Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 15.djvu/868

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Seleucia Trachaea, 6S9e, Jor Seleucia merely read Seleucus merely

Seminary, Ecclesiastical, 701, in tabulated list, in- scrl Denver, St. Thomas's Seminary, Denver, Vin- centians, T, Students, 20; St. Paul, The St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, diocesan priests, T, Students, 175; after St. Meinrad's Ecclesiastical Seminary omit Polish; after St. Vincent's Seminary omit Seton Hall; after Immaculate Conception Theo- logical Seminary add (Seton Hall)

Sens, Archdiocese of, 720a, for La Pierre read Picrrp

Septuagesima, 721d, for Amularius read Amalarius

Servia, 733b, for Nemanyich read Nemanja; 733c, for Schrida read Ochrida; 735c, for pence read francs

Servites, Order op, 737c, for Patick read Patrick

Seton, Elizabeth Anne, 740c, for Bruti read Brute

Seven Brothers, 741c, for Symphrosa read Sym- phorosa

Seven Virgins of Ancyra, Saint, 742a, for Saint read Saint.s; for Theodatus read Theodotus

Severus Sanctus Endelchus, 743c, for Endelchus recui Endelohius

Seville, University of, 746b, for Santaello read Santaella

Shammai, 751d, for ha-Zekan read ha-Zaqen

Sherwood, William, 757d, for April read 26 March

Shire, Vicariate Apostolic of, 759a, for The white . . . blacks read The white population is 766, the Asiatic 481, the natives 969,183 (Blue Book, 1911); for thirteen read fourteen; for five read six; for Society read Missionaries of the Company; 759b, for December, 1910 read December, 1909; for 4 missionary stations and 2 convents read 5 mis- sionary stations and 3 convents; for 12 mission- aries, 9 nuns read 15 missionaries, 11 nuns;/o/- 325 read 400; for 11,606 read 12,000; for £5173 read £5195; for Angouis read Angonis

Shuswap Indians, 764d, for of his own invention read the Duploy

Sibbel, Joseph, 767b, for Tagawitha read Tega- kwitha

Sidon, 778b, for Eustachiua read Eusthathius

Siena, Archdiocese of, 780b, for coimtry read countship

Sigiienza, University op, 789a, for Julie read Julio

Silesia, 790c, after Poles add by the census of 1910 the population was 5,225,962 (2,962,783 Catholics; 2,199,114 Evangelicals; 44,985 Jews)

Simeon, 794c, omit See Simeon, Tribe op

Simeon Stylites the Younger, 796a, for Troparis read Troparia; for Hegca read Hegea

Simonians, 797a, for xxiii read xxxiii; 797b, for Meander read RIenander

Simon Magus, 798b, for knelt in prayer and which are said to contain read are said to have knelt in in prayer and to have left


Sin, 11a, for affected read effected

Slnope, 14b, for supremacy read era

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, 2Sd, for Machebreuf ri:nd Machebeuf

Smith, Richard, 59c, for in Worcestershire read at Ratlimacknee, Co. Wexford. At the age of four- teen he went to England (HoUnshod)

Smith, Thomas Kilby, 60a, /or Maine read Mobile

Society, 78b, for Dritto read Diritto

Society of Jesus, 84c, /or ant ecendent read antecedent; 86b, for Chinese Rites read China; Ricci, Mat- teo; S6d, for GuiUo read GiuUo; S7b, for Melchoir read Melchior; 88b, before Malagrida omit Vieria, Antonio; 92a, omit Blackewll; 100b, after Jan., 1829 omit (q. v.) ; lOld, after Catholic Emancipation omit (q. V.)

Socrates, 119b, for Talladius read Palladius

Sodoma, 129b, for Giacono read Giacomo

Soissons, Diocese of, 132a, for Austruda read Ans- truda

Soli, 134d, for Barnabus read Barnabas

Spain, 180a, for region read reign; for Alfonso I read Alfonso II; 196b, /or will give read gives; 196d, /or Debata read Disputa; 197b, for provenience read origin; for down the course read the course; 197c, for lubricous read lubricious; for fableaux read fab- haux; 200d, for Masden read Masdeu; 201c, for Drapper read Draoer; 203a, for Herndn read Herman; 204b, /or Ollentay read OUanta; 204c, /or Canargo read Camargo ; 205a, after sobre omit comma

Sparta, 209d, for Lacedaemon read Lacedemon; 210b, for inississc rend inisisse

Spiritual Exercises, 227c, for semstipsum read seme- ti]>suin; ■J2sh, for charlantanry read charlatanry

Spirituals, 2:ila, for Ca-ssale read Casalc; 231b, for Heroa'us Nalabis read Herva;us Natali.s; for four- teenth centuries read fourteenth century; 231d, /or Province of Spirituals read Spirituals of Provence; for Ganfredi read Gaufrcdi

Spoleto, 233d, for Piero read Pirro; for Ferni read Terni; 235b, for Alcum rend Alcuni / Spondamus, 235c, for Tornielle read Tomiellj

Stalls, illustrations facing 242, exchange captions under right-hand column

States of the Church, 257d, for Chiese read Chiesa; 262d, for John V read John XV; 264a, before Genoa omit CEcumenical; 265d,/or d'Azeglo read d'Azeglio

Spalato-Macarsca, Diocese of, 207d, for first shed rend were'the first to shed

Steinle, Edward von, 285d, for Great Penitentiary rend Grand Penitentiarv

Stockholm, 297b, for 341,986 read 343,832

Stones, Precious, in Bible, 307d, for Ligurus read Ligurius

Strasburg, Diocese op, 313d, for Hausberger read Hausbergen; 314a, for Hamburg read Habsburg; 314d, /or he established a CathoUc theological faculty read a Catholic theological faculty was established

Strasburg, Gottfried of, 315b, for Strassburg read Strasburg

Stuart, Heney Benedict, 316c, /or b. ... 11 March read b. . . . 6 March

Suicide, 328b, for massenerschcinung read massener- shcinung

Sulpicians in the United States, 332b, after David (1819-41) omit and Chabrat (1834— 47);/or as coad- jutors read as coadjutor

Surplice, 344b, for to the read in the

Swan, Order of the, 347a, /or 1881 read 1880

Sweden, 347c, for 68 read 69;/or SuKteluma read Suli- tiilmma; 34Sc,/or 630 read 830; for Ynge read Inge; 350c, for Olavas read Olavus; /or gudotjensten und read gudstjensten 6ch; 350d, for Wetter read Wet- tern; 351b, for hiirrads read harads; 351c, for Gea- tiren read Gestilren; 353c, for Uckert read Ukert; 355b, for Etymologist read Elymologikt

Swetchine, 357a, before nine oviil to; for Bonals read Bonald; for Cortocs read Cortes; 357b, /or Bertin rend Hkrtrim

Swinomish Indians, 357d, after Agency omit For . . . Tulalip Indians

Sydney, 365c, after bishop omit in ISSS and; before rebuilt !7!spr< partly; /or consecrated rcnrf opened; 365d, for eighty students read one hundred students;