Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/181

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Adelaide I-140d: and John XIIVI-48Sa; VIII-426b; and I.iutprand of Cremona IX- 313c; andRatheriusXII-631b; and Slates of the Chureh XIV- 262b

Berengarius I the Old, Count of Barcelona II-289d

— Jacobus, anatomist XV— iOoa

— Raymond, Bishop of Fr^jus VI-270a

—of Fredol. See Fredoli

— of Friuli (Friaul). .See Beren- garius I. King of Italy

— of Ivrea. See Berengarius II, King of Italy

— of Perpignan X-274d

— of Rosanes, Bishop of Tarra- gona XIV-4G0a

—OF TOURS II-tS7a; and Al- beric of Monte Cassino I-259a: and Alger of LiSge I-310d; and Azzo degli Azzi VI-12ob; and St. Bruno III-14a: condemned VII-524d; IX-ielc; XII-lSOc; consubstantiation I V'-322c ; and Deusdedit IV-760d; disciples VII-694C; doctrines II-487d; and Durandus of Troarn V- 208b; and Euscbius Bruno V- 616d; and Fulbert of Chartres VI-312d; and Guitmund VII- SOd; as hcresiarch VII-259c; XV-32Sb; and Humbertus XII-2fl0c; ,is hvmnodi^t VII- 602d; inRui t ■ II l^-r .in.|.-<t.

MaurilloM'! i J. -i.and

St. Pasc!i,i 1- XI-

518b; as iIm .1 .■; m Ml-:iijd- 3$b

— See Berengar

Berenger, Abbot of Moutier-en- Der VI-669d

— Archbishop of Tarragona XIV- 7S5d

Bfirenger, Jean, politician V-202b


— of Carpi, anatomist I-4.59c

Berenguela, Queen of Castile IX- 175d; XIV-lSlc; abdication XV-25SC: at Huelgas de Bur- go'J Vll-.")12d

Berenguer of Enten^a XIV~lS2a

— Ramon II, Count of Barcelona IV-.i4:ib; XIV-4i;na

Berenianus, iii...!iop of Pergc XI- 6r,7b

BERENICE 'BENGAZIl, .Sec of II-4S'.lb; XV r,(la

— (Shashirit) IV-:i54c

— daughter of Agrippa I V-l(>.">d; Vn-291d: XI-572a

— wife of Antiochus Theog XIII- 690b

— wife of Ptolemv Soter XIV- 3S0d

Berenson, Bemhard, on Guardi VII-49c;onRaphiielXa-643d; on Signorelh XIII-7s7d

Bererus, Saint. Sec Bercharius

Beresford, Frederick Il-191d

— Humphrey. .See BcrLsford

— ^James II-491d

— ^John, statesman VIII-106d; XIII-127C

— John George, Protestant Arch- bishop of .\rraagh I-733b

— Marcus Gervais, Protestant Archbishop of Armagh I-733b

—Oswald F I -49 Id

— William Carr, general VIII- 1.5RC

Bereshith. See Genesis

— Rabba X-2s7b

Beresinia, h.ii:l<- asi2) X-697c

Beresniewicz, Alexander, Bishop of Wloclawrk XV-fiSld

Bereswinda XI -207c

Beretta (cap). See Biretta

— Gian Antonio della. Bishop of Lodi IX-323a

Berettini, Pietro, artiat XV- 230a

Beretlino. See Zucchctto

Berey, Recollect XII-.'>9.5b

Berg, ivorv carver IV-732b

— Duchy of .\V finic

— Marquard IT von. Bishop of AuK^tburg II-70a

— Wilhelm Heinrich von. Bishop of Prifl.rl.orii XI-3K4C; and

Goli.liii.H \ I .;i)7c Berga. Antonio XII 74a Bergaigne, Joseph de. Bishop of

Bois-le-Diic II-62.^b Bergama (Pergamus) VI-44.3c

Bergamasco, II. See Castello,

Giovanni Battista Bergamo, town II^89c: in Lom- bard League IX-339d; and Milan X-299d; and Venice XV-338a; Waldensian conven- tion (1218) XV-529d — Damiano da, artist II-640d —DIOCESE OF II^.S9c; Ama- deo's work I-375d; annals I- .'J33h; baptistery II-277d; ca- thedral II-4S9d; Missal I- 401d; pulpit (ill.) Xll-facing 562; Sacramentary I-397b; San Tommaso, Church of V-262b — Gaetano da, writer in-325b — Giustiniano di, Camaldolese

general lll-207b — John of. .Sec John of Lugio — Michaele da, architect III-

32.5c —Pietro da, writer II-108a — Venturino of. See Venturino of

Bergamo Bergano, Diego, missionary VII-

2S5b Bergara. See Vergara Bergasse, writer XI-675d Bergen, Bavaria, convent V-366a — town, Norway XI-117d: cap- tured (1393) I^22d; and Greenland I-«22b; King Haak- on's Hall XI-121C BERGEN, See of. Norway XVI- 9c; 72b; Cistercian monastery Xn-22.5d; XVI-72b; councils XVI-9d; 10a; Our Lady's Church, altar XI-121b; parish Xn-226d; and Stavanger XVI-70a — Saxony, convention (1577) V-

