Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/347

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from the Comforts Forwarding Committee (Christian Scientists) of Boston, we are sending the following experience as one of the many proofs we have had that your work was appreciated.

“When the camp was established here, our committee, together with other welfare organizations, commenced our work amongst the boys, but found very few who were interested at all in what we were trying to do for them. In fact, when the epidemic broke out here, we were told by the Post Commander that no welfare workers would be allowed in camp until the epidemic was over. These orders were very emphatic.

“Twelve days later a shipment of knitted garments, consisting of a sweater, helmet, pair of wristers and two pairs of socks for every man in the camp was received from your Committee. These garments were delivered to the Company Commander, and at noon of that day we were informed over the telephone that the Post Commander wished us to come out to the camp immediately, as he had never seen such a splendid array of knitted goods, and that while the men were all lined up in front of the Company office to receive the goods, he felt that we should see the goods for ourselves and be present at the distribution. Upon arrival at the camp we were met by the Post Commander and Company Commander and congratulated upon these goods.

“The men were then given the outfits and appreciated them very much, as the winter uniforms and overcoats had not been issued, and the nights were very cold.

“Since that time, even during the epidemic, we have been allowed to go anywhere in the camp and help many of the boys, who now knew that we were there to help them and not to preach to them. For months after this, and even yet, the boys will tell us how much Christian Science has done for them, and how they feel that these knitted garments saved many of them. To the men in the service here Christian Science has come to stand for that which helps and brings joy and comfort.”