Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/348

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In a newspaper published in a western city appeared one day the following article:

“They moved in very quietly. They didn't celebrate by tooting horns or throwing confetti. In fact they didn't say a word about it, but if you are doing any window shopping you will find them at 121 North First Street. The window display of well-made little garments holds the interest, and the neat sign on the unobtrusive gray cardboard is self-explanatory, ‘Comforts Forwarding Committee (Christian Scientists).’ You go in because you can't stay out. That expression, ‘Comforts Forwarding,’ is one of the most appealing things in a day's hunt for a story. Inside there are space and light and simplicity. A few feathery wild grasses for desk decoration, a flag on the wall, work everywhere, and bright-faced women, one of whom says with a smile, ‘It is joyful work.’ Somehow you seem to have sensed that ‘comforts forwarding’ must be joyful work—and now you know it. It is a labor of love.”

At the entrance to the workroom of the Comforts Forwarding Committee in one of the large cities, there were forty boxes, filled with cut garments to be made, each box bearing the name of the captain of a unit, and this reminder:

“As Christian Scientists, our garments should be garments of praise made in the spirit of holiness, so let perfection, not numbers, be our object.”

A thing is a thought made manifest; the value of an article is exactly the value of the thought behind it. Just so far as individual members of the Comforts Forwarding Committee lived and worked in the healing consciousness, so far every garment made carried with it the healing truth—the truth that destroys erroneous concepts of every name and nature, and sets the human understanding free.

It is not strange then, but supremely natural, that