Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/99

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A817391 — A817434
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A817390 (con.)

enqiDeecinq staff. 128 p. O HoHard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817390.


Sans Pbotofact auto radio series. Vol. 233, cat. no. AH-233, Jan. 1977. By the Howard U. Sans and company. Inc. enqincennq staff. 128 p. Howard B. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817391.


Sams Pbotofact CB radio series. »ol. 106, cat. no. CB-106, Jan. 1977. By the Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc. enqineerinq staff. 128 p. C Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3 Jan77 ; A817392.


Sams Pbotofact CB radio series. Vol. 107, cat. no. CB-I07, Jan. 1977.. By the Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc. enqineerinq staff. 128 p. O Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817393.


Sams Pbotofact CB radio series. Vol. 108, cat. no. CB-108, Jan. 1977. By the Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.. enqineerinq staff. 128 p. C Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817394.


Servicinq Sony color TV for 1969-1972. B? Stan Prentxss. 304 p. 9 Howard V. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; Aei739S.


Sams Pbotofact tape recorder series. Vol. 185, cat. no. TB-185, Jan. 1977. By the Howard ». Sams and Company, Inc. enqineerinq staff. 128 p. C Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A817396.


Sams modular bi-fi components. Vol. 88, cat. no. HHF-88. 128 p. KB: compilation 5 additional teit. 6 Howard V. Sams and company. Inc.; JJan77; Aei7397.


Counter Facts replacement data service, December 1. 1976. Sheets £ microfiche.

6 Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30Dec76: A817398.


Alleqheny Airlines, Inc. DC-9. Folder. Appl. an: Daniel A. Johnson C H. Beaulleu Altman, Jr. C Interaction Research corporation; 25Auq76; A817399.


Huqhes Airwest DC-9. Folder. Appl. au: Daniel A. Johnson & H. Beaulieu Altaan«  Jr. Interaction Research Corporation; 2SAuq76; A81 7100.


Societe d'enerqie de la Bale James Convair 580. Folder. Appl. au: Daniel A. Johnson e H. Beaulieu Altman, Jr. Interaction Research Corporation; 27Auq76; A817a01.


Hortb Central Airlines Convair 580. Folder. Appl. au: Daniel A. johnson 6 H. Beaulieu Altman, Jr. Interaction Research Corporation; 27Auq76; A817it02.


"He and I«n qreat": physical education for children three throuqh eiqbt. By Susan Dimond Block, photos, by Don Perrelli. 223 p. e Burqess putlishinq Company; I4jan77; A817I103.


Albert, Alexander, Bazine. KS, and others telephone directory, 1977. O The Golden Belt Telephone Association, Inc.; 1Dec76; A817404.


Think about it! Vol. 1, 1976. By Alqer fteqinal Peel. 56 p. O Alger R. Peel; 29Dec76; A817it05.


You are a rainbow! A booklet about you as a symbol of truth and love. By Robert cole. 30 p. Robert cole; 10Jan77; A8171t06.


"The Real acCoy" Bi-centennial price quide. Vol. 2 1/2. By Pamela Coates. 56 p. MH: additions & revisions. C Pamela Coates (Mrs. John) ; 1Hay76; A817U07.


Not without parables: stories of yesterday, today and eternity. By Catherine De Hueck Doherty. 187 p. fi Ave Maria Press; 11Jan77; A817408.


The Family Support Division, San Die90 County, district attorney information service. By Edwin L. Killer, Jr. 16 p. C Edwin L. Miller, Jr.; 1Dec76; A817ita9.


Songs of the Ozark folk, compiled t with text by Leo Rainey. 2nd ed. 80 p. e Leo Rainey, Giaf Pinkston £ Orilla Pinkston; 21Auq76; A8171110.


The Glory of His lite. By liatchman Nee, translator: Stephen Kaung. 117 p. NM: translation. e Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc.; 17Dec76; A817i)11.


Discipled to Christ, as seen in the life of Simoa Peter. By Stephen Kaunq. 88 p. O Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc.; 20Dec76; A8 17112.


