Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/652

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XV-363b; vows XII-452a; and Weld XV-578d Poor, Conrad revolt XI-598b -RiJhard, biahop, Ancren Riwle M64c; on baptismal water IT-273b; at Chichester III- B57d; at Durham V-211d; and

RinarduS \ngllCUS XlU-ii^a,

^t Salisbury 5lII-|01a; 401b; and Salisbury cathedral XI

-Ftanciscan Sisters XI-3S3dj XI V-G43b ; in Augsburg Il-.^b


_ie1Sts'\mfcem) VI-24«a -Hermits of St.. Jerome \ II- -^t'iitfotthe'Ltr'dCelestine.

^e€ Celcstines c -. r

Poore, Herbert, Bishop of balis-

burv XIIMOlb Poorhouse. See Almshouse Poor Infirmarians. i>ee Obrego

-K^TIhts of the Temple. See

-lli£l^"see Poor Clares . -LAWS XII-254d; Catholic in- struction of children, Denmark

^Strklf-t39d^ £g^ Catholic Relief Act XII-2D6b, schools XIII-573d ,..:,.»

t nmhards. See Poor Catholics M^ S Lvons Sec Waldenses Z^F ST F?3iNCIS. SISTERS OF THE \ll-237b; 249a: XI- 3s'id; Xvi-lHa; United States

-pJi'ilts. of WyclU XV-722d-,

Poor-relief. See Poor; Poor,

Poorichool Committee, English

-Schot^ Sisters,_^in Augsburg

TwTb; Austria-Hungary XIV -strvants of Jesus Christ XI- -SERVANTS OF THE MOTH- ER OF GOD xu-vC^Vn-

l,74d; Mother Taylor Xl\

—Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of the Perpetual Adoration

_Siiye"rsJfthe Schools of Notre

Poot'enr ewes.' Archbishop of



W-248b; Acacius on 1-b^a, Acclamation I-98c; acolytes I- 107b; 107c; and Acts of Roman Congregations I - l-^*' J^. dress, form of I - 13Sa. au rLn VI I-159C; age, canonical I-207b; Agnus Dei 1-22UC; d'Ail y on I-236a; AlbigeMi_an I-269b; allocutions I-32Db; Amalricus Augeru on l-^»"Oj; amice I^28d; anathema 1 456b; and anatomy. ?^^%f X-129d- as Antichrist III- S34d; V-766b;,. A?JiP°.P|„„V- 582b; apocnsiaru I-600d, Apos_ tolic Camera I-b33D, Apos tolic letters Ir640a: Apostoh^ prerogatives. IV-l"b. Aposj tolic succession 1-64 Id. aPP>""


Sority I-041a; Ayignon II- ?58d; balsam. W«??|"| °' "j Ifa?istlt63c;^^dt^atifi"c^


600c; blessing. Apostolic II- 602a; Bulls Ill-SSb; and far- dinals III-336C: ,\III-l^^a, XVI-lSc; censure I-64bc; 111- 530d; 532b; and Centre Party XVI-21d; ceremomes l-80,ip. chamberlain I-799c; chapels III-578a; XV-280a; chaplains III-581b; Charlemagne on 111- 700c; and Church XV-309a, at communion VI-426c; con- cordat IV-198a; and Consist- ory, Congregation of the XIU 139c; coronation Xlli-o'»o. and councils IV-426b; \ II- 795d; XIV-592a; and crosier IV-515C; cross of jurisdiction XII-448b; and Crusacle3_ iv 544b; cure of souls l;,-';'--": Cursores Apostolici 1^ "•"*'• dalmatic IV-608c; death, cere- monies IV-1.93b; debts I\- U64b; delegation IV-696d IX 118c; deposing power .Vl-l(<c, 178b; deposition, conciliar iv 435b; devolution, right ot IV- 768c; dimissorial letters IV- 797c; dispensation \-41d; 43b 45c; doctorate V-73d; Authority IV-676a; Domnus Apostolicus V-115b; Donation of Constantine V-118d; duties of, Pius IX on l-176d -Election I-96a; XII-270c; by acclamation I-99b: capitula- tions III-312a;_ Constant ne Pogonatus II-427d;. contested I-649c; Gregory X on lu 338c; L.ateran Council lX-1 /a, Nicholas II on III-335d; and Patricius IV-ISb-, veto y-6<7b —emperors, coronation of lU 615b; encyclicals V-41.iC. en thronization V-480a; ex cathe- dra V-677a . V 20b- —eicomrmanaition of V - 20b, 496d; 686b; Fehx IrS^b; Fpr- mosus VI-140a; Julius I I-81b —Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, .Congregation of 1 I'Ma; False Decretals V-775C, 777a fanon V-785b; feasts, celebration of IV-774C; Fe- broSan on VI-23d; flabellum VI-S9b; "Four Articles 1- 797b- and Franciscan property XIV-385b; and Prankish King- dom XI-663c; French III- 700d; XIV-371d; f"n<:fVPall VI-322a;i;:.i:";i;i-'L'^/-3Jld. 352b; G- Ill ■""•^- '-'


