Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/73

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that one and two are neither more nor less than three; and losing the numeration table and the logic of Christian Science, they have little left that the sects and faculties can grapple. If Christian Scientists only would admit that God is Spirit and infinite, yet that God has an opposite and that the infinite is not all; that God is good and infinite, yet that evil exists and is real, — thence it would follow that evil must either exist in good, or exist outside of the infinite, — they would be in peace with the schools.

This departure, however, from the scientific statement, the divine Principle, rule, or demonstration of Christian Science, results as would a change of the denominations of mathematics; and you cannot demonstrate Christian Science except on its fixed Principle and given rule, according to the Master's teaching and proof. He was ultra; he was a reformer; he laid the axe at the root of all error, amalgamation, and compounds. He used no material medicine, nor recommended it, and taught his disciples and followers to do likewise; therefore he demonstrated his power over matter, sin, disease, and death, as no other person has ever demonstrated it.

Bishop Berkeley published a book in 1710 entitled “Treatise Concerning the Principle of Human Knowledge.” Its object was to deny, on received principles of philosophy, the reality of an external material world. In later publications he declared physical substance to be “only the constant relation between phenomena connected by association and conjoined by the operations of the universal mind, nature being nothing more than conscious