Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/444

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Kadi-KenX (Chalcbdon; cf. C. £., III-554d). — public chapels; 2 missioxiB; 1 station; 1 monastery

This mission was created 2 July, 1895, and 25 May, of monks, and 1 monastei^ of nuns; 7 convents of

1898, and confided to the Augustinians of the religious and 6 convents of Sisters; 83 lav brothers;

Araumption, for the Latins, Greeks, and Slavs, with 4 secular priests, 24 regular priests, of whom 15 are

parishes at Kadi-Keui, Stamboul, Gallipoli, and Latins, 5 Armenians, 3 Bulgarians, and 1 Greek; 1

elsewhere in Asia Minor. An Archconfratemity of seminary with 15 seminarians, of whom 11 are Bui-

Our Ladv of the Assumption, prima primaria, was garians, 3 Russians, and 1 Rumanian; 5 colleges for

erected by Leo XIII 25 May, 1898, to promote boys with 102 teachers and 1245 students; 4 colleges

the union of churches. A secular priest was ap- for girls with 65 teachers and 1010 students; 6 ele-

pointed parish priest at Scutari in 1908. In the mentary schools with 12 teachers and 245 pupils; 1

same year a church of the Armenian Rite was conmiercial school with 5 teachers and 65 pupils; 1

erected in Kadi-Keui. A church of the Latin orphan ayslum ; 1 hospital; 1 settlement house. All

Rite was erected at Haidar Pacha in 1912, and a hospitals admit Catholic visitors and ministry of

public chapel was built at Pendik. In November, priests. The Catholic institutions receive some aid

1914, the French religious congregations were ex- from the French Government, but none from the

pelled by the Turks, who seized all the buildings Turkish Government. The ^'Echos d'Orient," a

in use as orphanages, schools, etc., turned one chapel review of Oriental studies, is published at Kadi-

into a mosque and one church into a moving pic- Keui. The Third Order of St. Francis is estab-

ture theater, and burned the Armenian Mechitarist lished in the mission, as are also honorary guards

College and two other buildings. These congre^a- of the Sacred Heart, the St. Vincent de Paul Society

tions returned in 1918 and 1919. The Carmelite for men, the Association of Christian Mothers, and

nuns settled at Phanaraki 15 December, 1919. The the Children of Mary for young girls. The present

church and parochial school at Scutari were burned superior of the mission is Rev. Gervais Qu6nard,

in July, 1921. Many religious and laymen in the A. A., appointed in 1920.

mission were called to the colors by their respective Kaffa, Southern, Pbefectubb Apostouc or (cf . Governments in the World War; among those c. E., XVI-^b), erected 28 Januaiy, 1913, from kiUed were 1 priest and 11 lay brothers, as well as part of the Vicariate Apostolic of Galla, in Abys- many laymen. The clencs and pious laymen ginia, and confided to the Missionaries of the Con- formed an association to assist the needy, and goiata of Turin. In the persecution of 1904 mis- several Sisters devoted themselves to nursing the sionaries had been banished from Kaffa, and no typhus sufferers. Among the latter was Sister Catholic priest was allowed to return there until Amelia, of the Congregation of the Immaculate 12 November, 1917, when the Missionaries of the Conception of Lourdes, who died 1916 as a result Consolata of Turin got five installations newly of her labors among the plaguenrtricken. Other erected in the prefecture, but only as civilians, noteworthy persons who have died are: Fr. Soph- Their spiritual work is still clandestine. The pres- rone Rabois-BouMuet, A.A., rector of the Greek ent apostolic is Rt. Rev. Gaudens Barla«ina, Rite parish of Chalcedon and contributor to the brother of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, appointed "Echos. dOnent," d. 18 April, 1911; Fr. Armand q May, 1913. The new boundaries of the prefecture Trannoig, A. A., vicar of the Lahn parish of Chalce- are as follows: on the north the Blue Nile River don d. 8 November, 1918 : Fr. Jerome Frassier, from the British-Abyssinian frontier, to 38* long. : A A., missionary of the Slavic Rite, who had on the east the 38* long, from the Blue Nile to 4^ Jarred many years m Bulgaria, d. 25 l^ovember, n. lat.; on the south from 38^* long, and 4' N. lat. J?^'.?:*^^^ Dimitrof, A. A., who labored more to Lake Rudolph; on the west the British-Abys- than thirty years m Bulgaria, d. 18 January, 1^1 ; ^^^^ frontier from Lake Rudolph to the Blue Brother Prudentius, supenor of the College of the Nile Brothers of the Christian Schools in £^di-Keui, — ' ^_, ^

d. 19 March, 1913; Sisters M. Constance (d. 1912), , Kaflrlstan, Prkfbcturb Apostolic of. See

M. Chantal (d. 1915), and M. Fidelia (d. 1921), Kashmir and Kafiristan.

all fuperiore of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion Kalsorwlllielmsland, Eastern and Western,

  • r Ir. ^"^' ^' Come3Te, of the Congregation Prbpecttures Apostolic of (cf. C. E., Vm^92d), in

of Notre Dame de Sion chaplain of the Sistere of the island of New Guinea. The various tribes in

Kadi-Keui, d. in June, 1920; Jacques de Beaufort, New Guinea are numerically small, especiaUy those

  • ^^^jfobleman of remarkable piety, d. 16 Jan- on the coast; inland their numbers increase and

uary, 1919. their language is more or less uniform. With few ex-

The Catholic population of the mission is 2300, ceptions the places on the sea coast have been reached

of whom 1355 belong to the Latin Rite and 915 to by the missionaries. The island stations of Tumlio

the Eastern Rite. Catholics of the Latin Rite in- and Ali are Catholic. The work of conversion is

elude 490 Italians, 265 Greeks, 155 French, 135 progressing as the natives are taking an active part

Ottomans, 125 Maltese, 110 Jugoslavs, and 75 others, in it. Spirit-worship is gradually losing its hold

Since 1918 there have been British troops, with a on the people and public worship is fin(ung favor,

military chaplain, in the mission, some of the so that the effects of grace are everjrwhere being

soldiers, Europeans and Indians, being Catholics, felt. The number of Christians and catechumens

Catholics of the Armenian Rite number 820, almost is increasing from year to year. In 1910 the rice

all Ottomans; of the Melchite Greek Rite there industry was established as a means of support

are 55 S3rrians; of the Syrian Rite, 45 Syrians; of in the mission, to enable the natives to earn a

the Pure Greek Rite, 25 Ottomans and Greeks, better living, to provide adequate nourishment, and

There are 5 parishes, of which 2 are Armenian and in general to raise the standard of the people. The

1 Greek; 5 churches, 2 of which are Armenian; 5 first attempts proved satisfactory and the mission