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with the rest of my belongings. I had my valise with me, because my valuables were in it. As he came up, I rang the bell, and in a moment Mrs. Kirby opened the door,—and she was the most surprised woman you ever saw. My note to her arrived the next morning!

"Before we had any explanations, though, I said: 'What street is this, please?'

"'Why, it's Iuka Avenue,' said she.

"'And what is the number of the house?'

"She pushed the button that lighted the veranda, and pointed to the '1944' at the side of the door.

"'How much do I owe you?' I asked, turning to the cabman.

"'One dollar, lady,' he said,—and then he grinned.

"I paid him, and then gave him something extra for the grin and for climbing that steep bank;—and then I asked him to please tell the gentleman in the sentry box that the number was 1944 Iuka Avenue.

"'You bet I will!' he said,—and he said it as if he liked the job.

"I found out afterward that it's a new addition out there, only about two years old, and they are