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"'Right across the street, there,' he said, motioning with his hand.

"'But,—but,—' I gasped '—this is Waldeck Avenue!'

"'Yes,' he said, kindly, 'this side of it is,—and the other side is Iuka.'

"'Oh,' I said 'it's simple enough when you understand it, isn't it? Are all the streets here named like that? It's a little puzzling to strangers, you know.'

"He laughed. 'No,' he said, 'they're not all that way; but the two streets come together here at a sharp,—and this is just above the point.'

"'And that's it?' I inquired, sighting carefully at the light, so as not to let it get away.

"'Yes,' he said, 'that's it. Mr. Kirby lives there.'

"I thanked him and started on a bee-line for the light. The cabman followed me; but he had to go around by the street, while I went straight across the grassy flat-iron which divided the two streets, and up over the terraces, aiming squarely for the light.

"On the veranda steps I waited for the cabman