Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/34

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43 11:... IIMA S.A.M.A.I BRAHMA SAMAJ (rontinued). the Brahma Samāj, for the congregation and family. Translated into English [from the Bengali Brahmopāsanā-pranāli ] pp.8. Allahabad, [1890] So. 14123, d. 15.03.) The Report of the East Bengal Brahmo somaj for 1883-84 (1884-85). Răstireil 3, iসমাজের ১২৯০ (৯১) সনের বার্ষিক কাৰ্য্যবিবরণ । ঢাকা : = >>->= [Dacca, 1884-85.] 8°. 14123, d. 16. BRAHMA-SAMHITA. &of=El (Brahma-samhitā. A Sanskrit work on Yoga, accompanied by a Bengali translation.] See PRASANNARUMARA Order of Service in - BHATTāchārya. c Torf7f8 | [Yogānbudhi.] [1896.] 32°. 14048. a. 19. The fort is said to be in 100 adhyāyas, of which this work contains only 5. BRIHASPATI. hitā. A code of dharma, in 80 Sanskrit stanzas. With Bengali translation.] See PASchäNANA TARKARATNA BHATTÃchÃrya. Gafskaffs Hefs El i [Unavimsati samhitä.] pp. 335-339. [1903.] 8°. 14039. с. 20. BRITISH INDIAN ASS00IATION. [A circular to the members of the Association occasioned by a letter of Gurucharana Dasa on the suppression of dacoity. Signed by the Secretary, Raja Isvarachandra Simha.] Eng, and Bong. [Calcutta, 1860. 4". 14003. е. 2 (7.) ভারতবর্ষীয় সভা । ষন্মাসিক বিবরণ । Tেhe proceedings of the half-yearly meeting of the British Indian Association, held on the 19th July, 1865, under the presidentship of Ramānātha Thakura.] pp. 27. 4.fest, zi - v-s? [Calcutta, 1835.] 8°. 14125, ee. 23.(1.) BROJENDRA LALL BHATTACHARJEE. Јеховац ALA Bнлтгасилкха. 5. в V кд BROWN (CHARLos Puillo). 134kyállali, or Idiomatical exercises, English and longali; with dialogues . . . specimens of legal documents, letters, etc. Revised and improved by Gopee Kion Mitter বাক্য বলা । pp. 267. Calcutta, | -77. 12°. 14131. s. 14. ВUDDНА (Ir, 1. 8. – Климол, 1 гат. coquরংিক । |Bauddha-ranjika. (1890.] 12°. 14123, k, 2. zS*fí Szi*f* Ei i [Brihaspati-sam- —CALCUTTA 44 BUDDHA (continued. [Life.] See KrishNAkumäRA MITRA. 3 a 7 bf{\s etc. IBuddhadeva-charita. L1900.] 12°. 14127. аа. 12. See KristișAPADAVIDYĀRATNA. --> HTBasi [Ekasringa nätaka.] A drama on the previous life of Buddha. 1897. 12°. 14131. а. 40.(5.) [ Life.] See NavīNacH ANDRA SENA. SfN EI = | [Amitābha.] [1895.] 12°. 14123. k. 3. [1ire.] See РклматнАхатнА КАха Сндс csňālē 1 [Gaurãiiga.] [1903.] 8°. 14123. k. 8. [Life and teachings.] See RAMADAs A SENA. Buddhadeva. [1891.) 12°. 14127. a. 41. DHURī. BULLORAM PAUL. See BALARĀMA PĀLA. BUNYAN (Johx). TfHčFA sffS [Yätriker gati. . The Pilgrim’s Progress from this world to that which is to come. [Translated into Bengali.] pp. x. 452. Calcutta, 1854, 8°. 14123. a. 41. BURHAN al-DIN AHMAD, Maulavi. xiss origitf*f*FI ] [Sahaj Pārsī-şik shā. The elements of Persian grammar.] pp. 27. Ffāzē Ei » se a [Calcutta, 1901.] 8°. 14131. е 32. BYRON (George Gornon Noel), Jaron Byron. See HemachAxdra Mitra, I;.I.. :fries I INurnsimha. A metrical adaptation of Byron's ‘Manfred." [1888.] 12°. 14129. bb. 13.(1) CALCUTTA.— irya Sihitya Samiti. See Bible.— Matthন স্বসমাচার। সাধু মাখু । [The Gospel according to St. Matthew, translated, with notes, by the Arya Sāhitya Saniti of Calcutta.] [1895.] 8°. 14123. b. 18. Sablaî. বৌদ্ধ ধস্থ স্কর সভার কার্য্যবিবরণী । [Proceedings of the తొ Jła uł, lha Dharmii kurat tenth annual meeting of the Bauddha Dharmiń kura Sabhā.] [Calcutta, 1902.] 12°. 14123. k. 4.(3.) Specimens of Ex pp. ii. 4ti. Iłoard of Eraminers. amination Papers in Oriental languages with manuscripts in facsimile, set by the Board of Examiners, Fort William, 1905-06, etc. Calcutto, 1906, etc. 8o. 14117, blb. 13. In progress. The specimens of manuscripts are lithoரா. 1.