Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/38

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Christian Science. There is no imperfection, no lack in the Principle and rules which demonstrate it. Only the demonstrator can mistake or fail in proving its power and divinity. In the words of St. Paul: “I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” — in the true idea of God. Any mystery in Christian Science departs when dawns the spiritual meaning thereof; and the spiritual sense of the Scriptures is the scientific sense which interprets the healing Christ. A child can measurably understand Christian Science, for, through his simple faith and purity, he takes in its spiritual sense that puzzles the man. The child not only accepts Christian Science more readily than the adult, but he practises it. This notable fact proves that the so-called fog of this Science obtains not in the Science, but in the material sense which the adult entertains of it. However, to a man who uses tobacco, is profane, licentious, and breaks God's commandments, that which destroys his false appetites and lifts him from the stubborn thrall of sin to a meek and loving disciple of Christ, clothed and in his right mind, is not darkness but light.

Again, that Christian Science is the Science of God is proven when, in the degree that you accept it, understand and practise it, you are made better physically, morally, and spiritually. Some modern exegesis on the prophetic Scriptures cites 1875 as the year of the second coming of Christ. In that year the Christian Science textbook,