Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/64

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"Yes, when I saw how dreadful Tidd looked."

"But before that, didn't you feel a little afraid that you might not be doing quite right?"

Cheery thought for a moment. "Yes, Mamma," she said, at last; "I was afraid Mrs. Cann would come in before I got through, and make me stop; so I guess I knew it was wrong to use her tubs and her wringer and things, without asking.

"That was it, dearie," said Mamma. "It wasn't a love-thought that made you keep on, after you thought of that, was it?"

"No, Mamma."

"Well, now what do you think we would better do about it?"

"Why, I must be sure that I won't forget the love-thought again."

"And then?"

"I—I must tell Mrs. Cann I'm sorry, and—"

But just then Mrs. Cann and Aunt Beth