Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/69

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they were for big pictures; an' my, but they're hard and scratchy!"

Cheery started her picture first by painting a very large blue tree, and The Chum watched her, eagerly. "Why don't you have a bird in your tree?" he asked, as she began to paint a big yellow sun beside it.

"You can paint a bird in yours," said Cheery, making the sun bigger and bigger, in an effort to make it round and smooth, instead of scallopy.

So The Chum began, and painted first a fine large blue bird with a yellow top-knot, and then a red tree below him;—at least, he said it was a bird and a tree;—and just then along came Winkie Baby and walked right across the red tree and stuck his nose into the yellow dye-pot.

"Oh, oh!" cried The Chum, waving his paint-brush wildly; "Get off of my picture, you bad Baby,—an' take your nose out," and at that, Winkie Baby turned around and rubbed his nose right across the red paint-brush,—and then Cheery and The