Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/70

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Chum burst out laughing; for his chin was all covered with yellow dye-stuff, and there was a big red spot right on the end of his nose, and he certainly was a very funny looking pig.

Then Cheery had an idea. "Oh, I know!" she cried. "Let's dress him up in paint! You hold hin."

And so The Chum put his arms about Winkie Baby and held him fast, and Cheery proceeded to clothe him in a fine coat of paint. First she put a yellow jacket on him, with red buttons down the front; and then a blue neck-tie. She scrubbed the dye-stuff in well, with the stiff brushes, so that not only was his thin white hair colored, but so was his pretty pink skin, as well. Then she painted big yellow rings around his eyes, for gold spectacles,—and then a blue moustache. And then she painted one ear red and one ear blue, and put a big blue paint bow on the top of his head;—and then The Chum said that it was his turn.