Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/187

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  • BILLY, JACQUES DE, II-567c; and Becquerel_II-382d
  • —Jean de II-567c
  • —Louis de II-567c

BILOCATION II-568a; St. Alphonsus 1-339b; St. Anthony of Padua I-557b; Eucharistic II-568a; V-584a; in philosophy II-568b

  • Biloxi, mission X-700d; settlement II-560c; III-693a; VII-615a; 1X-379a; X-396d; XI-6b
  • Bilrast, in Scandinavian mythology I-775b
  • Bilroy, pioneer priest XIII-563d
  • Bilsborrow, James R., Bishop of Port Louis XII-289b
  • —John, Bishop of Salford XIII-400a
  • Bilson, Thomas, Anglican bishop I-493b
  • Bimbissasa I-773a
  • Bimetallism XI-152c
  • Bimini, island, exploration XII-228b; statistics (1901) II-204c
  • Binaghi, Lorenzo, architect II-303a
  • Binarino, Alfonso, Bishop of Camerino III-217a
  • Binary Stars II-27b; 29a
  • BINATION II-568c
  • Binche, lace VIII-729d
  • Binchois, Gilles, composer X-600d; XI-230c
  • Bindemann, on St. Augustine II-88d; 91d
  • Binder, Franz, editor XI-678b
  • Bindesboll, Michael Gottleib, architect IV-732a
  • Bindi, Enrico, Archbishop of Siena XIII-781b
  • Binding, Rabbinic signification XII-265c
  • —Karl, jurist IX-141a
  • —and loosing, Power of. See Absolution
  • Binegan, Governor of Himyar I-673b
  • Binello, sculptor VI-125b
  • BINER, JOSEPH II-569c; IV-796b
  • —JACQUES-PHILIPPE-MARIE II-570a; and Babinet II-17SC
  • Bingani, King of Babylonia II-181c
  • Bingen, assembly (1628) XIV-65lb
  • —Hildegard of. See Hildegard, St.
  • Bingham, Joseph VI-16a; condemned XV-62a
  • —Lavinia XIV-214a
  • —Peregrine, the Younger, on advowsons I-169c
  • —Robert, Bishop of Salisbury XIII-401b
  • Binghamton. See Chenango
  • Binh-dinh, town VII-777d
  • —Bini, violinist XIV-462b
  • —Binius, Marguerin de la. See Bigne
  • —SEVERIN II-570c
  • Binnenhof, The Hague VII-108b
  • Binneteau, Julien, missionary VIII-608d; IX-546d; XII-287d
  • Binney, Horace, on charity III-591a; and Onderdonk XII-495a
  • Binnion (Both-chonais) IV-635c
  • Binsfeld, Pierre, on witchcraft XV-677b
  • Binson, priory VIII-788a
  • Binsse de St. Victor, Louise Josephine XVI-50b
  • BINTERIM, ANTON JOSEPH II-570d; IX-66b; on Advent I-166a; and Gratz VI-732d
  • BIOGENESIS II-571a; and Bible IV-473d; Hackel's law II-574d; V-658a; 669b
  • Biogeny II-572c
  • Biogeography, and evolution V-670a
  • Biographie Universelle, Feller VI-34c; Michaud X-277b
  • BIOLOGY II-372a; abiogenesis II-571b; Albertus Magnus I-264d; anatomy I-457d; Aristotle II-5728: atavism II-33a: Bichat II-574a; biogenesis II-571b; branches II-572b; Carnoy III-370d; Castracane III-414d; Catholic attitude II-573d; cell II-574c: and cosmology IV-413c; divisions II-572a: Epicurus V-501c; and eugenics XVI-39a; 40a; Fortunato VI-148d; Galen II-572d; germ-plasm theory VII-254b; Harvey II-573a; historical development II-572c; instinct VIII-50c; life theorics IX-240b; Linnæus II-573d; and mechanism X-101b; Mendelism X-180d; and palæontology XI-411a; Schultze I-460d; subdivisions II-572b; types II-574b; Vesalius II-573a; See Evolution
  • Bion, atheist II-41d
  • BIONDO, FLAVIO II-575d; I-86b; geographical research VI-450c; Tusculum excavations VI-243c
  • Bionomics II-572b; development II-575d
  • Biophorids (Biophores) II-571c; V-658b
  • BIOT, JEAN-BAPTISTE II-576a; XII-iba; balloon ascent X-541d; at Collège de France IV-114a; electrostatics law XVI-9b
  • Biothanatos XIV-379b
  • Bio-therapeutics XI-536c
  • Birago, Marquis, publicist IX-657c
  • Birah, Tower of. See Baris
  • Biran, François-Pierre-Gonthier Maine de. See' Maine de Biran
  • Birca. See Bjoerkol
  • Birch, edition of New Testament IV-503a
  • —Coulee, battle XIV-20d
  • Birch Hirschfeld, pathologist IX-141a
  • Birchley, William. See Austin, John
  • Birck, Sixt, German dramatist VI-521d
  • Bird, James, martyr V-476b
  • —John, Bishop of Bangor II-250b
  • —John, Bishop of Chester III-650a
  • —Robert, martyr V-477d; XIV-689c
  • —William, martyr XIV-689c
  • Birde, Prior of Bath II-347c
  • Birds, in Bible I-517c; 519c; 519d; 523a; 523d; 524b; blessing II-601b; flight XII-53a; XV-444c; nests III-687c
  • BIRDS (in symbolism) II-576c; I-516b
