Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/89

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“Owing to the pressure of work involved in the removal of the old ladies back to their home, the Committee of Management has not been able to hold its regular monthly meeting, but I cannot longer refrain from acknowledging the most kind and exceedingly welcome gift of your Committee. The old ladies have lost so many things dear to them from old associations, as well as much that was useful, and have been so brave, cheerful, and courageous all through, that we are rejoiced to be able, through your munificent and most thoughtful gift, to make up to them their personal losses. With sincerest thanks to your Committee and yourself for this further kindness.”

“Permit me to thank you for your letter and a cheque for $1000 which I received this morning to be applied to the Playground work on the Exhibition Grounds and Commons. I shall bring this matter before the Playground Association at an early date and they will, I know, express their thanks to you. . . . It is a most generous gift and I know will bring large returns in the development of character of the children who have been stricken in the Halifax disaster.”