Page:Charles Moore--Development and Character of Gothic Architecture.djvu/352

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pulpit, 294; no organic character in its construction, 314.

Church of Sta. Maria della Spina, façade, 189; its gables have no relation to the roof behind, 191; interior, 191; capitals, 244; statues, 294. Plan, general, of a Gothic church, 18; of English chs., 167.

Plinths. See Bases.

English, 233.

Pointed architecture, not necessarily a distinct style, 7.

English, German, Italian, Spanish. See English, German, Italian, and Spanish pointed architecture.
French. See Gothic architecture, French.

Poissy, Collegiate church, 32; rib section, 218 (cut).

Poitiers, cathedral, its aisles but little lower than the nave, 178 (cut).

Portals, transept, 102; sculpture of, 254, 262; divided by central pillars, 262;—of the cath. of Chartres, 102;—Paris, south transept, 261;—Senlis, 106.

English, generally small, 164; of Lincoln cath., 162;—Wells cath., 164, 285.

Prato, cathedral, façade, 189; tower, 191.

Presbytery, of English churches, 167. Private dwellings unpretentious under the Gothic style, 2.

Profiles, Gothic, in France, 200-223.

English, 224-239; German, 239-242; Italian, 242-246; Spanish, 246.

Pugin, on Gothic architecture, 3.

Quintino, on Lombard architecture, 8.

Raphael, 308.

Reims, cathedral, source of its style, 60; date of construction, 121; external aspect and proportions,—121 (cut); abaci of the pinnacles of the apse, 205;—buttresses of the apse, 83 (cut), 84;—-façade, no; glass, 304; mullions, 222 (cut);—pinnacles, 84,—of the buttresses, 254;—tracery of apsidal chapels, 89 (cut);—transept, 102; vaulting system of, 74;—windows of the apsidal chapels, 88, 89 (cut).

Church of St. Remi, likeness to the cath. of Paris, 96;—apse, 96-99 (cuts);—buttresses, 17, 79, 82;—triforium, 96;—wall openings, 96.

Renaissance, in France, 2; in England and Germany, 3; the architecture, not of the people, 3; a time of the severance of arts formerly associated, 309.

Renan, on Gothic buildings, 118.

Ribs, development of, 14, 17; different kinds of, 18; constructive ribs only present in early 13th cent. French work, 72; superfluous ribs general in English buildings, 143. See also Liernes, Tiercerons.

Diagonal, their profile, 219;—longitudinal, merged with the archivolt of the window, 91; usually wanting in early English work, 131; of Salisbury cath., 147 (cut);—ridge, usual in English vaults, 135;—transverse, wanting in the vaults of Lichfield cath., 156.
Of the cath. of Amiens, 220 (cut);—Beauvais, 221 (cut); Laon, 220;—the ch. of Morienval, 218 (cut), 219 (cut);—the cath. of Paris, 219;—the ch. of Poissy, 218 (cut);—St. Denis, 218 (cut), 219 (cut);—the cath. of Senlis, 219 (cut),—apsidal chapels, 220;—the ch. of Villeneuve sur Verberie, 221 (cut).
In Spanish pointed buildings of the early 13th cent., 195.
See also Vaults.

Rib profiles, Gothic, 55, 217-221; the original square form softened by roll mouldings, 218; relation of transverse and diagonal, 219; the perfected forms, 220 (cut); adjustment of abacus to, 221.

English, 238;—Italian, 245.

Rickman, his Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, 3.

Ringstead Church, spire, 167.

Ripon, cathedral, Bishop Roger's choir, its Gothic appearance superficial only, 142; façade, 165.

Rivaulx Abbey, pier arches, 149.

Roman sculpture, influence on the French schools of Southern Gaul, 248; influence on Italian work, 295.

Roman vaults and buttresses, 10.

Roman walls, character of, 10.

Romanesque architecture, varieties of style, 7; characteristics of, 15. See also German Romanesque, Italian, and Norman architecture.

Romanesque apse, 92.

Romanesque buttresses, 11 (cut), 12 (cut).

Romanesque capitals, 200.

Romanesque mouldings, 26.

Romanesque sculpture. See Sculpture, Romanesque.

Romanesque vaults, difficulties of construction over oblong compartments, 16 (cut); in apsidal aisles, 98.

Romanesque walls, 11.

Rome, Basilica of Constantine, 10 (cut).

Church of Sta. Agnese, capital of the gallery, 200, 220 (cut).