Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/770

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Eupils. Evening courses for adults were attended Hermeto Joseph Pinheiro, bom at Traipu in the dio-

y 5613 pupils (195 illiterates). In 1920 the Monte- cese of Alagoas in 1870; he studied at Olinda, was

video University had 4165 students and 344 teachers, ordained in 1905, and appointed bishop 12 May, 191 1.

There are also a preparatory school and 22 other estab- The total population of the diocese numbers 250,000.

lishments for secondary and higher education with It has 18 first-class and 3 second-class parishes, 3

4143 pupils in 1919. There are normal schools for convents of men, 8 of women, 15 secular and 14 regu-

males and for females, and a school of arts and trades lar clergy, 72 Sisters, 16 seminarians, 30 mixed supported ing gn

8 profi r_, • s ' - r-'T—i

gjous seminaries throughout the Republic with a con- and 6 seconda^ schools for girls with 861 pupils, ana

siderable number of pupils, a university for women, a 6 hospitals. A benefit society is formed among the

school for the blind, and one for the deaf and dumb, clersy and several associations are organised among

and a school for domestic science. the laity. Two Catholic periodicals are published.

Economics.— For the year 1920-21 the receipts •,*!./* ^ -r^ ^«-*r «.«« y r^ . ,

were £8,137,015 and the expenditures were £8,746,- ^,^^ i^- p: ?:».^""238a) .—The area of the

614. The estimates of revenue and expenditure for State of Utah is 84,990 square miles, of which 2806

1920-21 were (4.7 dollars-£l): $38,043,975 reve- are of water surface. In 1920 the population was

nue and $41,109,088 expenditure. 11?^^^' ^^..^^^'^SS^ ®^ ^^^ smcje 1910. Of this,

Agriculture.— In Uruguay the agricultural indus- 48% was urban; 52% was rural. The average num-

tries are increasing. The number of people engaged in ber of inhabit^te to the Bouaje mile was 5.5, as

agriculture in 1913-14 was 92,462; in 1914-15, 98,301 against 4.5 m 1910. Part of Wasatch County was

and in 1918-19,93,187. The principal crops for the orgamzed as Duchesne County in 1915. Daggett

year 1919-20 were as follows: wheat 688,407 acres. County wm also organized during the last decade from

barley 4610 acres, oats 81,145 acres, linseed 83,645 Part of Unitah County .and changjes were made in

acres. In 1916 there were within the republic 7,802,- the bopdm€»Tpf Rich aad Su^ Be-

442 head of cattle, 567,154 horses, 11,472,852 sheep, sides the civd divisions (429 pnmary and 137 secon-

16,663 mules, 12,218 goats, and 303,958 pigs. WIhe aa^r), the State containfl 3 Indian reservations, and

waa produced chiefly in the departments of Monte- fiart of wiother. The laijefft cities are Salt Lake

video, Canelones, Salto, Colonia, and Paysandu. ^Y (^^S'119'^^8^?? (32,804), Provo (10,303).

In 1918 there were 2822 properties (2638 in 1917) of Jpere are 441,901 whites, 1446 newocs, 2711 In-

17,180 acres, producing 41,888,814 kilos of grapes, f^^» 342 Chinese, and 2936 Japanese. The

and 5,628,926 gallons of wme. Tobacco and olives foreijm-born whites numl^red 56,455, ^d came

are also cultivated. mostly from Endand^weden, Denmark, Germany,

Mining.— In the northern departments several gold Greece, and Italv. Of the total population of ten

mmes are worked, and sHver, copper, lead, magnesium y®*" ?^ a^ Jf™ over (331,530), there were 6264

and lignite coal are found. The supply of electricity is ^^^^^^S^;S?o)' The males outnumbered the

used for light, power, and traction m a State monopoly females (232,051 males; 217,345 females) .