. VI-

\ I


antees. Law of VII-48b; VUl- l35b; Guelphs and C.hihdUnes VII-56d; heretical VII-2falB. and heretics XIV-768d; and Holy Office, Congregation of 1-- 799c- VIII-37d; XIII-.137b; 138c; and illegitimacy dispen- .iation II-SSOc; "In Crena nnmini" VII-71Sa; mdul- ?eres°VlI-784a;788b;infallU bility VII-798d; XV-lOd; in ^'e'tS VIII-25d;. Inquisition VIIl-32a; Insignia XU-^'.ua, and institution canonical VIII-65d; investitures, t-.on- flict of ylll-84d; ureCTlar>ty dispensation Vnl-173b, irre- movabUity VIII-lTSc, and Italian Government XV-30ic,

Italian Po'-'cy., .^^Y." vTV- and Jews VIII-403c; XIV 762a; judicial authority \IU- .546d X1I-269C; J"™*^, J-T VII 324b; XII-265b; 2i> ,d ■ifiSd; jurisdiction .delegated VIII--567d: Jus spoil! IX-117C, and law, canon IX--.59.a; and league IX-99a; legislative now?r XII-2f.9b; legitimation 1X-1.32C- letters of IV-4-'>4d; IX-202a; letters to, nlle 1 13Sa- I.iber Diurnus Roman- orum Pontificum l^r^!;;": Liber Pontificalis IX-2-4a. li Jaries IX-231d -list I-446d: XII-272a; of Chro- noganlu.s I-532a; St. Hegesip- pus VII-194d

-Ii-i?e 'r^.^^^^^


XII-476b; and marriage IV- 3a- XV-257a: and marriage, dtssohition of V-60d; 62b; Mar- silius of Padua on IX-7.0b, Martin of Troppau on IX- 733d; Mass IX-799C; medals X-114d- medieval resistance V-437b;' Melanchthon on X 152b; and metropolitans 1- 691d mint X-334a; on mis- sions XV-401d; mitre X-404d, nomination IIr66?f ^ °tTnd XI-122d: nuncio >'I-l'*»>i|?f^ Ostia, Bishop of XIV-324C, pallium XI-427d; 429b, patri- archal rights X.I-549d; XIII- 535c; patrimonies, ecclesiasti- cal XIV-258a; pectoral cross IV-.534b, pension, ecclesiasti- cal XI-645d; pro-vinces, ecclesi- astical XII-514d; pilgrimage to XII-94d; Pontifical Mass XII- 233b- Popess VIII-407C; pray- er in Canon III-262a; prece- dence XII-371d- preconization of candidates XII-376a -primacy XII •-262b; 263a 269c; 423d: XV-126b; 30Sb, Abraham Bcchelensis on l-^<c, Fabulotti on I-404C; and Ger- man Catholics XIII-535a, Photius VI-765b; as pnsoner XV-307b; promulgation oi laws XII-454C: Protestants attitude XII-496b; pro-i-ision, ?"i^oni'ar XII-516b: Reggio deir Emilia XII-718a; regnal years in-738d; and relifeio^ institutes XII-753b: and re- ii3ous*orders XII-754e-, 755c; reserved cases 1-3J)4D. resi denee XV-280C; de' Ricci on II-6ld; ring Xlll-eOd: and Roman Congregations 1-1230. XIII-136d: von RoskoyAn> on II-13.5C: in Royal Declaration XIII-213b: in Riithenian Rite VITI--^77c- sacristan Vll- 284c; "Xni-144b: XV.-278C; schisms l-447b; secularization of reTgious XII-7.56C, sedia gestatoria XIII-679a; Smal- S Articles on V-761c- and Stephen Duschan XIIl-733b

?;Ss"°"x?II-^3Vaf -S^s guards XV-299d: Syncelh XIV-383b: as teacher ot Church XII-269a; «empora power I-144b; 1.55d; II-139C, &ogian of V-lOSa: Thomis- tic teaching .XIV-701a tmra XIV-714d; titles I-e^M-.^I- 2a; XII-270a; tomb I"--?}?*, sua, tomb, tcmporaj- Xni-

i)i^a, winu, ^'^"m:

vicar-general 111-3410; as Vicar of Christ XV'_1l'd_iml vows. religiousXTl 7 ■' •■ ■ '"' ■' |- '" ine of feet X\' - ■ '1 " ' _ ':': XV-.WOb; Zii. ' :. . ' '"

