky. By Param"jeet K. Dhaliwal. Microfilm. O Paramieet K. Dhaiiwal; 15Dec76: A816402.


Conflict among Chinese elites over modernization values, strategies and educational policies, 1937-1967. By Sichard Kent franklin. Microfilm. O Bichard Kent Franklin; 15Dec76; 481bu0 3.


Copper in mammalian reproduction. By aiklos I'ierre-Guy Salgo. Microfila. C Miklos Pierre-Guy Salgo; 15Doc76; 4816101).


Overiustif ication: effects of initial interest and reward size. By Joan McKenry Newman. Microfilm. Joan McKenry Newman; 15Dec76; 4816105.


The Profession of dentistry as seen through the issue of expanded functions for auxiliary personnel. By Curtis L. Keith. Microfilm. O Curtis L. Keith; I5Dec76; A816106.


The Nature and investigation of police offenses in the New york City Police Department. By John Christian Meyer, Jr- Microfilm. O John christian Meyer, Jr.; 1SDec76; 4816107.


Effects of lactation length and antibiotics on reproductive performance of sows. By James L. Krug. Microfilm, James L. Krug; 15Dec76; 4816108.


The United States and Indonesian independence, 1911-1917; an American response to revolution. By Robert J. Leupold. Microfilm. Robert J. Leupold; 15Dec76; A816109.


Price discrimination by electric utilities and the effect of state regulation on the rate structure. By David S. Chessler. Microfilm. O David S. Chessier; 15Dec7e; 4816110.

481611 1.

Computer-communication network routing: dynamic, minimum spanning time, routing technique. By Herbert Stanley steelman, 3rd. Microfilm. Herbert Stanley steelman, 3rd; 15Dec76: 4816111.


The Structure and function of the renal lymphatic system in experimental hydronephrosis. By Michael Joseph Holmes. Microfilm. aichael Joseph Holmes; 15Dec76: 4816112.


The Russian parish clergy; Vladimir province in the eighteenth century. By Gregory Lee Freeze. Microfilm. Gregory Lee Freeze: 15Dec76; 4816113.


Metropolitan intergovernmental relations; a comparative analysis of councils of governments. By Terry Davis Edgmon. Microfilm. 9 Terry Davis Bdgmon; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1971); 4816111.


Unionizing activity and unionization potential in aired agricultural labor markets in the United states. By Richard Uayne Taylor. Microfilm. C Richard Uayne Taylor; 15Dec7o; 4811115.


The Early writings or Alejo Carpentier (1923-1919) By George K. Green. Microfilm. O Georiie K. Green; 15Dec76; 4816116.


Fluorescent probes of transfer RNA structure And metal binding. By Jack Mikhail Uoltson. aicrofilm. O Jack Mikhail Wolfson; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1971); 4816117.


Family functioning and childhood repetitive accident occurrence. By Elizabeth Moore Plionis. Microfilm. •J Elizabeth Moore Plionis; 15Dec76; 48 161 18.


On the rim of belonging: a handbook for teachers of economically disadvantaged students. By Carol Uurewitz. Microfilm. O Carol Hurewitz; 15Dec76; 4816119.


The 1966-68 banking crisis in Lebanon and the reforms undertaken. By Akram Raja Himadeh. Microfilm. O 4kram Haja Himadeh; 15Dec76; 48 16120.


Community based child advocacy projects: a study in evaluation. By Sheila B. Kamerman. Microfilm. Sheila B. Kamerman; 15Dec76; A816121.


Role orientation toward professional nursing of students completing associate degree, diploma, and baccalaureate nursing education programs. By Vercie Massengill Eller. Microfilm. Vercie Massengill Eller; 15Dec76; 4816122.


Abuse of authority in Chaucer. By Stewart Martin Justman. Microfilm. C Stewart Martin Justman; 15Dec76; 4816123.


Role conceptions of faculty and clinicians in the field of physical therapy. By John Lennox Echternach- Microfilm. John Lennox Echternach; 15Dec76; 4816121.


Japan's security policy and the League of Nations. By Chung Sik Lee. Microfilm. Chung sik Lee; 15Dec76; 4816125.


Error rates in public assistance eliqibiiity determination: multivariate analyses of Pennsylvania data 1969-1973 and their potential utility for admi- nistrative decision making. By Timothy Baker. Microfilm. C Timothy Baker; 15Dec76; 4616126.


A Descriptive study of relationships between black teachers' rationale, and selected demographic curricular and instructional variables in junior or community college black studies courses. By Edward Beasley. Microfilm. O Edward Beasley; 15Dec76; AS 16127.


British convict servant labor in colonial Virginia. By Frederick Hall Schmidt. Microfilm. C Frederick Hall Schmidt; 15Dec76: 4816128.


J Benefit-cost analysis of the North Carolina vocational rehabilitation program for the visually handicapped. By Edward Lee Hester. Microfilm, 8 Edward Lee Hester; 15Dec76; A316129.


Humanism and legal education during the reception of Roman lav in Germany; a case

study. By Robin Jane Cutler Maw.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.