Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/645

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.landcl VIII-2S2d; St. Joseph, ilrvotion to VIII-50Ub: La §a- letlc, apparitions IX-8d; Lat- i-raa Museum IX-14a: X- B47b; Laval, See of L\-45a; Laval University IX-J7d; Law of Guarantees Vll-lSd; and Ledochowski IX-1 lid; and Le- febyre IX-113c; and Leo XIII IX-169d; and Leroy-Beaulieu XVI-52d: Liberalism IX-213c; Licet per apostolicas litteras IV-192d PIUS IX Life: bv Audi^io II-70d ; liy Hassard Vll-UOa; bv O'RciUy XI-293C; by Ville'- tranche XV-430b; by Zadori XV-745a — and Lucas IX-404d; Margotti IX — 657d: 65Sa; marriages, mixed IX-699b: X-od: Arch- bishop McCloskey IX-4S7c; matrimony, sacrament of IX- 712a: and Merode X-209b; Mexico, dioceses in X-269a: Mexico, intervention X-260d; .St. Michael the Archangel Scapular XIII-513b; missions, parochial X-392b; Modernism X-41Sc: MoUtor X-442b; Monarchia Sicula XIII-77lia; Montalembert X-514d; 5X5a; Moroni, Gaetano X - 57(ib; Mortara II-271C; Moufang X- 003c: Munich meeting XIV- iJ03b: Napoleon III X-699d: XV-395b: and non expedit XI-99a: Notissimum est Ca- tholicum dogma ni-753b: on novices XI-146d; Odescalchi XI-2()6c; Odin, John Henry XI-208d; Old Catholics XI- 235c : Optimum MaximumXI I- liOlc: Order of IV-6G7c; Or- der of (ill.) IV-facing 668: Or- thodox reunion XV-147d; at Ostia, excavations I-87c: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, picture of XI-699d: XII-68oc: and Pallotti XI-429d: XII- 107c: on Pantheism XI-148d — ixipnl infaUibitity XV-306a:

definition of XV-307a — papal nuncio XIV-.507b: papal supremacy XI-4.54d: and Pas- saglia. Carlo XI-3I9a; Passion, Scapular of the XIII-512d; on patens I-357c; on St. Paul of the Cross XI-o90b; Peking and Nanking, Sees suppressed XII-489C: St. Peter's Chair, exposition of III-137d: Pitra Xn-119d: on plenary councils XII-16.ib: Poland XII-188d: on Pontificals XII-232a: Port- land Diocese XII-287b — portrait Xll-facing 136: Gail- lard VI-335C; Von Worndle XV-709d — poverty, vow of XII-325c; Preachers, Order of XII-356C: Precious Blood, Confraternity of the Most XII-373C; Precious Blood, Feast of XII-373b: Precious Blood. Sisters Adorers of the XII-374d: Presentation Order XII-398a: profession, religious XII-i.52b — Property, ecclesiastical XII- 460c; alienation XII-171b: sec- ularization XIII-078d; spoli- ation XII-472a — Pugin XII-559b; Archbishop Purcell III-77Sa; Quanta cura y-414a: Ratisbon antiphonary I-577a; Redemptorists XII- 084c; Regular Orders, Con- gregation on the state of XIII- M2b; Resurrectionists, Con- .stitutions XII-794C; Rever- surus V-236c; Robertson XIII- 99b: Romani pontificcs XI- 14.5b: Romanus Pontifex V- .378a: 691b: Rome XIII-l69c- Rome, mmt X-334C: Rosmini- .Serbati XIII - 195a: Rossi XIII-204C: Russia, Catholics


v/r*.' Salvete Christ! vulnera -\lll-110c; San Luis Potosi Diocese XIII-44SC: Santa Fe Archdiocese Xni^56d; S.

