Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/98

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A817356 — A817390
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Secies/1 customer direct program control adapter features description; DPC adapter description. 8 p. Add. ti: IBM series/ 1 customer direct proqraa control adapter features description 'S International Business Machines Corporation, a,a.d. : IBS Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 1fcNo»76; A817356.


IBa series/1 4962 disk storage unit description- 1 v- Add. ti: 4962 disk description- Q International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d: IBM Cor- poration (in notice; International Business Machines Corporationi ; 16Nov76; a817357,


IBM series/ 1 base program preparation facilities user's guide; program number 5719-P61. 1 V. (Program product) Add- ti; Program prep facilities user's guide. © International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 16Nov76; &817353.


STAIRS to ATMS document transfer; program number 5798-CNT, program description/operations manual. 8 p- (Field developed program) © International Business Machines Corporation a- a. di IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 3Jan7? (in notice; 1976); A817359.


Video correction of OCR data; program number 5798-CPE, program description- /operations manual- 53 p- (Field developed program) @ International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d; IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A817360-


IBM series/1 4964 diskette unit description. 1 v. Add- ti: 4964 diskette description. € I Dternational Business Hachines Corporation a-a.d: IBM Cor- poration (An notice: International Business Machines Corporation} ; 16Nov76; A817361-


Concepts admiaistratiou guide; program numbers: hardcopy terminals, 5796-PCK and others. 2nd ed. 55 p. (Installed user program) (System 370/360 system concepts and prograoming, pt. 1) @ International Business Machines Corporation a-a.d: IBM Corporation (in notice: Internatio&al Business Machines Corporation) ; 24Dec76; A8 17362-


IBH series/1 4974 printer description- 1 V- Q International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d; I3H Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines corporation); 16Nov76; A817363.


Student guide and workbook for Statistics and tests and measurements; program number 5796-ALC- 1 v- (Installed user program) © University of Akron; 15Dec76; A8173&4-


IBW 4962 disk storage unit parts catalog and installation instructions. 1 v. Add- ti: 4962 parts catalog- e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 7 Jan 77 (in notice: 1976) ; A817365-


IBM 5230 data collection system master clock sync user's guide; BPQ D07000- 1 v- d International Business Machines Corporation a-a.d: IBM Corporat^ion (in notice; International Business Machines corporation) ; 30Dec76; A817366.


IBM series/1 stand-alone utilities user's guide; program number 5719-SC2. 1 V- © International Business Machines Corporation a. a. d: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation); 16Nov76; A817367.


IBM series/1 4979 display station description. 1 v. Add- ti: 4979 display description. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d; IBM Cor- poration (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 15Nov76; A817368-


IBM series/1 communications features description- 1 v. Add- ti: Com muni- cat ion s descri pt ion. © Intern at ional Business Machines Corporation a.a.d: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 16Nov76; A81736 9-


DOS/VS and OS/VS TOLTEP for VTAM; DOS/VS release 33 and others. 3rd ed. 65 p. (Systems) @ International Business Machines Corporation a-a.d: IBB Cor- poration (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A817370.


IBM series/1 system summary- 1 v, @ International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d: IBM Corporation (in notice ; International Business Machines Corporation) ; 16Nov75; A817371-


IBM. series/1 4982 sensor input/output unit description- 1 v- Add- ti: 4982 sensor I/O description. © International Business Hachines Corporation a-a-d: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 16Nov76; A8 1737 2.


TERHTEXT/format system information manual; program number 5796-PBB. 2nd ed. 49 p. (Installed user program) © International Business Machines Corporation a-a.d: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 15Dec76; A817373.


Operator's library: IBM system/370 model 1 48 oper at ing pr oced ures . 92 p. (Systems) © International Business Machines corporation a-a, d: IBM Cor- poration (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 2lDec76; A817374.


Instructor's guide for Statistics and tests and measurem^its ; program number b796-ALC. 39 p. (Installed user program) University of Akron; 15Dec76; a817375.


Lamparski's Whatever became of? By fiichard Laaparski. 40 9 p. © Richard Lamparski; 110ct76; A8 17376.


Star Trek puzzle manual: puzzles, mazes and trivia to baffle, enlighten and amuse Star Trek fans everywhere. Created by James Razzi- 128 p. Based on the television series created by Gene Roddenberry. © Paramount Pictures Corporation; 110ct76; A817377-


Study guide for Social psychology, second edition. By Daniel Perlman, T- Eduard Hannah, Carl H. Rogers & Laurence S. Wrightsman- 328 p- © Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817378.


Bulletin for students: Advanced Placement examinations. Hay 1977: Advanced Placement Program of the college Entrance Examination Board. Folder. College Entrance Examination Board; 10 Nov 7 6; A817379-


Information for coordinators: Advanced Placement examinations. May 1977 , Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 19 p. © College Entrance Examination Board; 10Hov76; A817380.


Arkansas college-bound seniors, 1975-76; admissions testing program. 15 p. NM; updating. © College Entrance Examination Board; 13Aug76; A817381.

A817 382.

California college-bound seniors, 1975-76: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 15 p- NH: updating. © College Entrance Examination Board; 13Aug76; A817382-


Western college-bound seniors, 1975-76: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 15 p. NH: updating. © College Entrance Examination Board; 13Aug76; A817383.


Vermont college-bound seniors, 1975-76: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 15 p- NH: updating- © College Entrance Examination Board; 13Aug76; A817384-


School guide to the 1976 summary reports: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. 25 p- © Colleqe Entrance Examination Board; 25Aug76; A817385-


Connecticut college-bound seniors, 1975-76: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 15 p. MM: updating- © College Entrance Examination Board; 13Aug76; &817386.


Colorado college-bound seniors, 1975-76: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 15 p- NM: updating. 6 College Entrance Examination Board; 13Aug76; A817387-


South we stern college- bound seniors, 1975-76: Admissions Testing Program of the College Entrance Examination Board- 15 p. NM: updating. © College Entrance Examination Board; 1JAug76; A817388.


Sams modular hi-fi components. Vol. 87. Cat. no. HHF-87- 128 p. NM: compilation & additional text. © Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817389.


Sams Photofact auto radio series. Vol. 232, cat- no- AE-232, Jan- 1977. By the

Howard N. Sams and Company, Inc.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.