  • Bireh, N. el VI-430d
  • Birein (Benejaacan) VI-435b
  • Birejik (Birtha) II-580d
  • Birel, Jean, Carthusian XV-86d
  • Bir-es-Seba Bersabee) II-518c
  • BIRETTA II-577b; XV-388c; and amice I-428c; of cardinal III-339d; IX-120d; for children III-76b; of doctor V-73d; form II-577b; in heraldry VII-245a (ill.) II-577c; at Mass X-20d; of master I-759c; origin II-577b; use II-577d; VII-464c: violet I-19d
  • BTemplate:Subs:i^r Eyüb III-476a; VI-431c; VIII-351d
  • Birger, son of St. Bridget III-448d; XVI-54a
  • —Archbishop of Lund IX-435b
  • —Swedish jarl XIV-297b; 351c
  • —Brosa XIV-351c
  • Birger Magnusson, King of Sweden XIV-351d
  • Birgerson, Jon, Bisbop of Trondhjem XV-64b; at Stavanger XVI-76a
  • Birgida (Birgit; Birgitta). See Brigid, St.
  • BIRINUS, SAINT II-578a; and Asterius VI-421b; in Britain VII-456a; at Dorchester V-133c; XI-349c: XIII-401a; XV-650a; in Wessex 1-506a; William of Ramsey's life of XV-637d
  • Birk, Sixtus. See Betulius, Sixtus
  • Birkdale, protectory XII-493a
  • Birkebeinar XI-118b
  • Birken. See Betulius
  • Birkenhead, town, Irish population (1901) VIII-153b
  • Birkenstein, collegiate church X-633d
  • Birker, Paul, Abbot of Dissentis V-47b
  • Birket el Bourâg VIII-354b
  • —el-Hamra XII-235b
  • —er-Ram VI-431b
  • —es-Sultân VIII-345a; XII-235c
  • —Israil (Isrâ 'in). See Bethsaida, pool
  • —Mamilla. See Mamilla, Birket
  • Birkett, George. See Birkhead
  • Richard, English confessor V-477c
  • Birkhead, Edmund, Bishop of Asaph XIII-333b
  • —George, archpriest V-450b; IX-348c; XI-178c; and Mush X-648a
  • —Katherine VIII-761c
  • —Robert VIII-761c
  • BIRKOWSKI, FABIAN II-578b; sermons XII-197b
  • Bir Mâyin VI-433c
  • Birmingham, rector Irish college, Salamanca VIII-159a
  • —town, Alabama, Catholic institutions I-243a; colleges I-242b; population I-241c
  • DIOCESE OF, England II-578c; cathedral XII-559d; cathedral choir II-579b; VI-139b; chapter XV-575c; Maronite mission XIII-85a; province, ecclesiastical XV-596d; XVI-38a; seminaries XI-336b; XIII-700a
  • —Eleanor, martyr VIII-166b
  • Birnbaum, Heinrich, the Elder II-579d
  • HEINRICH, the Younger II-579c
  • Birney, James Gillespie, abolitionist XV-170a
  • William, general VIII-141a
  • Biro, Martin, Bishop of Veszprém XV-392c
  • —Mátyás. See Devay
  • Biron, Comtesse de XI-492d
  • Birr, monastery VIII-641d
  • Birraark XIII-750d
  • Birrell, Augustine, politician VIII-111d; XIII-559c
  • Bir-Rokeb, inscription XIII-708b
  • Birrus, cloak IV-419b; VII-464b
  • Birs-Nimrud, ruins II-177d; XV-5d
  • Birta of Gargar, Jacobite bishopric VI-384d
  • BIRTH, DEFECT OF II-579d; legitimation IX-131d; See Illegitimacy
  • —Virgin, of Christ. See Virgin Birth of Christ
  • BIRTHA, Sce of II-580d
  • —of Edessa XV-582d
  • Birthday. See Natal Day
  • Birth-rate, decline of XII-278d; 279c
  • Bisaccia, Diocese of XIII-459b
  • Bisanzio, Archbishop of Bari II-296a
  • Biscaret, missionary III-632c
  • Biscayno, Juan. See Cosa, Juan de la
  • Bischetini, Francesco, architect, Gallipoli cathedral VI-367b
  • Bischoff, Johann, priest 1-478a
  • —Theodore Ludwig Wilhelm, physiologist X-139b
  • Bischoffswerder, von, Colonel XII-525c
  • Bischofliche Gnaden, title I-139b
  • Bischofshofen, college V-54c
  • Bischofsrode, Cistercian foundation VII-129b
  • Bischopinck, Bernard, Jesuit VII-131b
  • Bisconti, Vicar Apostolic of the Great Mogul VII-502d
  • Biseglia, Alfonso of, death I-292c: marriage I-291d
  • BISHOP II-581b; and abbess 1-7d; XI-165d; and abbots I-16ic; abdication I-31b; V-4b; absence, penalty VIII-75
  • absolution: in African church I-196b: in Anglo-Saxon Church I-509b; from censures III-531d
  • —acclamation to I-98d; acolytes serve I-1078
  • address, form of: English I-139d: French I-139a: German 1-139b; Italian I-138b
  • —administrative power 1-143b; II-587c; advowsons I-169c; agape I-202a; age for I-207a; agents at Court 1-209c; Agnus Dei I-220d; in Albania I-254b; Albigensian I-269b; altar stone, consecration of IV-280b; altar-vessels I-357c; and alumnus I-370d: angels I-478b; 480a
  • Anglican Church: arms VII-325c; arms (ill.) VII-244d: Book of Common Prayer XIII-92c: consecration rite I-495b; heraldic mitre (ill.) VII-246a;

