Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/442

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she wafi ceded a part of Macedonia with a large Montenegro Aasembly voted to depose King Catholic population. By Article IV of the- Con- Nicholas and to unite v^th the new State. There cordat the Holy See grants the use of the Glagolitic, was some doubt, however, about the legality of or Old Slav Liturgy in those regions where the the proceedings, as King Nicholas never accepted need is felt. After the union of all the Orthodox his forcible removal, but upon his death on 1 Servs in the Kingdom, the Church becomes a March, 1921, the country was definitely joined to

Sktriarchate under the rule of the Patriarch and the new State. The Treaty of Rapallo between olv Synod for ecclesiastical purposes. The Servian Italy and Jugoslavia, signed 12 November, 1920, Orthodox Church is governed by the S3mod of delimited the frontiers of Jugoslavia, giving to the Bishops. All the ecclesiastical officials are under country part of Dalmatia, mcluding the portion the control of the Ministry of Public Worship, assigned to Italy by the Treaty of London (1915). There is imrestricted liberty of conscience. The work on the new constitution unfortunately

The State budget which is assigned to the re- caused dissension, the Croats refusing to acquiesce ligious denominations, is repartitioned among the in the new arrangement of political divisions, and to confessions pro rata to the number of communi- take part in the elections of 1920. In the plebiscite cants. in the district of Klagenfurt (10 October, 1920),

HiBTOBT.— The creation of the Jugoslav State in Jugoslavia lost to Austria, but invaded the district, 1917 was the culmination of long agitation on the claiming fraud in the elections. Upon the demand part of the Slav peoples for nationality, a move- of the Council of Ambassadors their troops were ment which was hastened by the World War. withdrawn. At the death of King Peter of Servia, The conception of Jugoslav imity was in part the Prince Alexander ascended the throne, outcome of the literary and linguistic movement The Chubch.— On 24 Jime, 1914, the Concordat which developed in the first half of the nineteenth between Servia and the Holy See was signed in century under Vuk Karadzic. The Jugoslavs shared Rome by Cardinal Merry del Val and the Servian in the revolutionary spirit of 1848 and 1866, but delegate, M. Milenko R. Vesnia. Its general tenor for various reasons, the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes was favorable to religious freedom and the re- were unable to unite. The Balkan Wars brought ligious development of the Catholic subjects of a closer co-operation, however, and their animosity the King of Servia, although in the Servian Con- seemed to die out. During the World War, a very stitution Orthodoxy was the State religion and con- large proportion of the Jugoslavs were imprisoned versions to Catholicism were severely forbidden, and interned, a severe censorship was establii^ed. Following the World War Jugoslavia has acquired the Provincial Diets in which the Jugoslavs were a larger Catholic population t£in any other Eastern represented were suspended, a condition of affairs State. The number of Catholics in Croatia, which intensified the already apparent determina- Slovenia, Dalmatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and tion of the Jugoslavs to secure their separation Servia exceeds 6,000,000. Before the war Belgrade from the Habsburg monarchy. In May, 1917, the had 15,000 Catholics who were deprived of a church Jugoslavs in the Atistro-Hungarian Eeichsrat de- because of the intolerance of the Servian Govem- manded that all provinces in the monarchy should ment, and could only attend Mass in the chapel be united under the Habsburg Crown in a single of the Austrian legation. Now under new condi- autonomous and democratic State, free from all tions which are gradually overcoming prejudices foreign domination. On 20 July, 1917, after the in this Orthodox city, the erection of a suitable fall of Russia, a pact was signed at Corfu between place of worship is being planned, to be dedicated Doctor Anton Trumbitch, the head of the Jugoslav to SS. C3Til and Methodius. Contributions were party, and Nikola Pashitch, the premier of Servia, received from Pope Benedict XV and from prelates whereby it was a^oreed to constitute an independent from all parts of the world. In the new Jugoslav unified State of the five million Servians of Servia State Catholicism is independent, while Orthodos^ and Montenegro and the Serbs, Croats, and is still a State institution. The strongest Catholic Slovenes, subjects of Austria-Hungary. On 8 April, element is amongst the Slovenes (1,500,000) who, 1918» the Congress of Oppressed NationaUties at while not so numerous as the Croats, are more Rome declared in^ favor of the State, and the Catholic, and strongly influenced b^ their priests, movement for unity took definite form at the According; to the plan of reorganization of the meeting of the Jugoslav Coimcil at Ljubliana on churches in Jugoslavia, it will be divided into fifty 16 August, 1918. In the following month the dioceses, half of whicn will be Catholic and h&U National Coimcil elected a Central Executive Com- Orthodox. The great bulk of the Slovenes, 600,000, mittee to undertake the creation of the govern- form the diocese of Ljubljana (Laibach) whose ment and establishment of a sovereign State with bishop, Mgr. Jeglic, is venerated even by the the purpose of reuniting the Serbs, Croats, Slovenes Servians as a valiant pioneer of South Slavic on the basis of race without regard to political pohtical unitv. It has a flourishing ecclesiastical frontiers. In October, 1918, Croatia severed rela- seminary and preparatory school, and in 1919 its tions with Hungary. At Geneva in November, desire for a university charter hitherto frustrated 1918, the representatives of Servia, the Jugoslav by German opposition, was fulfilled by decree of National Council, and the Jugoslav Committee of the Regent, Prince Alexander. The umversity was London, proclaimed a common ministry for a united endowed with two theological faculties, one Catho- State. Later in the month, the National Council, lie faculty in 1920. and the other Orthodox. _ The representing all the Jugoslavs, voted for union Catholic numbered 13 professors for the chairs of with Servia and Montene^, and the bestowal theolosy of the Old and New Testaments, Biblical of the regency on the Prmce Resent of Servia. archeology, systematic dogma, historic dogmatics. On 1 December, 1918, the Jugoslav National (joun- comparative histoiy of religions, fundamental cil announced the fact to the Prince Regent and theology, moral ancl pastoral theology, canon law, called for the creation of a representative body philosophy, patrology, history of the Eastern by the agreement between the National Council Churches, ana general ecclesiastical history. There and popular representatives of Servia, which was are also courses of liturgy, ecclesiastical art, homi- to meet until a constituted assembly had met and letics and ecclesiastical pedagogy, the Government should be responsible to it. Prince Amongst the priestly leaders of the Slovenes was Alexander at once proclaimed the new State. The the late Dr. Janez Krek, the father oC Christian