nf "v M r'", Jt""""e. Church of .Mil 1,11b; Navannah Dio-

v?V.-^-"!j^''- ■■^ = •1'" Sancta Siyb; bcherer XIII-528b; on Scholasticism XIV-673d: Scot- Lrnt ?/"~t?,'.'=; Secchi XIII- 670b;S(;(nirXin-nSfiaShrc\v.s- bnrv T1i, -,- , \t,j jr.'ic .,„d

^;;|i;;' ; ; \iii i :,-,b;

?.■.".':' "■ ' ■' ■ ■-■<- Mi'l-


\ M

Americu,, Colinsp H2.5d; bpoleto saved Vn-7b; on state tolerance XIV-7'69d- St.^tes of tho Church XIV- V M, "'• '^ "s-'iilations of ->--"' ~ \- 414a

  • i, "' !■ model VI-
"J' ' ■ Il-141a: on

\\ -Ut'.tc

XIV-500a: Tocque- " tomb

1.) .XII- -i XIV-7ssd;

x-ftdol'aul ces XIII- feast XV- XV-

X\-.-,ll.-,c; ■ts- XIII-

X\-.-,,-,.>a- iii.iif X\"-

lT:|-i:, .\-

— Thei_„ .

ville XIV-753d- Slob; Xln-17na 13.- -


Univrr,.,!,- ,.;.,. I,.,

XV-Jv(h !!'M.'i', concili II li il- ^ \ \ cil .Mil -."71, \ brar\- . .',;,|. r . Mu.s'.ii

Guar, I \ ; ., ,r 277b. 1 298c : I —and \i, :,,, ), I,,., I ;.■ and \ I.I. r \ \ I ' cent anil \iri~i, Xlll-iislb; .M. \ II Society, indulgei 390b; Visitation. 48Ia; Vitoria D 489c; at Voltrrr Walla Walla I)i, 665a; Ward. Washington Mi,i,i 5.59c; William I of 702d; \\ is,.,a ,1, , , , ^ 674a; ami Wy.rt \\-7Jld ' ""LiPnlS^EPPE MELCHIORE ?^^°i'.Tr°P XII-137a; 2/4d; XIII-479d: addresses ecclesiastical I-138d; ..\dria in- terdict VIII-74b; on Ignos- ticism VI-617a; allocu- tions I-325c: Apostolic Visi- tation Commission XV- 4S3d; Apostolic Union of s'ccu- lar Priests I-<)43d; arms XII- 137c; audiences II-69b; and Austria II-135b; and Bernard, Alexis-Xystc II-496C; on Bibli- cal criticism VIII-79d; Ble-ised Sacrament Sisters II-3g9b- books, censorship III-523b' V?j •,>?"'y""y reform XVI- 13d,- Brigidines XVI-14d; bust o'. Vatican Pinacotheca XV- 283c; as canonist IX-64a- canon law, new codification of Ji-394a; Capecelatro XVI- l',,'£?,P'="?,=" '^la Matilde ^)'-2«)ar Cardinales Palatini XI-417C; Catholic University fund Ill-J.'iOa; chancery XIII- 150b; Chapelle III-579d: chap- lain, title III-.581b; Charette de la Contric XVI-24C; Chris- tian Democracy IV -710a- Christian Doctrine Confra-^ termty III-7Ild -clergy: and Catechetical In- struction XIV-fll3a; on holi- ness of XIII-702c; as com- XI V 322"^ abbot IV-156b;

4"fcLf <V-i¥-Y6'6'd"r "f -^^T^/r' /-'-!■'••. vrsssd

. feast VII-168d: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Scapular XIII- .Tl4a; Saint Jacob Abbey XIII- ??,",'?■ ®*'"' •'»"'• Rioecse of XIII -367a; Sale.Hian Society Rule XIII -.399a; Salford Diocese XIII-399d; on salva- tion out of the Church XIV-

Acts and decree

XIV-,.. VI-279C

""^-SF^/?""" 'el'E'ous XII- '? .u <-.9??L8tory, Congregation of the Xni-I39c: 140a