7G2a — Maximilian von II-744b Bergenkus, fortress XVI-9d Berger, Benedict, Trappist VI-


— Samuel, Lutheran, on Codex

Amiatinus III-537a; IV-S3a;

on Golden Gospels XV-519c;

on Tours Bibles I-278b Bergerac, Peace of (1577) VII-

.-)32b; IX-9sd Berghamsted, Council of (697),

sInvtTV legislation XIV-38a Berghe, Abliot of the Park, Lou- vain XI-.5(i4a Berghes, Henri de, Bishop of

Caiiihriii V-.^iind Berghsted, Stephen of. Bishop of

Chichester III-li.57d Bergier, Eusebe, Prior of Mon-

trouil X-.^.'-.Od — NICOLAS-SYLVESTRE II-

49flb Bergin, Osborne, writer VIII-

124a —Luke, martyr Vlll-lfiSa Berg Isel, battle (1S09) VII-

3S2a; 3.S2b Bergman, Torbem, physicist

XlI-6.-.b Bergmann, J. von, on Eckhel V-

27.-.b; .'7r,a Bergon, Fransois, mart.\T X-362c Bergonum (Bergamo) II-489C Berg Sion, priorv XII-.i91d Bergsoe, William, writer IV-731b Bergson, Henri, phil'isophcr, on

imiiianencc VII T.S3c;intuili.m

Vlll-S3b; Kantianism XII-

34a; Pragmatism XH-33:-,a;

time XIV-72nc; truth XV-7i;a Bergstein, battle (14001 XV-719d Bergues-St-Winnoc, St. Winnoc's

r.-U.s \\-f..-),Sb Bergunion, Aime, foundress XI-

192d; ossb Berhthun, Bishop of Lich6eld

IX-2.32d Berhtulf, Bishop of Worms XV-

70Sa Berhtwald, Saint, Arehbishop of

Cantorhnrv III-299d Serial, .s. ' iiclial Berico, periodical. Italy XI-6R4b — Monte, apparition of Our Lady

XV-40,-.c Berilli, Filippo de. Archbishop of

Capua 111 319d Berin, Saint. See Birinus Bering, Vitus, explorer I-246c;

xni-7r,9a Beringer, Abbot of Tegernsce

XIV-J72b — Jacob, version of the Bible XV-


Bering Sea Arbitration XIII-

230d —Strait, discovery Xni-769a BERINGTON, CHARLES II-

490c; and Berington, Joseph II- 491a; and Cisalpine movement X-315C

—JOSEPH II-191a; and Cisal- pine movement X-315b; and Falkncr V-771a; and Panzani Xl-450d; 451a

Berisa (Berissa) II~J91d


Berislavich, Peter, ban, bishop IV-512a

BERISSA, See of II-491d


Berkeley, town III-170d; Con- gregational seminary IV-241a; Presentation Sisters in XII- 398a; University III-172C

—Charles IV-486d

— George, Bishop of Clo-\-Tie V- 50Sa; VIII-126C; causality theory III— ll>3d; epistemology V-.'-.tlsa; i.lrahsm V-170d; VII- 632c; aii.l ni.iaphvsics X-232a; Monism X-l.Ma;' phenomenal- ism XI-791C; Xn-2Sc; philos- ophy, definition XII-2flb; psy- chological toarhinc Xll-.)4i;c; sensism V-407d; Xn-2,Sd; on soul XlV-l.'ilJb; Spiritualism XII-28d; XIV-229b; 229d; on substance I-97a

— James, Bishop of Exeter V- 709a

—Lord John X-790d

—Robert XIV-244d; and Falk-

■ V-770d

of Virginia

— William, Go XV-456a

Berking Church Hospital, for insane VIlI-39d

Berkshire, Thomas, Earl of VII- .50 Jc

BERLAGE, ANTON II-493b: X- 040b: Xlll-.')'.i2c; XIV-.Wi;b

BERLAND, PIERRE, Arch- l.islii.i, nl Bnnl.'aux ll-4'J2c; l'mv.T-it\ l.v ll-i;s4b

BERLANGA. FRAY TOMAS DE, Bishop of Panama II-193a; and Betanzos II-5:i0b

Berlendis, Giulio, Bishop of Bel- limo II-424d

Berlichingen, Gotz von XI-598c

Berliere, Ursmer, Belgian histori- cal institute director VIII-63d; 65b

Berlin, Canada, rollrcp lll-2i0c

BERLIN, G.rmaiiv Il-Hliib; Academies ll-l' Ml-.5L-Jd; Bible Society Il-.544d: l.lmd asylum VII-i.53a

