Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/175

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made an assistant at the pontifical throne, 16 May, The inhabitants of the diocese number more

1916. The 1920 statistics credit the diocese with than 400,000. There are 84 parishes, 1 seminary

78,005 Catholics, 31 parishes, 78 secular and 4 regu- under the care of the Eudist Fathers, with 8 pro-

lar clergy, 18 seminarians, 4 Brothers, 54 Sisters, and fessors and about 50 seminarians. As the churches

50 churches or chapels. are built of straw, and are only temporary edifices

Oarr, James, educationist, b. at Preston, Eng- I* »«, <*»®<=»1* .*? determine their number There land. Nove^r. 1826, d. 'at Formby. EiglanI, S/?^^„^f ^^'^ J.^ "fwn h™T„*Jf ^flh! le^.r^^^^lTinS'lA^:Z^hSlrrit GerSfn'^kS Sf'th'T ^et^^'T' ^ 5 v£

a oUrrtrne^ oTpS^^s^d^^ sr^ '^i^n^'^±i:^'tri^t^ Th^

of liverpoSl, as a result of the typhus plague. He ^*'^^ missionary pnests for the pttebto of Ure.

was at once' appointed to St. NiSiolas*^ ^the- iZih^tL'!^v^™^.^W ^^. '^^^fil t!?,^

dral and with a feUow-curate founded a ichool for ^^ ^L n!,?„°I!. ™^5*' J'^n ^ veiy few stu-

the children of the Whitechapel district. In 1854 f^^^t^iM^^'i^f^rj^'* ^a ^^""T^ there are

he was made rector of Dougla^ Isle of Man, where **« ^S** ^^'^^ ^9^ boys and girls. Four hospitals

he buUt the Church of St ivfary, said to be the !^„^ asylums exist m the archdio^. Religious

most remarkable building on the island. During ?u^^" v*J^li°'*^*V?'^. >^'S?,u^"»^*{°'" P

his eight yeam there, bem^des erecting a presbyter^ ^^^, .°S°w,f i^ 9^1^^^ l^^" ^\ ^^^

and Mhoil, he founded missions at Ramsey and ^"8"^'"^?^^ /f); EudisU (3) ; Fathers of the Di-

Peel. Recklled to England in 1862 to become S°f Jf'/'igr 3 ^ ^/^T"^ |*'fv. °^ >,¥ f"^ rector of Formby, a small country parish near S^,* V( ^t^ /o\^ ' Christian Brothers (2) ; Jesuits Southport, where he soon erected the beautiful ^2): Sal^iaM (2); Sisters of the Pr«entation of Churct of Our Lady of Compassion to replace the l2^J^}'-J^^Jf^\Jf^^t"^rS^J^ ^^.S^ small chapel that ttid been ^ since peSal days. te^S^L^j'^M^^ V •!^"'S?^'L^^/*!r%*'^ **'? In 1866 he was raised to the Liverpool chapter: S% J""'Xvir '(^^ lli^nZJ'^'i^L^TiSi

Ten years latei- through the generosity of a ?*• Peter Claver (2); MiMionaiy Swtere of the benefactor. Canon Carr was abll. to begin the Immaculate Conception of St. Catherme (1). erection of the present well-equipped Formby Cartagena, Diocese op (Carthaginensib; cf. C. Schools, and in 1880 the bishop, wishing to sys- E., III~384c), in Spain, suffragan of Granada. This tematize the work of religious instruction, ap- see is filled by Rt. Rev. Vicente Alonso y Salgado, pointed Canon Carr the first diocesan inspector of of the Pious Schools, b. in the Diocese of Orense, the training colleges for England and Scotland, a 1895, appointed Bishop of Astorga 1804, transferred post entailing years of uphill work. Some time 25 June, 1903. The principal events of this diocese previously he and Mgr. Richards of Westminster, during recent years nave been: the holding of two seeking to improve the Catholic school system, general councils, the consecration of the diocese to invited the Sisters of Notre Dame at Namur to the Sacred Heart, and the organization of a rural come to England, knowing they had English pos- federation of Catholic syndicates. During the influ- tulants in their community. They were established enza epidemic of 1919, 14 priests died while per- in a house in Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, the be- forming their parochial duties. Other clergymen ginning of the Mount Pleasant foundation, which of prominence deceased in recent years are: Rev. today includes the most notable training college Pedro Gonzalez Adalid, Rev. Francesco Orspnu for teachers in the United Kingdom. Bautista, and Rev. Pedro Belando, who was actfve

In addition to his other work. Canon Carr found in Catholic social work and labored unceasing^ time to write twelve doctrinal manuals, two of among the poor. ' ,

which "The Catholic Pupil Teacher" and "The By latest statistics (1922) the diocese contains Lamp of the Word," are still standard works of 302 parishes, 713 churches, 30 monasteries for men, their class. In recognition of these services to 93 convents for women with 1,040 Sisters, 560 the Church, Pope Leo XIII made him a domestic secular priests, 86 regulars, 125 lay brothers, 1 semi- prelate. From 1885 to 1895 Mgr. Carr was presi- nary and 235 seminarians. The institutions include dent of St. Edward's Ecclesiastical College, Liver- 1 university, 2 normal schools, 24 asylums, 11 hos- pool, and on the death of Bishop O'ReUly in 1892 pitals, and 36 other charitable institutions of various was appomted vicar capitular. The new bishop kinds. Two dailies, 1 weekly, and 11 monthly chose him as his vicar general; he was also chair- periodicals are published here. The following re- man of the Liverpool Catholic Truth Society and Hgious associations have been organized among the the I^verpool Catholic Reformatory Association, clergy: Unio Apostolica, Association of secular A gifted preacher, his lofty 'panegync on Pope missionary priests, League for the defense of the Leo Xni was one of the mo^ remarkable sermoM clergy, Monte Pio del Clero Cartaginense, and Asso- delivered m Liverpool. At the time of his death ciation Sacerdotal de Sufragio. Mgr. Carr had been a priest for sixty-four years /• ««.i. * ,r^ ,

and a generation ago was considered the greatest oartnage, Archdiocese op (Carthaginbnsis; cf. CathoUc educationist of the English speaking world. 9' ?' nj-:385b), including the entire Regency of

Lunis, Africa. This ancient see, founded m the Cartagena, Archdiocese of (Cathagena in first century, and re-established as a metropoli- Indhb; cf. C. E., III-384b), in Colombia, South tan see in 1884, was filled by Rt. Rev. Bar- America. The present and first archbishop is the tholomew Clement Combes, b. in the diocese of Most Rev. 'Pedro Adan Brioschi of the Foreign Carcassonne (France), 1839, ordained 1864, made a Missions of Milan, b. at Tradate, 7 April, 1860, Knight of St. Gregory, 6 September, 1879, ap- elected bishop of Cartagena 15 April, 1898, made pointed • Bishop of Constance, 13 May, 1881, pro- archbishop 27 July, 1901, when the see was erected moted 15 June, 1893. In 1908 he was made apostolic into an archbishopric. The following important administrator of Algiers, and on 22 January, 1909, religious events have taken place in the archdio- he was made Archbishop of that see as well as of cese since 1907: the third diocesan synod was held Carthage; he resigned from the fovmer see 11 in 1912, the second provincial council in 1915 and March, 1917. In 1914 Archbishop Combes cele- the fourth diocesan s3mod in 1918, all during the brated the golden jubilee of his priesthood and administration of the present archbishop. died 12 February, 1922. Mgr. Alexis Lemaitre,