Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/72

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That God is good, that Truth is true, and Science is Science, who can doubt; and whosoever demonstrates the truth of these propositions is to some extent a Christian Scientist. Is Science material? No! It is the Mind of God — and God is Spirit. Is Truth material? No! Therefore I do not try to mix matter and Spirit, since Science does not and they will not mix. I am a spiritual homœopathist in that I do not believe in such a compound. Truth and Truth is not a compound; Spirit and Spirit is not: but Truth and error, Spirit and matter, are compounds and opposites; so if one is true, the other is false. If Truth is true, its opposite, error, is not; and if Spirit is true and infinite, it hath no opposite; therefore matter cannot be a reality.

I begin at the feet of Christ and with the numeration table of Christian Science. But I do not say that one added to one is three, or one and a half, nor say this to accommodate popular opinion as to the Science of Christianity. I adhere to my text, that one and one are two all the way up to the infinite calculus of the infinite God. The numeration table of Christian Science, its divine Principle and rules, are before the people, and the different religious sects and the differing schools of medicine are discussing them as if they understood its Principle and rules before they have learned its numeration table, and insist that the public receive their sense of the Science, or that it receive no sense whatever of it.

Again: Even the numeration table of Christian Science is not taught correctly by those who have departed from its absolute simple statement as to Spirit and matter, and