Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/169

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with the Rolls, counter Rolls, writs, acquittances, &c., relating to the accompts of the Exchequer, there to be finally examined and transmitted to the Exchequer in England.—45 Edward III. f. R. 1. And by petition to William de W3nide8ore, Governor and Custos of Ireland, and others of the Council, he shewed that he was appointed by patent to clear the green wax accompts within the counties of Waterford, Cork, Kilkenny, and Tipperary, and to take the election of the sheriffs of the crosses of Kilkenny, Tipperary, and Wexford, and the counties of Waterford and Cork, in the time of Robert de Asheton, late Lord Justice; that he took divers inquisitions for the King's benefit, amongst which it was found, that James Le Bottilier, Earl of Ormond, had received above £200 of the prize wines at Waterford, (with which he was charged of right to the King,) under colour of the King's letters; and that he had lost two horses worth 20 marks about the said affairs, and the arresting of a ship at Waterford for six weeks, and one horse worth £5, in going from Cathirlagh to Tristemagh, by the said Lord Justice's order, to take the oath of James de la Hyde, late Seneschal of the liberty of Meath, who on account of the wars in Meath could not come to Cathirlagh to take his oath, in which journey he spent two weeks; and that he also by the direction of the L. L. Wyndesore and Council, went towards the county of Wexford, to inquire about found treasure, at great pains and expense; for all which services he was re-