— Church in II-494b; associations II-495b; Carmelite tertiaries III-369d; Churches II-493c; 494b; St. Hedwig's Church IV- 9.5a; St. Hedwig's Church (ill.) IV-facing 492; institutions II- 494d; religious orders II-494d; schools II-494d; statistics II- 494c

—Conferences: (1884) IV-229a; (1889) XIII^21b

— Congress and Treaty (1878) II-494a; Albania I-254d; Anti- vari I-582c; Bosnia and Herze- govina II-696C; Bulgaria III- 47a; XV-98d; Macedonia XV- 99d; Montenegro X-530d; Pro- tectorate of Missions confirmed XII-490d: Rumania XIII- 227b; Russia XIII-2.50C

— in Hanseatic League II-493c; history II-493c; immigration II-493d; Library, Roval IX- 232b; 620a; Lutheran cathedral II-193d; Masonic Lodge IX- 776c

— Museum X-647c; Baldung II- 220c; Bordone II-6S4c; Bor- gognone II-686a; Messina X- 210a; Tell-ol-Amarna tablets II-8d; XIV-477d

— parliaments X\'I-20c; popula- tion Il-I93b; Reformation II- 493d; 494a; revolution (1848) II-494a; .Seven Yetirs' War II- 493d; Svncretism XIV-3.84b; Bvnod (i846) V-044b; Thirty Years' War H-49.3d

— University I I-494a ; XI I-526d ; XV-196b; Beckedorff II-381d; and Breslau University II- 766b; Humboldt VI-509d

— New Hampshire, Presentation Sisters in XII-39Sa

— Rudulf, ophthalmologist X- 141c

—Act IV-229d

Berlingeri, Carlo, Bishop of Santa Severina XIII-460a

Berlinghieri, Andrea Vacca, anat- omist XII-112C

— Bonaventure, painter IX-406a

Berlioz, A., Bishop of Hakodate \11-Ut;b; \III-308a

— HECTOR lH95c; on music, .■c.lrsiasticai X-649b; 658b; on Ti. X1V-470C

Berman, Jean-Pierre, theologian

VIlI-294a Bermingham, Meyler de II^3a;

XV-slb — William de. Archbishop of

Tuam XV-82a Bermondsey, monastery IV-73d:

Pope Constantine's privilege

IV-294b; suppressed IX-343d Bermont, Notre Dame de. See

Notre Dame de Bermont Bermuda, island. Church in VII-

117c; map Ill-following 238;

Methodism X-240b

— Hundred, English settlement XV-4.-)i,a

Bermudez, law^cr IX-383b

Bermudez, Carlos, Bishop of Popaytln XII-258C

— Jodo, geographer VI-451a

Bermuiio I, King of Asturias XIV-180a

—III, King of Le6n III-411c; death IX-175C

Bermyn, Alphonse, \'irar Apos- tolic of S..ll1h-\\■.•^l.■rn Mon- golia 111 <i77b: X-4S-'c

Bern, Switzi rlaiid. i't. Berne

Bernabajus Senensis Il-507a

Bernadette Soubiroux. See Sou- birous. Bernadette

Bernadotte, Jean. See Charles Xn'. King of Sweden

Bernadou, Victor Felix, Arch- bisliiip of Sens XIII-718a; 719c

Bernadus, Bishop of Salerus XIll-397d

Bernal, lieutenant Xll-lOOb


—Jose, Franciscan XIV-648a

— Juan, martyr X-391b

Bernard, St. Adalard's father I- 126b

—Capuchin XIII-358a

— su[u-rior general of Brothers of the Cross IV-539a

— lieutenant III-612c; (ii:nb

— Redemptorist XII-685C —Pepin's son I-126b —Bishop of Amiens XIII-97b —Patriarch of Antioch I-569b:

XIV-405b —I, Margrave of Baden II-194d — HI, Margrave of Baden-Baden

II-19.5a — Bishop of Canary Islands IV-

24b — Blessed, Bishop of Die XV-

250c —Count of Fnl\ XI-'.b —Abbot ..I Hi- il,,ni \ 1I-363C

— Kingc.l I' <t: II I' la

— ArchbislMiii ..1 I . iiiherg XII-

532c — VIH, Count of I.ippe IX-276b —Bishop of Lund IX-434a — Archbishop of Magdeburg IX-

525d — Abbot of Monte Cassino II-

437a — Abbot of Mount St. Bernard

XI- 133c — Prefect Apostolic of Norway

XI-120d — IV, Bishop of Padcrborn XI-

3.84b — Bi-shop of Palencia XI-418a —Saint, Bishop of Parma XI-

.505b; .506b; Atto of Pistoia's

life of II-62b — of Porto XII-2»0c —Archbishop of Ragusa III-349b — Bishop of RatLshon XII-658a —Abbot of SahagUn XIV-180d —Bishop of St. Davids Vn-678b;


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.