Pope, PuohloclrH Ml - ■' . 1'-

vnlt Xl-2a; \U ll'.la P0PE,"ALEXANDER XTI-2.5Sd; V-»i»b; Ad.^m translates I- r!4d- on Belsunce II-12.5c; mTon on V-468d; Geoffrey of Monmouth VI-42Sb; and M™resnuieuX-537b;por.r^t XII-259; at Twyford V-457b, XIII-572d . —Francis, sheriff XV-.5-58C


=l;Safu^Jo7-t??.S« Grace,

-SiJ'Thomas X-156d: XI-3f.9b Popelontchom. See Juan Ban

Popelout. ""see Juan Bautista Pope'ryl Declaration against, Eng- pj;;?^Slir/M^dXI-369c — Militia I-*"':^:ib Popess. l....,„l Vlll:4fl7c PoSham. Sir Home R.ggs III~36d -Sir John. .-lu.;l ""i"'n,„\eu .50:id; Xll-W:'d; and Duekelt

PoDiel. Vincent Theophilus Chos- ciak Archbishop of \\arsaw XIli-25fla; XV-556a; at Wloc- iaw-ek XV-681d

Popish Plot. ^ Se^ Oat ess Plot Poplar, iu Bible Xll-lStia Poplavski. Nicholas, Bishop of

finesen IX-145C PopUcani, Cathaii III-435a; Sens.

Council XIII-720b Popo. .Sec Poppo ,, . . , Popofi, Ivan.. «<■' yeniaminof Popolare, union. Italy Xll iJ»a Popol Vuh IV-413a; VII-756C;

XU-i»4c , , ^,

Popovics, Basil, Bishop of Mun-

Popovu'ch, Alesha Xni-266b Popovtsi XII-t^;49b Popovyc iiicrrliant \Ul-ou.ia Popowitsch. Sigismund XV-422C Poppa Carbone, P>etro. See

Peter Poppa Carbone St. PoDPaea, Sabma X-753b, XI- 3Mb:' deified II-364C; and Flavins Josephus VIlI-522b, and Nero X-7o3b: 7o3d Poppel, Ladislaus VIII-4S4a — Nicolaas. See J.anssen Popoig, Eduard Ftiedrich \ -421b POPPO SAINT XII-275a; at St. CUiislain Ill-210d; Vasloge

—Pone ° .See Damasus II, Pope —I Coimt of Andechs, Bishop of

Bamberg II-243C . -Patriarch of Aqmleia VI 655b;. Bamberg cathedral 1- 662b: rationale XII-65ia -Bishop of Cracow IV-;464C —Bishop of Paderbom XI-384a -Archbishop of Trier XV-43a —Bishop of Wurzburg XV-

»^ DEVOT-IONS XII- ^ 275b: AngelusXII-275d; Bene- diction XII-275d; girdle XII- 27.5d : Hoursof thePassion Xll- 27M June XII-273d; Little Office of the B V. M. XII- 275d; May XII-27Sd; Novem- ber XII-27.5d; October XI- 275d; Precious Blood All


Cross XII-275d; Wiseman's action Xy-594b Popular Science Monthly Xll

Popltation, of the earth (190&- nsi XIV-2S0C .

-THEORIES OF XII-276c: and birth-rate xn-27Sc: and law of diminishing, returns Xll 278b ; Malthusian X II-2 - 7a . neo-Malthusian XII-2'9b

Popule meus VII-704a

Populists, party, 1- nited States

Populcnia, Diocese of X-30a;

XIV--261a Populus, feudal VI-a?c Poquelin. Jean-Baptiste. Set

Moliere, Jean Baptiste ?raccir.Dome'nfco%ishopof P.^S:"m^h^'^f Segorbe -?f^[Vr^\%aintVI-270b;IX-

189b; Cursus Scottorum 111-

Poi^a^o, Stefano, cardinal, at l",H.n:i ll-'>-'Sa; conspiracy XIV ■■ii4b; and Nicholas V Vlll-'h \lll-169b: and Ro- man U.pubUc XI-59C Pore CoUege l.ouvain IX-391d Porcelos. Diego Koariguet, Count of Castile, at Burgos Ill-67b: 411a t r -1

ni,'e"thr..n.- X1V-4WC .

Porchetus, Salvaticus, theologian

„^-"'Sica R„meII-326a Porcia. basilica, """';,,,,.,. Porcius. Laurentius Il7;>33c Porcupine, in Uil.le^-o..>c

S'SbNE. GioyANm AN- TONIO Xll-2s0d; .portrait XI 1-28 la: and Vivarini XV- 491d , .. ..„

^ork: St. Lawrence J"f' °'|° (ill.) IX-91: Pavia XI-59-!C.