—Cpmtitution: Commissum No-

AVI-13d; Inter multipliccs

ciiras XII-233b; Sapienti Con-

siho V -4.56c; 748b —councils, provincial XII-516a;

Dataria XIII-152c — Decrees: Lamentabili sane V-

/Sob; 76Sb; VI-09a; XIII-

299c: XIV-3fi9d; Ne Temere

\-.>12d: Tridentiua syaodus

\ I'.iC. \ II utid

-"' •■ • ' iic-3 V-239d: ec- ' ' j pi-rty.seculariza-

' ' ^ I I I ' . ^d; on elections, ~ ni.ii-al XI\"-2a

— KN.-.jcliral V-414a; Acerbo niini> \ -80d; 83a; 83d; Gravis- .-'im.i officii III-t4c; Pascendi

in,!,""'^-',,?'^ III-526C; V- .509a; XIII-602d

— EnglishhierarchyXVI-37d;38a; Eucharistic congress V-593c;' and extreme unction VIII-74c- Fabric of St. Peters. Congrega-^ ti9n of the XIlI-146d; Fall lliver Diocese V-771b; France VI-18.5d; lS9c: XIV-770b; l-ranciscan Crown, indulgence I\-o40c; French protectorate XII-491d; St. Gerard Majella, canonization XII~6S5c; Golden Mihtia Order IV-66SC; Hen- derson VII-215a; on heresy

2llOd; H,.li




( lllir,

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of I'm'





■1,1,1 1


s IV- istiani

.■.lie: 1



• \II




-143c; VII-



Rome ftions



1° el

J ;ic;


3 G



lian t



■I ■ III, <',f XIII-UiTc'; Mal'ni " ■■ ' M) -W I-.5I1C: St. Mala- '< - irophecy XIH70C; at .^I iiiinii XI-613a; marriage l'>-Hla,i„n I.X-701b; Medal of iNew \ atican Observatory (ill.) X\-310a -.l/..rf,r,».sm HI-S32b; 7Sla; \ II-2.,,c; X-415d; 41Sc; 420c; 'c; XIV-766C; con- |,n of propositions V- •1, a-a,,i>t M\-5lind ' \-lb

'■ plain chant 1 P c; XV-396c; ' r m I-379a ; r.igulations X- Congregation of


Ib; an.i Hi


— negroes, work





XI-620c; Penil.-ntiaria l4.Sc; Pent, -cost XV- 61.5a: PwUnioS.Pauii.U'ostoli. Rome XII-J21C; on Pontificals XII-232a; on pontifical laws -^II-JM'^lPoor.Little Sisters of the XII-248d; Poor Brothers of St. Francis .Seraphicus XII- 2;'9a: and Portiuncula basilica XlI-2.S6b; and Portiuncula in- dulgence XII-2S6C; portrait AU-facing 138; on po.sitive theology XIV-674d; on pre- lates Xn-3S7b: priesthood, candidates for XI I^ 1 7b ; Prop- aganda, Congregation of the X1I-457C: and Propagation of Faith. Society for XII-l61b; XII-402a; property, private AII-l64b; and Protestants AIV-(66d; prothonotary Apos- tolic IV-451a: XII-.503b- on psalmody XV-383C: rectors, on appointment of XI-.502c; refer- cndarii, abolished XII-700b: Religious, Congregation of AIII-142b; and religious, pro- fesse<l XII-1.52b; Roman Cate- chism XIII-121C; Roman Con- gregations XII-75.5C; 75Sc- XIII-1.30C: Rome XVI-lSb,' Sacraments. Congregation nl the XIII-MOb; Sacred H

