Page:Celebrated Scottish song of Tullochgorum.pdf/7

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{ \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 4/4 \partial 16 \key d \major \relative a' { \autoBeamOff
  a16 | a8. b32[( cis)] d8. fis16 e[( d]) cis[( fis)] d8. a16 |
  a8 b16 d8. fis,16 e8. d16 e fis8.\fermata a16 |
  a8. b32[( cis)] d8. fis16 e[( d)] g[( fis)] e8.\fermata d16 |
  fis8. e16 d8. fis,16 fis8 e16 fis8 d'32([^\markup \teeny "Da Capo." b16.]) \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { She vow'd, she swore she wad be mine; She said she lo'ed me best o' o -- ny; But oh! the fic -- kle, faith -- less quean, She's ta'en the carle, and left her John -- nie.} }

O she was a canty quean,
Weel could she dance the Highland walloch;
How happy I, had she been mine,
Or I'd been Roy o' Aldivalloch.
Roy's wife, &c.

Her hair sae fair, her een sae clear,
Her wee bit mon' sae sweet and bonny:
To me she ever will be dear,
Though she's for ever left her Johnnie.
Roy's wife, &c.