Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/35

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45 ("ΑΙ.("ΙΤΤΑ CALCUTTA (continued). Sivitri Library. সাবিত্ৰী । [Săvitri. A collection of papers on various social topics which were read at the Calcutta Savitri Library, during a course of six years..] pp. iii. 200. কলিকাতা ১২৯৩ [Calcutta, I886.] 8°. 14125, ee. 21. University. Subjects of Examination in the Bengali language appointed by the Syndicate of the Calcutta University for the Entrance Examination of 1900. Edited by Sris Chandra Chaudhuri. Calcutta, 1898. 8°. 14131, d. 38. CAREY (WILLIAM), D.D. See BIBLE. ধৰ্ম্মপুস্তক The Holy Bible trans[1801-09.] 8°. 1410. i. 1-5. pp. ii. 139. etc. Dharmapustaka. lated by W. Carey.] The Holy Bible, translated . . . by [W. Carey and the Serampore Missionaries. 1832. 8°. 3070, d. 24. A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language. Vol. I. Abridged from Dr. Carey's quarto Dictionary. Revised and edited by Brojendra Nath Ghosal. Eleventh pp. 637. Calcutta, 1890. 8°. 12907. cc. 31. Bengalee and English. edition. A Dictionary of the Bengali Language. Vol. I. Bengali and English . . . Revised and edited by Rasamay Mitra ... and Brojendra Nath Ghosal. Twelfth edition. pp. 648. Calcutta, 1902. 8°. 14133, b. 19. CATAL06UES. List of Bengali and Sanskrit books, pamphlets, etc., published at native presses in Calcutta, in 1865. pp. 16. [Calcutta, 1865?] 8°. 14131. d. 18. CATECHISMS. প্রশ্নোত্তরমালা অর্থাৎ কাটিকিজম্ etc. [Prasnottaramälä. A Catechism for the use of Roman Catholics in the diocese of Dacca.] pp. 42. IDacca, 1907. 12°. 14123. a. 46. CHAITANYA. [Life.] See JAGAnjsvaRA GUPTA. চৈতন্যলীলামৃত I [Chaitanya - lilâmpita.] [1890.] 8°. 14127, b. 44. [Life.] See JAYANANDA. & Bowā Chaitanya-mañgala.] [1900, etc.) 8o. 14133,f,2, –CJIA ITANYA 41; CHAITANYA (continued). [Life.] See Kavikal's APURA. শ্রীচৈতন্যচরিতামৃত মহাকাব্যং (Chaitanyacharitāmrita.] [1885-92.] 8°. 14058. b. 28. [Life.] See Loch ANADAsa THAkura. 3চৈতন্যমঙ্গল । [Chaitanya-mangala.] [1902.] 8°. 14123. i. 13. [Life.] See Navis AchANDRA MUKHoPADH y AYA. E2zá oca it7 etc. Apürva Nader Chand.] [1887.] 12°. 14127. a. 33 (1.) [Life and doctrines.] See PRASANNARUMARA VIDYARATNA. শ্ৰীগৌরাঙ্গ-তত্ত্ব সহ শ্ৰীগৌরাঙ্গ-চরিত। [Gauráñgatattva, and Gaurangacharita..] [1899.] 8°. 14127. bb. 13. [Jife.] See Purushot TAMA MisrA, called PREMADAsA. শ্রীচৈতন্যচন্দ্রোদয় নাটক । [Chaitanyachandrodaya nātaka.] [1886.] 8°. 14123. i. 9. — See Rxmaprasansa Gnosaa. £i£tsìa BCETTTT | [Gaura-chandrodaya. An anthological work on Chaitanya and his religious teachings.] [1901.] 8°. 14123, ff. 5. — [Life.] See Sisirakumâra Ghosha. 3rofitf*(*wiè Bfä E l [Amiya-Nimäi-charita.] [1904, etc.] 12°. 14127. aa. 31. Das CaitanyacariEine altbengal See StursbERG (O.). tāmrta des Krsņadāsa Kavirāja. ische Lebensgeschichte Caitanyas. InauguralDissertation . . . von Otto Stursberg. [1907] 8°. 14123. ff. 17. [Life.] See SyĀMALĀLA GosvĀMī. Ē Ēzoñā*3773 etc. [Gaura-sundara.] [1907.] 8°. 14127, bb. 26. [Life.] See UPENDRAKUMARA GHosha. 3tRERJ-tfa = | [Chaitanya-charita.] [1895.] 12°. 14127. aa. 3.(4.) — [Life.] See WRINDAvANA Dasa. ক্রীশ্রীচৈতন্য <=;«Iz-3 I [Chaitanya-bhâgavata.] [1886.] 8°. 14123. i. 10. Śāozasofare [Chaitanya-charita. An anonymous life of Chaitanya. Fourth edition.] pp. 108. কলিকাতা ১৩১৪ [Calcutta, 1907.] 12”. 14127. aa. 39.