jurisdiction XIII-93b; jurisdiction, royal 1-500b

  • —annates I-538a; and apostolate

I-628c; as Apostolic commissary IV-164c; in Apostolic Constitutions I-637a; and Apostolic Fathers I-639c; III-749d: Apostolicity I-649a; in Apostolic times IV-370a; appeal against advocates I-168d; appeal from I-94c; 652c; 654a

  • appointment: Austro-Hungary II-130c; England XV-393a; Ireland XV-393a
  • —approbation by I-657a; and archdeacon I-693c; and archpriest I-697c; Armenian Rite, vestments in XIII-80c; arms, official VII-244b; arms with helmet (ill.) VII-246b; auditor caniera II-70d
  • authority of XIII-605b; over converts IV-347c; for church erection III-42a; St. Cyprian on XIII-531b; doctrinal IV-676a; in early church VII-338d; governing 11-586c; liturgical XII-269b; parochial XIII-582b: in Reductions of

Paraguay XII-697a; in religious congregations XII-760a; over trustees I-144c

  • —baptism, as minister I-196a; II-269a; basin II-334a; beatification powers II-365d; 366b; 597d; benefices II-474d; bigamists, ordination of II-563d;

bination II-587d; biretta II-577c; blessings reserved to II-600c; and buildings, ecclesiastical III-42c

  • —burial of III-72d; 73c; 75b; 76c: Greek Church III-78a -buskin III-87d; "Cæremoniale III-133a; candles III-247b; Canon, prayer in III-262a; canonical inquisition VIII-38b; canonization powers II-365b; canon law IX-59d; and canons III-253c; as canons I-342b; canopy used by XII-448d; capitularies III-310a; and cardinals III-335d; cathedral III-438b; cathedral, administration of III-441a; catbedraticuni III-441b; celebret III-477a;celibacy III-484c; Celtic I-507d; censorship. doctrinal III-532b; censorship of books III-522b; 524c; 525a
  • —censure: absolution from III-531d; power of III-530d: reserved I-646c; censure on III-531a chalices, consecration of III-563c; chancery, direction of IV-798d; chapel, right to III 579a; and chapter II-585d; III-582d; 583b
  • charity: administrator III-596d; 597b; distributor of III-594d; 595a
  • —chrism, blessing of III-697b; church, consecration of III-43a; and Civil Constitution XIII-11d; in Clementine Epistle IV-15d; and clergy I-144d; 312d; IV-50b; and cloister of nuns IV-61c; 62b
  • —coadjutor VII-325a; perpetual II-145d; temporary 11-145d -collegiate church IV-114c; commendatory abbats as IV 155d; conciliar power IV-426b; concordats IV-1978; 1988; confirmation, minister of IV-215d; confraternities, erection of I-692d; congresses of XII-165b; congrua, right to IV-251c

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.