Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/57

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"What is the matter?" said Aunt Beth, looking from one to the other.

There was no answer.

Again she asked, more soberly, "What is the matter?"

Cheery's lips remained tightly closed; but The Chum began to open and shut his mouth quite rapidly. "There—there," he commenced, hurriedly, "—there isn't anything the matter wiv us;—but jus' you look at poor Tiddledewinks!"

Aunt Beth turned her eyes in the direction that his plump fore-finger pointed, and then her mouth opened and her chin dropped, and her eyes grew as big as the children's.

"Tiddledewinks," she gasped. "Children, what—"

Cheery turned her eyes in the direction of the kitten, but her lips stayed pressed tightly together.

"Cheery," said Aunt Beth, "what have you been doing?"

No answer.