Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/68

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By and by, when all of the pieces were dipped and hung up to dry, there still remained quite a good deal of the dye-stuff in the bottoms of the pails. The children looked at it thoughtfully; for it was entirely too interesting to throw away. "I'll tell you!" exclaimed Cheery, suddenly; "Let's paint pictures, great big pictures, instead of just little ones in books! Wouldn't it be fun?"

"Goody, goody!" cried the Chum. "Where's the brushes?"

"You go and ask Uncle Rob to lend us some," said Cheery, "and I'll get some big Sheets of paper to paint on. Come on, hurry!" and away they ran with Winkie Baby at their heels.

Cheery got back first, with the paper, and had spread two big sheets on the floor and set the paint pails between them; when The Chum returned, trying the strong bristle brushes against the palm of his hand. "Uncle Rob gave me the biggest ones he had," he said; "'cause I told him