Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/493

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McAndrew, James, major-general in the United passions were love of art and love of country and his

States army, b. at Hawley, Penna., in 1862; d. at greatest interest was poetrv, which he knew well in

Washington on 30 April, 1922. Graduating from English, French, Latin and Irish. He was drawn to

the Mihtary Academy at West Point he took part the classical poets but after coming to Dublin he

in the Spanish American War in Cuba and the wrote more personal poetry. During the period before

Philippines. When the United States entered the he came to Dublin ne published "The Golden Joy"

World War, McAndrew was sent across with the first (1906) , and later "Songs of Myself." After publishing

detachment of the American troops in 1917, command- this work he went to Paris to do some reading. Then

ing the Eighteenth Infantry of the first Division, he took his M.A. in the National University. Padraic

He was detailed to organize the army sta£F college Colum, James Stephens, and a professor in the College

and schools at Langres, where the army officers of Science and MacDonagh stalled the "Irish Review"

received a course in modern warfare as it had de- as associate editors and after an interregnum, he took

veloped during the past three years. On 1 May, over the paper and edited it with his friend and i>upil,

1918, he became General Pershing's right-hand man Joseph Plunkett. MacDonagh wrote a thesis on

as chief of staff of the American Expeditionary "Thomas Campion and English Poetry" and was made

Force. It was he who directed from headquarters assistant prof essor of English literature in the National

the operations at Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel and the University, Dublin. In 1916 he published a critical

Argonne Meuse; and his work in both the defensive prose work, Literature in Ireland." MacDonagh's

and offensive campaigns placed him in the first rank country was always in his mind and he would have

of the great generals of the United States. After welcomed a reasonable settlement of Irish politicid

the war he received an honorary degree in law from conditions from the Government of Great Britain.

Fordham University and was made commandant He was happily married and his first son was bom in

of the General Staff Coll^ in Washington, but his 1912, and a second one six months before the insur-

health broke down toward the end of 1920, though rection. When the nationalists created their volun-

he lingered for fifteen months in hospital. teers MacDonagh had a place in the Executive and

_- _ .__ i.^^xv conmiand of a corps. From this time until the Easter

Macao, Dioctob op (Macaonbnsis; cf. C. E., IX- RebeUion that ended with his death, MacDonagh was

481b), m the Portuguese settlement of Macao in associated with the Volunteer movement with his

the Island of Hueng-Shan, adjacent to the coast of friends Pearse and Plunkett. Like them he was a

the Chinese Proymce of Kwang-tung. Rt. Rev. combatant^poet, fighting a combat that was passion-

Joao Paul Azeredo e Castro, appomted to this see ate, intellectual, spiritual.

9 June, 1902, died 17 February, 1918, and was sue- Colum, InlroductUm to Poems of the Irish Revdu- ceeded by Rt. Rev. Jose da Costa Nunes, vicar gen- Oanary Brotherhood (Boston, 1916). eral of the diocese, appointed 16 December, 1920. Samuel Fowlb Telfair, Jr. By a decree of 3 February, 1903, which became ef- fective in 1908, the jurisdiction of the diocese ex- MacDonald, Walter, theologian and philosopher, tends over the neighboring islands as far as the b. at Kilkenny in 1854; d. on 2 May, 1920. "While mouth of the river (with the exception of Hong- still busy with what is called "the most controversial Kong), the prefecture of Tchao-King with twelve of all modern books," "Some Ethical Questions of sub-prefectures, the prefecture of Hian^-Chan, a Peace and War," Dr. MacDonald's death was ap- part of Timor and the Portuguese Missions of proaching. After his preparatory studies he went to Malacca and Singapore. The territory has a total Maynooth College, and on his ordination in 1876, population of 8,000,000, of whom ^,000 are Catho- he became rector of St. Kieran's College, where he lies. Statistics for 1920 credit it with 3 parishes, had formerly been a pupil. He returned to Maynooth 22 missions, 52 European and 9 native priests, 1 in 1881 where he served as librarian. Prefect of the seminary with 120 Portuguese and Chinese students, Dunboyne Establishment, and professor of theology. 74 churches and chapete, 6 convents for girls, 1 He foimded the "Irish Theological Quarterlv" m ooarding school for boys, 2 asylums, 36 schools, and 1906. One of his treatises, on "Motion,'^ was 1 hospital. withdrawn from circulation because of certain pecu- liar views it presented.

MacDonagli, Thomas^ Irish poet, scholar and

patriot, bom in Cloughjordan, County Tipperary, McDonnell, Charles E. See Brooklyn, T)iocese

1878, a. Dublin^ 1916. His father and mother were of. both teachers m the primary schools. He was

trained by a religious order and even entered a novi- Macedonia, Vicariate Apostouc op (Macb-

tiate in ms early youth. He became a teacher in a doniensis Bulgaborum), a vicariate in Greece, for

college in Kilkenny and later in Fermoy. Afterwards the Greek-Bulgarians, with residence at Salonica.

he went to the Aran Islands and to Irish-speaking dis- The present vicar is Rt. Rev. Epiphanius Scianow

tricts in Munster and made himself fluent in the Ian- of the Greco-Slavic Rite, appointed titular Bishop

guage. Just before Pearse (q. v.) opened his school of Livias, 23 July, 1895. By 1920 statistics the ter-

(St. Enda's) MacDonagh came to Dublin to try to ritory comprises a Catholic population of 10,200;

get a play of his ("When the Dawn Is Come") pro- 41 missionary priests and 33 churches and chapels,

auced. The scene was laid in the revolutionary At the outbreak of the Balkan War (September,

Ireland of the future. When the play wastproduced in 1912) this vicariate was much more flourishing,

the Abbey Theatre MacDonagh had already joined counting 27 parishes and 36 priests. The Greeks,

the staff of St. Enda's school. MacDonagh's two however, destroyed 12 parishes and forced six others