Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/75

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A816011 — A816010
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A816430 (con.)

niccoCila. O Bobin Jane Cutlcc Kav: 15Dec7t: A816H30. A8I6431.

Cooparlsou of a self cooqiuity aodei and a social conqcuity aodel of self coiic<;pt. By Uanoy hay AcQold. nicrofila. O banny Bay Arnold; I50ec76; Aai6431.


The Effects of capobenate of the elect rophysioloqy of the isolated caQine couduction systen. By fiobert Jeffrey Hackee. Hlcrofilm. Sobect Jeffcey Uaikei; l3Ucc76: A816432.


Ilie Hon-elcientacy oatacc of elliptic integrals: inteqcatioo in fibite tecab. By Antonia Bcaune Ka::pec. Hiccoflla. Autooia Bcauue Kaspec; 15uec76; A816433.


A Study of the linquxstic pecforaaiice of eleaentacy school cbxldren in cespoatm to selected eraaples of siaiie aod aetaphoE. Br Jeanne Stettnec Ehaann. niccofxla. Jeanne Stettnec Ehaann; 150ec76i A8161I3V.


Ccowdinq, iotiaacy, and social approval concecns. By Alan Stephen Ixvj. niccofila. O Alan Stephen Le>y; 1S0ec76; Aei6a35.


The Dcaaatic unity of Plato's Theae- tetus. By Bobect Jaaes Anderson. Hicrofila. O Bobect Jaaes Andecson; ISDec76: Aai6«36.


effects of sex of client and sex of counsfiloc on assective bebavioc^ depression, anrxety, and effective social iotecactiOD following assectiveness tcaininq. By Bacbara U. Ueinbaua. fliccofila. Barbara H. yeinbaua; ISDec76; Aei6it37.


On the aotioo of an autoparaaetr ically excited systea. By Kenneth Hero aoraan. Jr. flicrotila. C Kenneth Hero Horaan. Jr.: 15Dec76; A916t38.


Sharpen ioq the SHOcd. By Forest Alan Pickecioq. I v. C Al Pickecioq: 20Auq76: A816II39.


Physical properties of soae silver sulfonaaides. By Eussell Ulaec Uesbitt, Jr. Hicrofila. C SusseU. Ulaec Resbltt. Jr. : 15Dec76; ASI6411O.


Sina1sici-1 pat«xilc: its orthoqcaphy, and date and place of ociqin. By Micholas ozerov. Hicrofila. o Hicholas Ozerov; 1SDec76: A81 64111.


The chanqiaq perceptions of faaily power structure and aanipula ti vc behavior aaonq Tocuba children. By Bichael Olaseboye Olasehindc. Hicrofila. O Hichael Olaseboye Olasehibde: 130ec76; A816442.


The Life and tiaes of Josef aad Bosina Lhevinne: the aiddle years, 1904-1937. By Bobect Kiaball Ballace. Hiccofila. Bobect Kiaball Ballace; 1SDec76: A816443.


Statistical studies of fatique life of hiqhway bridqes. By Kadir Hesut Kusaez. Macrofilm. Kadar Hesut Kusara; 15Dec76; A816444.


A Study of the relationsbip oi science attitudes, selected personal chacac- tecistic;. and situational factocs to science teachinq behavior of pcenerwice eleaentary school teachers. By Peter Alleu iiish. Hiccoflla. O Peter Allen Bish; 1SDec76: A816445.


Studies on the pceoptico-bypothalaaic requlatiou of tSH secretion in noraal, andcoqcn-, and estroqen-stecilized cats. By Scott Caclton Chappei. Hiccofila. O Scott Caclton Cbappel; 1SDec76: A816446.

Status as a aodecatoc of job satis- faction and cole aabiquity: a study of the Aray Benaviocal Science S^'ecialist. By Jesse Joseph Hacris- Hiccofila. O Jesse Joseph Haccis; 1S0ec76; A816447.

AB 1644 8.

Hodality-specific iaaqery in the verbal processes of blind and sighted subjects. By Hichael Austin Haas. Hicrofila. O Hichael Austin Hans; 15Uec76: A816448.


Bconoaic analysis of the utilization of pediatric nurse pcactitiouecs. By Hchact E. Tai.ic. Hiccofila. o Hehaet E. Tabic; 15DCC76; A8I6449.


