Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/38

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keep him in that? 'Cause—'cause I've got a handkerchief box up stairs that he can have just as well as not."

"Would it fit him better than this?" asked Aunt Beth.

"Well,—I—I was going fishing this afternoon, an'—" Aunt Beth laughed and tipped the little pig gently into Cheery's lap. "No, honey," she said, "we don't want to keep him in that. I just put him in to show how tiny he really is. Here's your can."

"An' don't you want the handkerchief box?"

"No, dear."

"But I'd rather you'd have it. I'd rather you'd have it as—as not, 'cause—'cause I—I—. Was I being selfish, Aunt Beth?" and The Chum's lip began to quiver.

"No, no, dearie!" said Aunt Beth. "Of course you weren't selfish. The can was yours, and you offered something else just as good; but the little pig is going back to the pen with the other pigs. Mr. Cann only brought it to show to us."