Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/170

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warded with a grant of £20, dated 8 June, 1374.—Rot. Cl. 48 Edward III. f. R. 6.

Robert de Holywode,—patent, 1371.—45 Edward III. f. R. 1.

2d, John Pembroke,—having been appointed by patent to accompany Alexander, Bp. of Ossory, treasurer of Ireland, to levy the King's debts in the counties of Meath and Uriel, to extend all the lands and tenements in those counties, then in the crown, and to transact other affairs there for the King's benefit, in which service being employed from 9 Feb. to 24 March, viz. six weeks and a day, at his own expense, without any reward or wages from the King, he prayed to be allowed such wages as had been given to others on the like occasion, or some competent reward for his services, whereupon he had a grant of £4 in the name of a reward, dated at Cork, 6 June, 1377.—51 Edward III. f. R. 8.

2d, William Archbold,—patent, 1378.—2 Rich. II. f. R. 1.

Thomas Bath,—patent, 1380.—Rot. Cl. 4 Richard II. f. R. 7.

2d, Walter de Brugge,—patent. Trim, 8 March, 1381.—Pleasure.—4 Richard II. 1a pars f. R. 15.

Thomas Taylor,—patent, 20 June, 1382. (5.)—No fee.—Idem, R. 17. Absque aliquo in hac parte percipiendo.—Idem.

2d, John Shrioggeley.

2d, John Brekdene,—Shriggeley revoked,—patent,