Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/63

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quickly away, and came and sat down beside Cheery and drew her into her arms, where the little girl lay sobbing for several minutes. By and by Mamma brushed the hair back from the damp little face, and looked lovingly into the wet eyes. "Come, come, be Cheery," she said.

Cheery smiled a very moist smile, and Mamma patted her shoulder, softly. "Do you want to tell Mamma about it?" she asked.

"Ye—yes," said Cheery, chokily; and then she told the whole story, while The Chum stood by, a sympathetic listener.

When she had finished, Mamma said, gently; "You meant all right, dearie; but don't you see, now, that there must have been something wrong about it, somewhere?"

"Yes, Mamma."

"Do you know where?"

"No, Mamma."

"Didn't you feel the least bit guilty any time while you were doing it?"