Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/236

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from school funds can be drawn upon for loans to ferred to Como 8 September, 1905, and the see tvas

farmers, was upheld as constitutional. left vacant for a lon^; period. In 1909, however,

Recent History. — ^The Colorado mine strike of His Eminence Cardmal Boschi, Archbishop of

1914 will always be remembered for the extreme Ferrara, was named Bishop of Comacchio also, and

bitterness displayed by the strikers. They de- administered the diocese imtil his resignation in

manded an eight-hour day, a ten per cent advance 1919. The following year Comacchio was again

in wages, the abolition of the guard system and given a bishop of its own in the person of Rt. Rev.

the recognition of unions. The arrival of the militia Gherardo Sante Menegazzi, F. M.Cap.» bom in

smoothed matters until it was suspected that in Rovereto di Goa, Italy, 1866, appointee! 16 Decem-

its makeup many of the mining companies' own ber, 1920. This diocese comprises a Catholic popu-

men were included. There were pitched battles lation of 40,909, 14 parishes, 36 secular and 5 regular

and the Federal troops were called to the scene, clergy, 14 seminarians, 14 Sisters, and 14 churches

After ineffective attempts at mediation President or chapels.

Wilson appointed a commission, which submitted n^«,.«.«,o * o m

a three-year truce. This the operators rejected and Oomayagua, Archdiocese op. See Tegucigalpa.

the miners accepted. In December the strikers Oommimion of Ohildren (cf. C. E., IV-170).— In

went back to work without gaining their points. danger of death young children ought to receive

Prohibition under the state constitution became Holy Communion if they know how to distinguish

effective on 1 January, 1916. Three boards of great Christ's Body from ordinary bread and adore It

importance have been recently organized—the Tax reverently. If thefe is no danger of death they

Commission, State Public Utilities Commission, and should have a certain knowledge of the mysteries

Industrial Conimission. Each is composed of three of Faith that are to be believed as a necessary

members appointed by the governor and confirmed means to salvation, and be prepared to receive with

by the senate for six years. The State Board of such devotion as might be expected of children of

Correction, consisting of three members, was created their age. The Code says that the confessor and

in 1915 to control ,the penitentiary, reformatory the parents or guardians are to decide if the child

and insane asylum. Colorado ratified the Federal is sufficiently advanced and prepared to receive its

suffrage amendment 12 December, 1919, and the first communion; but it also requires the parish

prohibition amendment 15 January, 1919. priest to exercise vigilance lest the child should go

During the European War Colorado contributed too soon or should refrain too long from communion

34,393 soldiers, or .92% of the United States Army, when sufficiently prepared. The Colorado members of the National Guard Codex jw, can,, 854; cf. irith Bed. Rev., XVU (mi).

joined the 40th Division at Camp Kearney, Call- JW-". ior a case where the oonfeeeor and pariah priest

fomia. The summary of' casualties of Colorado "*«'^-

members of the expeditionary forces is as follows: Oommnnion of tbe Sick (cf. C. E, IV-174).—

deceased, 34 officers, 533 men; prisoners, 2 officers. Persons who have been confined to bed by illness

15 men; wounded, 87 officers, 1,088 men. for a month and who have no sure hope of a speedy

5^oK^U?n"1[t L'-^p^nTifa^) SA1 ^^ -Sf - -- «<>-<l ^-d (modifying administration of Rt. Rev. James J. Hartley, b. in cSiex jw- <^ 858-««. Columbus, 1853, ordained 1882, appointed 23 Decem- ^ \ ' ."

ber, 1903. On 3 March, 1918, the golden jubilee ^ Communism (cf. C. E., IV-179b) .—There has

of the diocese was celebrated. During the World been no increase in the number of communistic

War it gaye 6 priests and 6,262 laymen to the societies in the last decade. In fact, the few that

service. were in existence ten years ago have either declined

By present statistics there is a Catholic popula- or disappeared. The name "Commxmism," how-

tion of 109,024 in this territory, comprising 75,843 ever, has been frequently on men's lips since the

Americans, 13,212 Italians, 6,719 Poles, 7,026 Slovaks, year 1918. It has been applied by both friend and

1,864 Syrians, 574 Lithuanians, and 3,354 Ruthenians foe to the Bolshevist regime in Russia. (See Boi/-

of the Greek Rite. These are served through 101 bhbvism.) In this connection it has about the same

parishes, 152 churches, 37 missions, 45 mission sta- meaning as Socialism. This usage indicates a re-

tions, 2 monasteries for men, 144 secular and 37 turn to Marx and Engels; for the document in

regular clergy, 5 lay brothers, 841 sisters, 1 seminary, which they first set forth their system was called

170 seminarians, 1 college for men with 14 profes- "The Communist Manifesto." sors and 375 students, 2 colleges for women with 20 John A. Ryan.

teachera, 27 high schools with 67 teachers, 254 boyB oomo, Diocbsb op (Comensis; cf. C. E.

and 286 girls; 3 academies with 32 teachers, 480 iv-i83c), in Lombardy, Northern Italy, miffraga^

^T5?l^^^ ^l^'^^'Ji ?™*^ f ^''^ r^^ ^ ^^u^!^ of Milan, This diocese is under the adniinistraSon and 30 students; 61 elementary schools with 427 ^^ r^ ^^ ^^^ j^y^ b. at Faenza, 1864, ap- teachers and 15,919 pupils. The various charitable ^^^ ^j^^^^ ^^ o£ q 19 j ^^^ ^J^ works include the Home and Foreign Mission ferred to Comacchio, 29 September, 1902, to Como, Society, 4 homes with 537 inmates, 6 h^pitals, and g September, 1905, and appointed an ^^sistant at 2 settlement houses. The Eucharistic J^ague and ^he pontifical throne, 11 March, 1912.^^^ a society for mfirm prieste are organized nmong jy^^^ ^^e Worid War the ceigy and laity ot the clergy and three periodicals the this diocLe distinguished themselves in the patriotic Columbia/' «^^^^ Weekly" and "Ohio Waisen- ^^ charitable wSrks at home, as well as & active freund, are published here. g^rvice in the field. On 15 August, 1919, the papal Oomacdiio, Diocbsb of ((Domaclbnsis; cf. C. E., delegate. Cardinal Ferrari, solemnly crowned the IV-151a), in the province of Ferrara, Italy. This statue of Nostra Signora del Sacra Cuore di Gesu, see was formerly suffragan of Ravenna, but by a in the church of Santa Giorgia in Borgo Nice. Decree of 7 January, 1909, it was made directly By latest statistics (1922), this diocese corn- subject to the Holy See. Rt. Rev. Alfonso Archi, prises a Catholic population of 377,873; 337 parishes, appointed to the see 28 September, 1902, was trans- 1,000 churches, 1 monastery of women, 9 convents