Roman numeral i^di^^te^^^l^n^^T;:;;^—^^ i,_ „_ ^ ^us^^^^T^T;^. ^


of Jesus and Mary, scapular X:iII-ol4b: Saint Dominic Scapular of XIII-514b; Santa Maria Diocese XIII~J58a; San- tiago del Estero Diocese XIII- 462d: Scala Sancta, indulgences ^!J, c^l^^ "^ Scholasticism XIV-582b; .591a; Scotist School XIII-612a; sedia gesta- xfl^T-rooi'l?'^! seminaries v}}} ,0 ; Semmario Romano Aiu-132b; and Seminario Vaticano XIII-132c; Signa- tura XIII-149d; Simla Arch- diocese XIII-796a; on Solesmes Xly-134c: South American College I~126b; Studies, Con- gregation ot XIII-146a; Subi- aco, indulgences XIV-321b- suburbicarian suffragans XIV- ^?4<1; St. Sulpice, institute of

VTV Q-jQi?' g° supernatural Alv-338b; Susecptum VI- 2I8b; Sylvestrine order IV- 668b; synodal examiners XIV- 3S8d: Temperance movement iJX-*S2^: 491d; on Theatines XlV-oo/d: on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-673b; on truth A IV- /65c ~onniF"-\ e.onciliar drafts XV- dOHb; administration of XV- 298d; press XV-27Sc; residen- tial building XV-280C — Vespers XV-SS.-ic vi.-.riito re- form III-SJ.Ic il 1', i„,, rules XV-)7:'li ', ., ^\' .sion 01 XV-.-.i . , !, , ,ic —Pius, father Hi \;.||,. m ,_.,i, —Bishop of Ak-xandria, chro- nology IV-13d — Bishop of Pessinus XI-742C —Bishop of Petincssus XI-776c — .Vbbot of St. Gall VI-348a —Antoninus. Sfc AntoninusPius — ^miliusPaulus, atSerraXIII-

P^^yalmanak XI-GSlc; XIV-

IX-27.-,d; XII ' ,:' '," ,,

IV-242b: \ I ,,r.

X-C0:ib;XII ;

XIII 52sb: .■ ,,_ .1.39d; XIV-7,7Pb

Piusvereinskorrespondenz XII-

^'K3^avn"'=d°°^'^*^°° °' Piute Indians vil-749c; X-372c Piva, Gregorio XIV-2S4C

uTlOd ^°'^™»° Brethren Pixis, Friedrich Wilhelm, the

Younger, musician XV-44-d Pi yMargall, Francisco XIV- l,S6a Fi-Yung-Kung, Peking (ill.) III-

Pizarro, Francisca XII-141d -FRANCISCO Xll-linb "..nj

Alvarado, .A I. 1 i , h.

and Alvarad.i " , '

Arequipa I-7li ! i

Vn-506a; anP -, i| ^

32a: and Aviia J-,iib •ii,d

XIt7-«, n"*"^*,i, birtllplace AlI-l.oSb; Cuzco IV-S80d: and P^fS"^" IV-753C; in Ecuador X'^P^i-r^""^ IX-255a; and Ojeda XI-230b; in Peru VI- 3S2b; XI-73.3a: XII GOSb- portrait Xll-140d; tomb IX- 25.5d: and Valverde XV-26oa

— Gonzalo Xll-141b; and Car- vagal HI :i03c; in Peru XI- 733b: Trujillo XV-70b

—Hernando I-.-j27b; XII-141b

—Javier de Luna .\-ls.Ja

— luan .\I1-Mib

—Pedro, historian XV-265b

Pizzigani, chart II 7.5Sd

Pizzo, town \III-222d

Pjctursson, Hallgrim, p.,et VII- 619b . I ei Hi

P. K., abbr. I-25b

Placards, in French Protestant- ism VH-.528d

Place III-433C; Aristotle I-714d- comiKjsition XII-34Sd; in In- dian cosmogony IV-410a

—Charles, cardinal Xn-771c;

—Victor, Orientalist II-9a; 14a:

XI-.303b Placebo, antiphon in-73c