An Analysis of pre and post conditiotis in live states ceqacdinq the iapact of coaaunity education legislation on selected lactors in coaaunity education pcoqcaas. By Douglas Stephen Van liostcan. Hiccofila. U Douqlas Stephen Van lostran; 1SDec7e; A8164S0.


An Analysis of selected basal reader teacher editions to detecaine the extent of inclusion and explanation of the levels of questioning. fiy Hillie Aon Vaughn. Hicrofila. O Hillie Ann Vaughn; 1S0ec76: A8I6431.


An Investigation of the relationship betveen reading disabilities and oral syntax and the teapocal aspects of that relationship. By Hacsba &os« Dnaas. Hicrofila. C Hacsna £iose Duaas; 15Dec76; A8164S2.


An Investigation of the educational effects of aan: a coucse of study. By aayaond Allison iialters. Hiccofila. Bayaond Allison Baiters; 150ec76; A8164SJ.

AB 16434.

Integration of object location and orientation inforaation in young children's aeaory for tncee-diaensional spatial arcays. By Linda Jaaes Anooshian. Hicrofila. O Linda Jaaes Anooshian; 150ec76 (in notice: 1974); A616434.


Cognitive deficit in students identified by the elevated 2-7-8 code of the BBPI. By Stuart Bactin Scfaulaan. Hiccofila. C Stuart Hartic Scbulaan; 1SDec76; A816455.

A8 16436.

The Concept of coaantic oelancholy in the lyric poetry of Cnacles Millevoye (1782-1816) By Gervais Donald cbesshir. Hicrofila. O Gervais iwnald Chessbir; 1SDec76 (in notice: 1974J; A816436.


The English episcopate and the ccovn, 1437-1430. By John dartin Ceocge. Jc. ficcoliia. John Hartin Geocge, Jc; I3bec76: A8164S7.


The Self-concepts and occupational concepts of eleaentacy school student teachers. By Jeffrey Allen Goldberg. Hiccofila. O Jeffrey Alien Goldberg: 13Dec76: A8t6438.


The Belationsbip betveeu teacher perceptions of aaaagerial styles and the quality of interpersonal relationships between teachecs and supervisory personnel. By Hazel Bucgett Sbecaan. Hiccofila. e Hazel Bucgett Sbecaan; 15l<ec76; A81t4S9.


A Study of aelf-disclosuce prediction and two types of intecviewec aodellng in the counseling interview. By John bavio Sykes, Jc. Hiccofila. c John Uavid Sykes, Jr.; 1S0ec76: A816460.


Illegal en tcepceneucship and social netwocks in cucal Jaaaica. By Claudia Sogers. Hicrofila. O Claudia Boqecs; 13Dec76; A816461.


A Study of the status of voaen counselocs in the Vicginia Coaaunity College SystoB. By Patricia Elizabeth Clifton Bhitc. Hicrofila. O Patricia Elizabeth Clifton bhite; 130ec76: A816462.


Cultural patterns in Uuichol art. By Lynn Scalak. Hicrofila. O Lynn Sedlak; 13Dec76: A816463.


The Bonlocal theories of elasticity for a finite ccystal. By Pacid Sbabid-Voocai. Hiccoflla. O Pacid Shahid-Booca i: 1S0ec76; A616464.


Tne Belationsbip of selected psyc- hological and pecsonality vaciables to aatneaatics achieveaent on the high school level. By Beatrice Johnson Jaaes. Hiccofila. Beatrice Johnson Jaaes; 13bec76: Aei6463.


A Study of Bocale of eleaentacy, junior-high, and high school teachecs in Louisiana public scuools. By Edith Boore Tharpe. biccofila. O Edith Hoore Tbarpe; 130ec76: A8U466.


Ga^- lubricated porous bearings, infinitely-long, short and finite beacinqs. By Ech-fiong uu. Hiccoflla. Ech-Bong Hu; 1SIlcc76; Aai6467.


Bobect Burton and Benaissance satire. By Bcuce Hacfaclane Chapin. nicrofils. C Bcuce Hacfaclane Chapin; 13Dec76; A816463.


The Spatial organization and diffusion of econoaic activities: a study in the tneocy ana aetbodology of regional econoaics with an eapirical focus on the diffusion of business services in the lew Tork/nor tbecn Sew Jersey region. Vol. 1-2. By Peter Jaaes Bearse. Hicrofila. C Petec Jaaes Bearse: 13bec76: Aei6469.


A Structural analysis of the cational-


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