Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/65

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came into the room, and Cheery sat up and brushed away her tears.

"Mrs. Cann," she said, in a very shaky voice; "I'm sorry that I—that I la—laundered Tidd in your tubs and—and—"

But here The Chum broke in, eagerly, noticing that the usual smile was absent from Mrs. Cann's good natured face, and fearing that she was going to be cross to Cheery. "We—we're awful sorry, Mrs. Cann, if we mussed your tubs, honest, we are; but—but—" pointing at the little cat; "—but Tidd didn't like it a lot worse than you didn't—an—' she isn't saying a word!"