Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/483

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ceedcd by Most Rev. Frederick William Keating, Gotschce. The cathedral chapter consists of 12

bom in Birmingham, England, in 1859, made his regular and 6 honorary canons,

studies there and at Sedgley Park, Douai, and ^ Since 1493 a collegiate chapter has existed also

Olton, where he was ordained in 1882, served as a in connection with the parish cnurch of St. Nikolaus

professor at Oakmoor, Oscott, and Olton, pastor at Novomesto (New Cfity) ; it consists of a mitred

at Wednesbury, administrator of the cathedral of provost and 4 members. The consistory of the

Birmingham, made a canon in 1900, and appointed prince-bishop is made up of the cathedral chapter,

Bishop of Northampton 5 February, 1908, from 2 honorary canons, and 2 other members. The

which see he was promoted 13 June, 1921. The training of the cler^ is provided for bv a diocesan

religious orders established in the Archdiocese of clerical seminary with 92 students; and a seminary

Liverpool include: men, Benedictines, Franciscans for boys, the College of St. Stamslaus, with eym-

(Friars Minor), Jesuits, Oblates of Mary Immacu- nasium, founded in 1900, which has 340 stuoents

late, Passionists, Redemptorists, Holy Ghost Fa- and to which is affiliated the smaller seminary

thers. Society of St. Joseph for Foreign Missions, called Collegium Aloysianum, founded in 1846. The

Brothers of Charity, and Christian Brothers; University of Ljubljana, which was founded in 1919,

women. Sisters of Aaoration R6paratrice, Au^us- provides for theological study with 15 professors

tinian Sisters, Benedictines, Bon Secours, Carmelites, and instructors and 112 theological students. Eccle-

Daughters of Wisdom, Faithful Companions of siastical professors give religious instruction in the

Jesus, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, of the Holy gymnasium of St. Vid near Ljubljana (340 stu-

Child Jesus, of the Holy Cross and JPassion, Insti- dents), in the 3 gymnasia and the upper high school

tute of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle, at Ljubljana, also in other schools.

Little Sisters of the Poor, Sisters of Mercy, of . The rehgious orders and congregations for men

Notre I^une, Poor Servants of the Mother of in the diocese are: Cistercians, 1 abbey at Sittich,

Good, Poor Clares, Poor Sisters of Nazareth, Pre- 10 priests, 3 clerics, 14 lay brothers; Carthusians,

sentation Nuns, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of 1 monastery at Pletrije^ 29 priests, 31 brothers;

Mary, St. Joseph Missionary Sisters, various Franciscans, 5 monastenes, 48 priests, 15 clerics,

branches of the sisters of Charity, and Sisters of 32 lay brothers; Capuchins, 2 monasteries, 9 priests,

the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 6 brothers; Brothers of Mercy, 1 monastery, 1

The last civil census of this territory, taken in priest, 18 brothers; Jesuits, 1 residence, 8 priests,

1911, counts a total population of 2,069,854, and 3 lay brothers; Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1

the last Catholic census (1917) gives the total num- mission house, 21 missionaries, 9 brothers; Priests

ber of Catholics as 390,173. The latest statistics of the Teutonic Order, 1 branch monastery, 10

(1922) credit the archdiocese with 322 secular and priests, 2 clerics, 1 lay brother; Salesian& 2 houses,

182 regular clergy, 74 convents, 204 public churches, 12 priests, 24 clerics, 33 novices, 7 brothers. The

chapels, and stations, 69 private chapels with Sun- total number of Sisters of Christian Charity is

day Mass, 182 public elementaiv schools receiving 340 in 17 houses.

Government aid, and 2 not receiving aid, 6 second- The Cathedral of St. Nikolaus was built 1700-07

ary schools for boys and 24 for girls, 86,486 children in Barocco style by the Jesuit Andrea Pozzo. Other

in elementaiy schools, 6981 children in other schools, fine examples of Barocco architecture are the Fran-

4 hospitals, 33 residential institutions for poor chil- ciscan Church at Ljubljana (1628), the Church of

dren, and 9 other homes and refuges canng in all St. Peter (eighteenth century) at the same place,

for 3850 children. and the Church of St. Jakob (1615) also at Ljubljana.

Ti«i.ii.«.. /T ^ T \ -r*^ lK)ango (or French Lower Congo), Vicariate

Uubljana (Lubuna, German , Laibach), Dio- Apostolic op (db Loanoo or Congi oalliq in-

?»«. °P. <«i C. E^ VIII-743C), bishopric in Jugo- pbriobis; cf. C. E., IX-317a), erected in 1890, had

slavia, nghtfuUv still a suffragan of Gorizia(Gonca, ^^ boundaries somewhat changed in 1894 and again

Gorz), but m fart now separated from that metro- ^ ig^ gy ^y^ g^^^^^^ change the mission of

pohtan see which belongs to Italy. The diocese Linzolo was detached and joined to the vicariate of

embraces the territory of the former Austnan French Upper Congo. It is entrusted to the Fathers

croj^-land of Carmola (&anj8ko; Krain) ^f ^he mSy Ghost and includes a population of

The diocese is divided into 6 archdeanenes; i,6oo,000, of whom 5117 are Catholic, and 3000

Ljubljana, Upper Kram Interior Kram, Middle catechumens. The mission is served by 24 mis-

Krain, and Lower Kram. These are subdivided into gionary and 1 native priests, 15 Brothers, 45 cate-

22 deaneries. Beginmng with 19^ the see contains ^^g^ n gigters, 8 stations, 13 chapels, 62 second-

12 cathe<^ and 5 collegiate prebends, 301 parishes ^ary stations, 6 schools, and 6 orphanages. Rt.

(of which 30 are vacant), 1 vicarship, 1 ancient r^^^ I^on^Uharles^oseph Girod, appointed titular

chaplaincy, 17 Ex^ositwren (i, e., filial churches bishop of Obba and vicar apostolic of Loango, died

joined to the mother church only by some umm- ^t Mayumba, 13 December, 1919, and his successor

portant hnk to recall theu- former relations), 235 jj^g not yet been appointed, positions for assistant clergy (86 vacant), 36 other

benefices, 321 parish churches, 1000 dependent Lobbedey, Emilb-Louis-Cornil, heroic Bishop of

churches, 11 monastery churches, 230 chapels, 4 Arras, b. at Bergues in the Diocese of Lille, on 29

deaneries (with 44 curates and 45 priests) ad- February, 1856; d. at Boulogne on 26 December,

ministered by the Archdiocese of Gorzia, since 1916. He studied at Rome, winning a doctorate in

according to the treaty of St. (jermain and Kapallo theology and a licentiate in canon law as in

they belong to Italy, and a new p»artition of the philosophy, and served in the mission at Cambrai,

diocese has not yet been made. Besides the prince- Fradelles, and Hazebrouck, being named vicar

bishop there are 16 canons, 457 parish priests, 72 general in 1857. On 5 August, 1906, he was ap-

ecclesiastics in other positions, 6S priests retired pointed to the see of Moulins and on 5 May, 1911,

on pensions, 127 regulars. The population con- was transferred to Arras. When the war broke

sists of 500,000 Catholics, 200 Protestants, 1000 out he was the personification of the bravery that

Orthodox Greeks, 200 Jews. The language spoken characterized the French clergy, both secular and

by about 97 per cent of the inhabitants is Slo- regidar. He was decorated by the President with

venian. German is spoken in the larger cities like the cross of the Legion d'honneur with the foUow-

Ljubljana, and in the Germannspeaking center of ing citation in the Journal Officiel" (17 October,