Walk into historic Colorado. By David FriUtiof Halaas, illus. by Clay Schulz. 22 p. & The Fairmount Cemetery Asso- ciation; 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A817I413.


The Book of 60 hand- lettered alphabets. By J. I. Biegeleisen. 127 p. Siqns of the Times Publishing company; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A817«ia.


Roberts hydro- thero- pad; the oriqinal moist head pad instructions. 9 p. 3 Roberts Manufacturing Company, Inc. ; 17Dec76; A8171I15.


Instant transposition calculator for all instruments. Created by Melvyn T. Reiter 6 Albert De vito. KB: compilation, translation, additions, abridgment £ revision, e Kenyon Publications: 5Jan77; A817416.


Mike Parker's Do-book for selling your home. By Millard Michael Parker. 11 p. Add. ti: Hi, neiqhbor, here is Mike Parker's Do-book for selling your home. C The Pilot House; 3Jan77; A817i*17.


In the beginning "Haifield Parrish." Compiled by Virginia Hunt Reed. 25 p. C Virginia Hunt Reed; 30Sep76; A817»18.


The Health care labor manual supplement, September/October 1976. Sheets. Appl. au: Martin £. skoler. Inc. C Aspen Systems Corporation; "iOct76; Ab17it19.


The Valentines, Virginia community. By uilliam R. Bright. 87 p. e William R. Bright; 20Dec76; A817H20.


Atco, Ashton, Chaliis, ID, telephone directory, December 1976. Add. ti: Idaho Falls, Arco, ID, telephone directory, 1976. e The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company; 5Nov76; i617'421.


Greater Kansas City, MO, yellow pages, January 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Jan77; A817422.


Here it is! "Mystique": the watch for 1977! 1 p. Appl. au: Milton Feinberg. C Lucerne Enterprises, Inc.; 11Jan77; A817123.


Factors influencing high school Latino students* aspirations to go to college: the urban Midwest. By Carlos Julio Ovando. 124 p. O Carlos Julio Ovando; 1Jan77; AS 17424.


Grandmother Bandell's Rainbow book of poems. Britten by Anna Bandell, illustrated by Bonnie Berggren. 76 p. O Bonnie Berggren £ Anna Bandell; 2Jan77; A817425.


Woro processing and telecommunications systems. By Clyde Austin Carter, Andrew Loeffert McCaskey, Jr. £ John Edward Potenza. 263 p. 8 John E. Potenza, Andrew L. McCaskey, Jr. £ Clyde A. Carter; 28JU176; A817426.


Lord, teach us to pray. By Francis B. Grubbs. 102 p. « Francis B. Grubbs; 250ct76; A817427.


5 year/50,000 mile Dealer Protection Plan; your freedom against costly mechanical breakdown. 1 v. in folder. Appl. au: Robert G. McCarter. S Griffin Management Company; 1Jan77; A817428.


Mrs. Clark's "Sweet'N Low" mil recipes. 32 p. Appl. au: Violet Clark. C Bernard Food Industries, Inc.; 20Dec76; A817429.


The Complete food handbook. By Rodger P. Doyle £ James L. Bedding. 308 p. Rodger P. Doyle £ James L. Redding; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A817430.


Jesus, Jesus! By Red I. Arobateau. 1 V. e Bed I. Arobateau; 30Dec76; A817431.


An Evaluation of the New International Version. By Foy E. Ballace, Jr. 116 p. A suppl. to A review of the New Versions, e Foy E. Ballace, Jr. Publications; 1Dec76; A817432.


Metrics: the "why" and "what" for. By Lorraine Tripoli Mustachi. 1 v. o Lorraine Tripoli Mustachi; 20Dec76; A817433.


Happy anniversary. Editor: Maryjane Hooper Tonn £ other editors. 1 v. NM: compilation, additional text £ pictorial matter. C Ideals Publishing Corporation;

4Jan77; AS 17434.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.