Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/56

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Tiddledewinks. Tiddledewinks was the white, half-grown kitten which had strayed to the farm, and which Cheery and The Chum had pleaded to be allowed to keep. I said that she was white,—I meant that she ought to have been white; but she had not been trained to the art of cleanliness, and as a consequence, she, was just about the dirtiest pussy that ever you saw.

Today, as Aunt Beth heard her faint meow, she turned quickly; for Tiddledewinks was not allowed in the dining-room.

But instead of Tidd, her glance fell upon Cheery standing almost behind the door, her eyes very big and her lips pressed tightly together and both hands behind her. If ever anybody looked guilty, Cheery did.

Seeing Cheery, Aunt Beth looked about for The Chum; for where Cheery was, there must always be The Chum, also. He stood on the other side of the table, only his head and shoulders showing above it. His eyes were big, too; but he wasn't looking at Aunt Beth,—only at Cheery.