Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/611

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dance of 460; 4 secondary schools for girls with 40 a Catholic population of approximately 154,189.

teachers and 664 pupils, 2 training schools with 8 The present incumbent, Rt. Ilev. Louis Sebastian

teachers and 20 students; 176 elementary schools Walsh. D.D., has filled the see since 1906 and under

with 704 teachers and an attendance of 27,136 and 2 his able administration the diocese has made rapid

industrial schools with 15 teachers and 300 pupils, progress. The principal events of interest in recent

Charitable institutions include 2 homes for the aged, years have been the celebration of the tercentenary

1 home for poor girls and 1 orphanage. The hospitals, of the establishment of the Catholic Church in

asylums, refuges and day nurseries are all under the Maine in August, 1913; the tenth anniversary of

control of the colonial Government or town boards; the consecration of Bishop Walsh on 18 Octooer,

of these 12 hoepitaJs, 4 asylums, 1 tuberculosis hos- 1916; the celebration of the golden jubilee of the

pital, and 1 leper asylum admit the ministration of cathedral in September, 1919. During the World

priests. War this diocese gave 3 chaplains to the Army, 1

Most of the elementary schools are aided by the to the Navy and 1 for special auty in France. About

Government and in some places building grants-in- 800 Catholic men of the diocese entered the various

aid are given. There are various guilds, benefit branches of the service, thus forming one-third of

societies and confraternities organised amon^fst the the total number of men enlisted from the State,

laity, and a weekly, The Catholic News." is pub- whereas the entire Catholic population is only one-

lished. The Catholic population, white, black and sixthof the total population of the State. The present

colored, numbers 195,000, of whom about 5000 are statistics of this diocese show 88 parishes with resi-

East Indians. dent priests, 71 missions with churches, 34 chapels,

In 1912 the Knights of St. John from the United 159 churches. 80 mission stations, 1 convent for

States were introduced into the diocese; in 1919 the men and 37 for women, 137 secular and 33 regular

active Tertiary Dominican Sisters came, and three priests, 4 lay brothers, 28 seminarians, 643 nuqs.

years later the De La SaUe Brothers made a founda- The various educational institutions under Catholic

tion there. On 18 March, 1915, the church in San direction include: 1 college for men with 13 teachers

Jos^, the ancient capital of Trinidad, was consecrated, and 190 students, 1 college for women, 12 academies

In 1921 hostels for poor girls were built. and 50 elementary schools with 412 teachers and

The archdiocese lost two of its most zealous workers 18,000 pupils. Several of these schools as well as

in 1920, in the persons of Father Louis Tapon, F.M.I. , some of the charitable institutions receive aid from

missioziary from France, who had labored in Santa the State in their support. The charitable institu-

Xucia for forty-two years as parish priest, church tions include 1 home for old ladies, 7 orphan asylums

builder and vicar general, and Canon J. M. Aouart, and 6 hospitals; all the public institutions permit the

who had worked in the Urenadines without a break priests of the diocese to administer to the Catholic

for twenty- five years and had built there four chapels, mmates.

a school and presbytery. During the World War •, _^ tn a ^

Father Henri Nouais, C.S.N. ^ wasTdUed while trying Porto, Diocese op. See Oporto.


xionayrorce. oixo^nerpnesuiiromi-ori,uiopiun j^- q^^^^ ^^ g, Brakif.'^'^ISrp^n^t^wch^

served as chaplains. bj^h^p ^ ^^ ^^^ j^^n Becker, b. 1870. ordained

•D***4. ir4^A*4. "rk,««-«« ^- /i>^»«.,Ta Tr«/^m^»*«. 1806, elected Bishop of Florianopolis 3 May, 19(X3,

Port Victoria, Diocbsb of (Portus Victoria cons^rated 13 September follo^g, promoted tcl

^r'?^l?2.r«f^^^^^^^^^ Tm^rr^d. Tr"p:o%iatioro^^^^^^^

^' ^L^^""^: ,!^nfhf«h'nri« m Si L^iS 675,000, of whom 680,000 are Catholics. There the diocese The P^?* ^^^^PJf .^^l ^^lij^^ are: 85 parish, 95 seculai^ priests, 150 regular priests, Gumy, O. M. Cap., ^A^^gP' ^^^^^^ ^^fM^ ^^ Brothers, about 400 &ters, 2 colle^, 2 norma

R^K^P r^^if "o^iS^ %}^'hJ^A\}k^^J' }^* «^hool8, 1 agricultural school, and mSre'than 300 W^Breot: ^^^^^^^^ secondary aTparochialschook

of the mission, converted from the G^ S^V^^; Porto Nadonal, Diocese op (Portus Nation- Dunng the World War 2 Marist Brothers. ai^ 15 of ^g ,^ Brasilia), in the State of Goyaz, Brazil, the former pupib of the college were kdledin Europe^ suffragan of Marianna. It was erected 20 December,



and was

chapels, 18 regular prints, 16 Marist Brothers, 66 g^cc^ed 30jTUyV 1926T' by"Rt?lte'™Raymond- Sisters of St. Joseph of C luny, 1 collie for men with Dominique Carrerot, O. t., b. at Pamiers, France, 10 teachers and 180 pupils, 1 college for women with jg^ ordained 1885, elected titular bishop of Urano- 12teacher8and 175 pupils, 20e.ementary8choolsm^^ li^ ^^^ prelate Aullius of Araguaya, where he 46^teachers and 1500 pupils. There are 18 grant-m- J^^emed untU his transfer to Porto l^acional. The

of priests. . Each parish has 6 guilds. A Catholic ^^^^ ^ population of about 150,000. There are 1

periodical is publislied, called the Reveil Seychel- college foffioys with 3 teachers and 25 students,

^^^* 1 college for girls with 5 teachers and 160 students,

Port Victoria, Prefecture Apo?touc of. See 1 normal school with 2 teachers and 12 pupils, 2 ele-

!NoirrHERN Territory mentary schools with 3 teachers and an attendance

of 116. The Government contributes to the support

Portland, Diocese of (Portlandensis, cf., of the elementary schools. The confraternity of the

C. E., Xll— 287b). comprises the entire State of Holy Rosary, the Third Order Secular of St. I)ominic

Maine, a district ol some 29,896 sq. miles and has and various Catholic cireles are organized among the