Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/37

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of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” This scientific statement of the origin, nature, and government of all things coincides with the First Commandment of the Decalogue, and leaves no opportunity for idolatry or aught besides God, good. It gives evil no origin, no reality. Here note the words of our Master corroborating this as self-evident. Jesus said the opposite of God — good — named devil — evil — “is a liar, and the father of it” — that is, its origin is a myth, a lie.

Applied to Deity, Father and Mother are synonymous terms; they signify one God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost mean God, man, and divine Science. God is self-existent, the essence and source of the two latter, and their office is that of eternal, infinite individuality. I see no other way under heaven and among men whereby to have one God, and man in His image and likeness, loving another as himself. This being the divine Science of divine Love, it would enable man to escape from idolatry of every kind, to obey the First Commandment of the Decalogue: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me;” and the command of Christ: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” On this rock Christian Science is built. It may be the rock which the builders reject for a season; but it is the Science of God and His universe, and it will become the head of the corner, the foundation of all systems of religion.

The spiritual sense of the Scriptures understood enables one to utilize the power of divine Love in casting out God's opposites, called evils, and in healing the sick. Not madness, but might and majesty attend every footstep of