Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/88

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The following are excerpts from a few of the many letters of appreciation for the aid rendered through the Christian Science Halifax Relief Committee:

“I wish to acknowledge with grateful appreciation the receipt of your generous check of $25 for the benefit of the girls who lost their sight in the explosion. I regret that you can only enjoy a reflection of the pleasure it has given me to supply them with a comfortable chair for use in the morning.”

“On behalf of the Committee of Management of the Old Ladies' Home, I thank you for the kind gift of one hundred dollars towards the equipment of our kitchenette, and fifty dollars towards the support and comfort of Mrs. X.”

“I want to thank you most warmly for the way in which you have helped me in my recent illness. I received your checks weekly, and found them most acceptable. I am so glad to be able to go to work again.”

“Enclosed please find receipted bill for $50, generously given to Mrs. B by your committee for her board and care. Will you allow me to express our thanks and appreciation to the givers for their wish to help one who has suffered severely because of the explosion. I telephoned my personal thanks for the $25 you sent me. This note gives me an extra chance to say ‘Thank you’ many times for your most unexpected gift to one who certainly has been in no uncertain way a victim of the terrible disaster of December 6th, in material things. In closing, I would like to add that I appreciate more than all the kindly way you listened to my tale of woe in behalf of a few of the sufferers of the disaster. The thought of burdens lightened may well give to all those who have given so largely in dollars for relief, the rest that comes each night with the knowledge that someone, somewhere, is the better for our giving and doing.”