Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/62

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and then turned and went out of the room very suddenly.

The two culprits stood and stared at each other for a moment, and then Cheery threw herself on the floor and burst into tears. "Oh, dear!" she sobbed, "I don't care if it makes me only four again, my next birthday, I've got to cry,—I've just got to! I've gone and spoiled poor Tidd, and Aunt Beth is angry, and—and you think I'm dreadful—"

But The Chum was down on his knees beside her in a moment. "I don't,—I don't, any such thing!" he cried. "You didn't know it was going to spoil her! You jus' wanted to make her clean, 'cause she got the things in the bureau-drawer dirty yesterday, when you put her in there, an'—"

But just then Mamma came into the dining-room. She looked very sober, and her eyes seemed a little red, almost as if she, herself, had been crying. She only glanced at Tidd, and then turned her eyes