according to the bill passed 20 October, 1912. In 1918 . ?S^?^i"c Status .—Agnculture is on the mcrease

there were 16,017 industrial and commercial estab- P V^'.*^®«?"«?^^ °^.fel?"45^'^*®^8 Jrom 21.667

lishments with a capital of 134,383,782 pesos. ^ 1910 to 26,662, in 1920. The area of farm land

Foreign Trade.— The foreign trade for 1919 was as ,^*^^'^'iJ^ *?^» ^^iS^JpAllI^?'^ ^*® improved

foUows: imports £8,420,783, exports £27,457.991; }S?a. Of these farms, 22,218 (86.6%) were imgatcd.

and in 1920: imports £9,632,982, and exports £16,- The new irrigation enterprise include 2,359^^

150 344. ^^^ "* mvested capital of about S33, 000,000. A

GrovERNMENT.— The ncw Constitution of Uruguay, J*^ part of the irri^ted land lies in the Great Salt

which went into effect on 1 March, 1919, in substitu- ^^e drainage basm, the ^ water supply coming

tion for the old Constitution of 10 September, 1829, V^^^P^^Y ^"*™. streams drainm|r the Wawtch and

provides for strict separation of powers, election of Umtah Mountains and flowmg mto Utah Lake and

members of the high court of justice by the General ^^^-X?r ~^®' , ,. , , • , , ,.

Assembly, and cabinet interpellation. Executive I» ^^^^ w»e production and value of the leadmg

power is divided between two branches, one part is ^^1*^^®^^?^™ ^'?^^ **S2°SS/ 7?i"ed at $517,456;

entrusted to a president elected by popular vote, and J^'^eat 4,m979 bus^^ $9,022,154; oate 1,742,392

the other to an administrative commission of nine bushels, $2,069,269; barley 365.186 bu^els, $620,814;

members, also elected by popular vote for six years. P^^^ ^S^i^^^h i??,'i^'^5 hay 1.031,-

The administrative commission has aU administrative 609 bales, f 24,759,397. In 1917 the State produced

power not expressly reserved to the president or some 8^*" valued at $3,355,156; the production of silver

other branch of the Government, especially such amounted to 13,479,133 ounces; the lead production

power as relates to public instruction, health, labor, P 1?17 was 89,261 ahort tons, valued at $15,352,888;

industries, pubUc charities, and finance. Minority l^,*^® ^ame year the copper production was 446,-

representation is provided for by plurality voting. 674,153 pounds, valued at $67,342,044; the zmc

rte President is not allowed to leave the* country product was 10,643 diort tons, valued at $2,171,261;

longer than forty-eight hours without the consent the coal production of the State haa steadily mcreased,

of Sie Legislature. Plenary power to interpret the amounting in 1918 to 5,136,825 tons, valued at

constitution rests with the Legislature. By Act of $6,405,715. In 1917 about 60,000 tons of salt were

the Uruguayan Lerislature on 5 August, 1920, duel- produced. The Stat« contamed 7,430,084 acres of

ling was again leg^ized. State forest in 1917. The latest census of manufac-

^ tures (1919) gives 1 160 manufacturing establishments,

Umgiuiyanay Diocese of (Uruouayensib; cf. 23,107 persons engaged, earning a total oi $27,135.-

C. E., XV — 2SSb)f in Brazil, suffragan of rorto 482 for their services and turning out products worth

Alegre. The town of Uruguayana, with 14^800 $156,933,071. The capital invested was $140,785,-

inhabitants, is 720 miles west of Porto Alegre. The 034. The principal industries ranked by the value of

other principal cities included in this diocese are products were: lead smelting, beet sugar, slaughtering

Ale|prete witn 11,800 inhabitants, San Gabriel with and meat packing. There are no navig^le stieamSy

11,000 inhabitants and Sant' Anna do Livramento with but good facilities for transportation. The nflway

12,000 inhabitants. The first bishop is Rt. Rev. mfleage is 2447; the dectnc railway mil^^ge 448.