Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/37

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"Oh, oh, oh!" cried Cheery. "Look at the darling little winkie baby! Isn't he the meentiest, weentiest little thing that ever was?"

Mamma and Aunt Beth bent over. "Goodness!" said Aunt Beth, "I didn't know a pig could be so little! Why he isn't bigger than a baby kitten,—look here—" and she took from the step beside her, a one-pound baking-powder can which The Chum had brought to go with his fishing outfit; and lifting the little pig gently in her hands, she let him down, bodily, into the can. In he went all over, tail, nose and all, and Cheery put her hand over the top of the can, to show that he was all in.

The Chum was standing anxiously on first one foot and then the other. "Are you—" he began, and then he stopped and rubbed his fore-finger hard on the railing of the porch.

"What is it, dear?" asked Aunt Beth, looking up from piggy.

"Are you—was you—was you going to